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i need clarfification - Printable Version

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i need clarfification - Dra1003 - 04-09-2009

Well heres the deal. I was in a convoy of about 6 or 7 transports and hacker Gb jumped from ny to cali we used a trade lane to get away from him but half way through the lane it gt disrupted by npcs.

I and about 2 other people then started to cruise away but the rest of the convoy stayed back to attack the GB. I was then told in group chat to turn around and attack the gb now my question is does this count as rengagement? i think the gb got into fireing range of my ship but i wasnt cded or shoot at until i was 5 or 7 k away from the ship. im not going to name anyone

Note: Yes im paranoid deal with it.

i need clarfification - Dab - 04-09-2009

You were perfectly within the rules to attack him. He didn't CD you or drop your shield below 50% (or hit it at all from what I can tell).

P.S. Everyone read the above post.. That's how you trade. With enough transports to take down a cruiser.

i need clarfification - Saronsen - 04-09-2009

Heh heh, that was me you shot down. Also, who was that Outcast shooting me with you? Pirates helping Traders now? -facepalm-

Heh, 5 Transports > Saronsen.

I got one of you atleast.

EDIT: You weren't re-engaging. I only really attacked one guy first off. So you're safe. (Besides, I wouldn't have minded if you did, I'm a Gunship, you're all Cabbages:P)

i need clarfification - Dra1003 - 04-09-2009

i dont think there was a outcast there. or maybe i was to focused on hitting you to care about anything else.

Also gf and nt

i need clarfification - Saronsen - 04-09-2009

Mleh, said [RA]Hacker. killed me. I found him in New York a while afterwards and my guns had a word with him..

i need clarfification - Wolfs Ghost - 04-09-2009

Actually, that pirate wasn't even in the engagement. He was in New York while we fought in California, so I don't know how he got the kill.

Same thing happened when we took down a Corsair gunboat in New London, some guy in Omicron Eta got it.

i need clarfification - Saronsen - 04-10-2009

Thats strange. I killed him anyway... Heh wierd.