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To: Hemlocke | From: Nymph - Printable Version

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To: Hemlocke | From: Nymph - Ninkurra - 11-26-2021

[Image: align%5D]
Date: 26.11.828 A.S.
From: The Nymph
To: Mr. Hemlocke

[Image: Vild2-1.png]


The package has been delivered. Even beyond the agreement. I expect from you a complete set of information on the activities of the Order in the Kepler system. Any information, even the smallest, can be useful.
By the way, what do you think about the possibility of our further cooperation? We are talking about trading some unique things that are not so easy to get even on the Black Market. The price as always - information.

Sincerely: The Nymph

RE: To: Hemlocke | From: Nymph - Hemlocke - 11-26-2021

[Image: 1L0w5KR.png]

Transmission received

Recipient(s): -The Nymph-
Sender: <|> Josie "Rose" Hemlocke <|>
Location: <|> Dark Matter Interference <|>
Subject: <|> My Word <|>

[Image: Hemlockes_Eye.png]


"Yes... your man got that done far quicker than I had anticipated. Didn't give me time to compile data. So I'll give you a brief run down on what I know firsthand, since you kept your word, I'll keep mine."

"The cluster of anomalies in Kepler is their goal, specifics on why, and what's beyond I have no knowledge of, just that it goes somewhere. The Order's interest lies within, or perhaps beyond the anomaly entirely, and with the new morphs that you yourself witnessed, utilizing lances of blinding light and striking from nowhere. They also went after anyone researching that anomaly and or the nomads present, and killing anyone who doesn't work with them. Some called the nomads the "Sentinels", which I assume means they're guardians of that anomaly, again, I don't know why, don't really care either."

"Do with the information what you will, but it seems you and the Order are now after the same thing, answers on the anomalies. You're welcome."

"Enjoy the race, they have a bit of a head start."

"Further cooperation. Depends mostly on what exactly that entails, I'm not a fan of being forcefully fed "loyalty substance" to ensure allegiance and all that, get enough of that from the damn Outcasts, your brand is different, but the result is the same."

"If it is as you say, a "trade" beneficial to both sides, then I have no reason to say no, you were a surprising boon to my pack today, I'm sure this will both turn some heads, and shut some lips. Quiet is in extremely limited supply, you might've bought me some."

"I'll track you down if I need something."

~ Hemlocke ~



Transmission terminated