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Synth] Foods Internal Messages - Printable Version

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Synth] Foods Internal Messages - Synth Foods - 12-04-2021

Synth Foods

[Image: unknown.png]
Mission-report form:


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[font=Open Sans][color=#ADBF81]Your Name:[/color] [color=#FFFFFF]ANSWER[/color][/font]

[font=Open Sans][color=#ADBF81]Ship Callsign:[/color] [color=#FFFFFF]ANSWER[/color][/font]

[font=Open Sans][color=#ADBF81]Topic:[/color] [color=#FFFFFF]ANSWER[/color][/font]

[font=Open Sans][color=#ADBF81]Mission Breakdown:[/color] [color=#FFFFFF]ANSWER[/color][/font]

[font=Open Sans][color=#ADBF81]Signature and Rank:[/color] [color=#FFFFFF]ANSWER[/color][/font]
[font=Open Sans][color=#ADBF81]Attachments and Images:[/color][/font]

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RE: Synth] Foods Internal Messages - Lucas - 12-12-2021

[Image: Char_2.png]

Your Name: Alvin Adams

Ship Callsign: /

Topic: Gateway| - Synth] Foods Biodome

Mission Breakdown:
Esteemed employee's and employers,

having concluded the discussion with Gateway Shipping about fulfilling a contract made up between former Synth Foods CEO Jay Stevens and Alan Shepard of Gateway Shipping, I am happy to announce that we can now do our part in furthering the process of strengthening Cortez Infrastructure by delivering the materials found in the transmission.

Signature and Rank: Alvin Adams, General Manager

Attachments and Images: None