1) Install wine and winetricks, you may also need wine gecko and mono in the default prefix (~/.wine) for DSLauncher to use it as updated for the game, however, you won't use it for launching the game, neither switching accounts, if you do as I did. Use WineHQ for installing proper wine version, then sudo apt winetricks and sudo winetricks --self-update to update it. Install STAGING version
2) Install PlayOnLinux and Lutris, I believe it should be sudo apt install playonlinux and sudo add-apt-repository ppa:lutris-team/lutris > sudo apt install lutris. PlayOnLinux is for creating a prefix for Freelancer itself, Lutris is a launcher for all the games on Linux, including Wine and Steam. Useful thing tho.
3) Get Discovery client by the link:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mz5k_y-KzVXru1R2o-nAVEgenXbnI3qD/view?usp=sharing and fonts for FL:
https://drive.google.com/file/d/1u7sHsT7mLPlutRoeizFyPzoZR_fbgsN2/view?usp=sharing. Once you get both - leave them in peace until said otherwise.
4) Launch PlayOnLinux, go Tools > Manage Wine versions and get either Wine 2.21-staging x86 or Wine 2.0.5-staging x86. Once you have it, go to Configure and create a new x32 prefix, call it freelancer or discovery_freelancer, wait until prefix is created and then close PlayOnLinux
5) Open the terminal and type WINEPREFIX=~/PlayOnLinux\'s\ virtual\ drives/discovery_freelancer winetricks directplay mfc42 vcrun6 vcrun6sp6 if you named your prefix "discovery_freelancer". change the latter part if otherwise, not that \ are important. You can also just type WINEPREFIX=~/P and press tab to have it autofilled. The winetricks will begin the install of these DLLs.
6) Unpack discovery_freelancer archive to ~/Games (create a folder using GUI or mkdir ~/Games in Terminal. ~ stands for /home/name_of_user/
7) Unpack the fonts inside the folder in archive to ~/PlayOnLinux's virtual drives/discovery_freelancer/drive_c/windows/Fonts/
8) Launch Lutris, press "+" in the left corner and add the following:
-- Executable: /home/$USER$/Games/discovery_freelancer/EXE/Freelancer.exe
-- Arguments: -s95.217.88.9:2302 -dx -logchat -logtime -logappend -numdmg -newplayer -dptplayer
-- Working Directory: ~/Games/discovery_freelancer
-- Wine Prefix: ~/PlayOnLinux's virtual drives/discovery_freelancer
replace $USER$ with your username, in my sample it's groshyr
-- Set wine version to 2.21-staging or 2.0.5-staging, depending on what you installed in PlayOnLinux
-- To be able to alt-tab you have to enable Windowed (vitrtual desktop) in the settings and set the resolution you need, nothing else to touch here
-- Check "Show advanced options" and turn on "Disable desktop effects" for better performance, in environment variables press "Add" and add this: GALLIUM_HUD to Key, simple,fps to Value. If you are using AMD/Intel open source graphic drivers you will have built-in fps, if you are using nvidia proprietary - skill GALLIUM_HUD part. If you are using nvidia nouveau -- you are a pervert.
Save, Launch the game and enter multiplayer to create a user key. If you can connected the server - congrats, you made the hardest part and now you have your one and only account. How to create more accounts without wasting all your free space I will explain in a minute.
So, to be able launch more than one account per time, Swallow has shared with me rather simpler than using scripts or other voodo magic way.
1) You go to ~/PlayOnLinux's virtual drives/ once again, create an empty folder, let's call it discovery_freelancer_2 but if you going to have a billion of accounts - better call them somehow a little more clear.
2) Open the terminal and type ln -s ~/PlayOnLinux's virtual drives/discovery_freelancer/* ~/PlayOnLinux's virtual drives/discovery_freelancer_2/. This will create a link to discovery_freelancer prefix inside discovery_freelancer_2
3) Open discovery_freelancer prefix and copy user.reg to discovery_freelancer_2, agree with replacement. This will make user.reg in 2nd prefix independent from 1st, and this is the way you paste you gonna manage your accounts.
4) Create an empty game in Lutris (press +, name it discovery freelancer whatever) and go to ~/.config/lutris/games/ you will see several *.yml files there, find the one that is original discovery freelancer, let's say, dfl-main.yml, in my case. Open it with a mousepad or another linux-native text editor and copy everything inside, past it to dfl-secondary (in my case) and replace prefix to the prefix you need, in my case - just adding _2 in the end of prefix path
5) enter the user.reg in first prefix and find MPAccountName and MPAccountNameSig, these are to replace to create other accounts, you can extract them from .xml files from disco launcher. Extract, paste, save. Do the same to the second prefix but with another account.
6) Restart the Lutris if you had it enable in background all that time, run both game instances and check if proper accounts are set.
Optional: you can go to ~/PlayOnLinux's virtual drives/discovery_freelancer/drive_c/users/$USER$/My Documents/My Games/Freelancer/PerfOption.ini and set nebula, solar and asteroids to 1.0 for better graphics. Don't go above 1.0 or you get banned by anticheat