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CLN-S.S.Bourrasque - Why have I been imprisioned? - Printable Version

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CLN-S.S.Bourrasque - Why have I been imprisioned? - WildHorse - 04-10-2009

I have been asked to contact admin....and imprisioned for some reason?

Nothing has been reported on this forum todate but their is a strong rumour circulating by various members that the BAF (my ex faction I might add) in the war in Tau 23 two days ago believe that as Council, I gave supplies to =CR= or others. I say here and now that this rumour is FALSE RUBBISH and a load of CRAP.

I have further learned that because I was an ex-BAF volunteer, I am now disliked by them and maybe the BAF (who is also admin so I am told) is choosing to use his powers make an example of me.... No facts but it seems strange, the sanction and events mount to a logical conclusion here. If so I demand justice and to see all evidence!!

Granted I died at the station when the station was giving heavy fire to kill off members to the war. I used my cruiser to shield the fighters until accidently the station attacked me with full force, killing me and anything I was carrying was lost...thats the only acception to this. I accept this but I was not repeat NOT loaded with Nats/Bats and only picked a few countermeasures, cargo from the war that had been left behind. nothing I was carring would have tipped the balance to anyone.

The only other incident was when a Outcast gunship invaded the Fighter/Bomber War and was shooting up everybody unfairly. Everybody knew I and other Cap Ships were evjoying the was a great fair fight for 5 hours. When the gunship started attacking, it was clear Outcast were having an unfair advantage. I shoot a few volleys at the gunship to balance the odds while the bombers finished him off... I then went back to observing for a further 30 mins of fair even fun observing the fight....

I am still awaiting an acknowledgement from anyone officially... For now I have been singled out as doing something wrong and then I was killed again by an Outcast Cruiser and Bs who stangely chose to tip the balance yet again... I then was forced to leave the system to obey server rules.

What the hell is going on?
False Imprisonment without reasons, evidence or notice is Illegal!!
If you want to sanction me for what ever...Do It!!
If you want to Ban me and my Characters for ill reput...Do it!!
But do the public and me a favour...Post your reasons before imprisonment!!

CLN-S.S.Bourrasque - Why have I been imprisioned? - Fellow Hoodlum - 04-10-2009

Nothing to do with factions, admins, or your perceived reasons, or indeed the usual stupid rumours.
Using Gallian technology outside of Gallia is the problem ... Nothing more.


CLN-S.S.Bourrasque - Why have I been imprisioned? - WildHorse - 04-10-2009

Can I use the ship in Orkney where the Reunion Council base is located?

I see Orkney as Gallia Space...if not why is there a base there?

Do you Agree?

CLN-S.S.Bourrasque - Why have I been imprisioned? - Guest - 04-10-2009

Kuraine Wrote:I'm sorry, but the Council pilot was perfectly legitimately within his reasonable ZoI. Certainly far better than the damn Corsairs were. The Council have an actual Council base in the adjacent system of Orkney. Remind me where the closest Corsair base is, again? (allied bases do not count in this, before some snarky little idiot points it out).

Even with that statement... I have to agree with the next two instead.
Dab Wrote:By all rights they should avoid that fight, for the Council has the GRN to deal with.. They can't afford to risk one of their cruisers..
Ethan Morrow Wrote:Council have their fight with the Gallia Royalists, and shouldn't meddle in the Tau-wars.

As its well known, the council has its own war to fight against the Gallic Royals. Not a single warship would be seen in an area that doesnt have a single Royalist, especially if that same person is "Observing" Another fight, speaking OOC to tell others not to enter the fight with a capital ship.

CLN-S.S.Bourrasque - Why have I been imprisioned? - WildHorse - 04-10-2009

If people disagree that orkney is not on the edge of Gallia Space then the REUNION base should be changed to a BH base to avoid any ambiguity...

Admin you agree?

CLN-S.S.Bourrasque - Why have I been imprisioned? - Guest - 04-10-2009

I believe the bigger problem, WildHorse, was that you were speaking OOCly trying to keep capitals out of a fight you felt they shouldnt have been in.

And to add, when i spoke with both BAF and KNF Diplomats on behalf of the Northern and Southern Council groups, I informed them that 1. They will not bring their war inside Council space, to include 15k from Reunion, and that 2. We would not involve ourselves in their war as we have our own to fight already.
(note: those relations only apply to CN/CS unless others agree to it as well, so please, no RP Dictation crap. Not only that but both agreements are a bit self-explanatory and common sense and doesnt change any of the canon RP shown for council so far.)

CLN-S.S.Bourrasque - Why have I been imprisioned? - Linkus - 04-10-2009

On another note, Wildhorse. Could you and the other CLN folks get in touch with the other Council player factions? Or just give me your skype and I'll add you into our larger Council chat.

CLN-S.S.Bourrasque - Why have I been imprisioned? - Rudo - 04-10-2009

Nobody asked you to keep capitals out of the fight, or even asked you to be there. You attacked every capital that came into the fray with the very OOC reason that it was a 'private fite' and 'fighters only'. You didn't leave the system when you died, a few times as I recall. You flew Gallia technology out of the ZOI, which ends at the station in Orkney.

Am I missing anything?

CLN-S.S.Bourrasque - Why have I been imprisioned? - Wolfs Ghost - 04-10-2009

' Wrote:Nobody asked you to keep capitals out of the fight, or even asked you to be there. You attacked every capital that came into the fray with the very OOC reason that it was a 'private fite' and 'fighters only'. You didn't leave the system when you died, a few times as I recall. You flew Gallia technology out of the ZOI, which ends at the station in Orkney.

Am I missing anything?

I believe you are. When I pulled away from the fight for a mere three seconds I scanned our friend here and found he had -no- nanobots or Shield batteries. I scanned him a few hours earlier and found that he did have full of those.

EDIT: Btw, This was an hour before he was killed by the BMM Base, and after which he was killed said "lol".

CLN-S.S.Bourrasque - Why have I been imprisioned? - Rudo - 04-10-2009

' Wrote:I believe you are. When I pulled away from the fight for a mere three seconds I scanned our friend here and found he had -no- nanobots or Shield batteries. I scanned him a few hours earlier and found that he did have full of those.

That I left out simply due to the 'other can of worms' clause and it being impossible to prove who those regens went to. We're sticking with concrete undeniable facts that he admits himself in his initial post here.

Any bias in the fight or quiet assistance might as well be ignored, as it's all water under the bridge and not worth pursuing. Throwing accusations doesn't do much, those regens might have even gone from taking stray fire from the station. Not saying that's likely the case, but there's no proof of anything else.