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To: DTR, From: "JJ", Delta 4 - Printable Version

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To: DTR, From: "JJ", Delta 4 - Firewolfy - 12-18-2021

[Image: Shinzo-Transmission.gif]
[Image: Stormhawk-Logo.png]
[Image: 38de748df619c565ed03bd43b9ad8d30.png]

- ENCRYPTION »» Class 5

- RECIPIENT »» Deterrence
- SENDER »» "JJ", Stormhawk
- LOCATION »» Omicron Theta
- SUBJECT »» Knossos

Greetings to the Corsairs of Deterrence.

My name is JJ. I help to lead a Unit known as Delta 4, whose primary goal is both on researching further into Nomad and other alien technology and the destruction of the Nomad race by any means possible.

Our main vessel, the Stormhawk, recently encountered a small operation of yours in Omega 11 while we were conducting our own system tests in the area. We did not expect to find any others there at that time due to it's remoteness but we happened upon a science expedition of sorts who's operator seemed to be quite friendly to us after exchanging what our duties there were. After checking with our own sources, your fleet that has come into operational status only recently, and wants to expand your knowledge and reach around the Edge Worlds.

The main reason of us reaching out to you is that during the conversation with your team, the person in charge mentioned that you have opened up business to a area we thought of low importance. A planet known as Knossos in Omicron Xi we are told that your group has a place of business operations. In addition, we were also informed at the same time that a sort of Nomad or similar ruins are present in the area. This is extremely interesting to us as any structures of Nomad origin are very much among our primary objectives to take a look at for ourselves. We wish to uncover as much data about physical Nomad makeups, so that we can find further ways to defeat them easily.

We know the Corsairs have had their own trouble with the Nomads in the past, so anything we can do to further your defense against them, I am sure you would appreciate. Of course any data we uncover from any alleged ruins or structures we can find we would share with your scientific team. Our ship has the tools needed to specifically analyze Alien technology.

Please let us know as soon as possible if this is acceptable to you and if there is anything further we can do to accommodate. Stay safe out there.



RE: To: DTR, From: "JJ" - Multaan - 12-19-2021

Still no video feed, Sarge.


┝┅{Sender: Multannus Cerratus of the Deterrence Corsairs
┝┅{Recipients: "JJ" of the Delta 4 Carrier Stormhawk
┝┅{Location: Omicron Gamma, Planet Crete

┝┅{Subject: Re: Knossos

Hola my Zoner Friend,

My name is Multannus Cerratus, I am a senior member of the Deterrence command structure. My official military rank is only Sergeant, but you can rest assured I have more than enough authority to deal with your situation.

First, thank you for taking the time to communicate. Foreign warships that don't come to shoot us, instead stopping respectfully outside our borders and hailing us, is a novel thing for Corsairs.

Believe it or not, you recently and unintentionally caused a bit of a stir, when my scouts misreported your vessel as inside Omicron Xi. We immediately sent ships to greet you, but the staff on Battleship Delos said that they had never detected any foreign warship. A certain scout will have plenty of time to consider what system she is in as she spends the next few months cleaning the outside of the Thira Colony...

Still, I digress. ...So you are interested in Planet Knossos, yes?
I hate to be the bearer of some bad news, but we are currently experiencing political difficulties regarding the planet.
Furthermore, tourists and sight-seers are prohibited in our space.
That doesn't mean you are denied entry, but it does mean that we will need to escort you.

As you have heard, Knossos is a somewhat, unique, gas giant. I would be happy to showcase some of our products from the area, if those interest you, perhaps a tour of the mining facilities?
It will take us a couple of days to service our equipment in order to demonstrate the harvesting operation. We temporarily shut things down to prevent possible harm to our clients while the political situation is resolved.

I only ask that unless we are attacked, you keep your weapons cold at all times while inside the planet. Depending on the situation, we may also ask you to lower your shields briefly for a deep scan. We are terrified of weapons fire or sabotage accidentally disabling whatever nomad technology causes the gravity well inside Knossos to maintain its function. You may perform scans, but only if they are non-intrusive to the ruins.
Also we ask that, as was suggested, you share what you might learn of the ruins. Seeing as we are seemingly short on Nomad experts.

Last but not least, if everything meets your standards, we encourage the purchase of our carefully harvested relics and artifacts. They are causing quite the stir in the houses as both collectibles and research material. We can also offer discounts on bulk purchases.

-Multannus Cerratus

Message end.


RE: To: DTR, From: "JJ" - Firewolfy - 12-20-2021

[Image: Shinzo-Transmission.gif]
[Image: Stormhawk-Logo.png]
[Image: 38de748df619c565ed03bd43b9ad8d30.png]

- ENCRYPTION »» Class 5

- RECIPIENT »» Deterrence
- SENDER »» "JJ", Stormhawk
- LOCATION »» Omicron Theta
- SUBJECT »» Knossos

Hello Mr Cerratus.

It is good to talk to you and thank you for responding to me so soon. We have not had much dealings with the Corsairs yet so I hope this can be the start of something beneficial.

In the past we have made only brief passing's of Xi as we did not get many reports of Nomad activity in the area. This new information about Planet Knossos, as you describe it, has really sparked something among my team. We are quite eager to arrive in that area as soon as possible, as any information we receive can be vital in unlocking more secrets about them. We are ok with receiving live escorts for the duration of our excursion as we have conducted similar operations in the past. Political disputes do not concern us so our being there should not have bearing on any local trouble.

Anything you want to show us while we are there will be greatly appreciated. We have a complex sensor suite that can scan and evaluate a wide range of Alien constructs and give our science team mountains of data to work over. As for your terms, we are content with keeping our offensive systems shutdown, though mitigating any local threats could violate that, depending on what we encounter in there. Also, we will be unable to allow you to make any deep scans of our ship as we have several security measures in place to prevent such things. We carry a number of items on board that are highly sensitive and we do not allow outside influence of them, be it sensor scanning or any other invasions of our systems. I am sure with the security required in the Edge Worlds, you will understand. As for the relics, they could prove useful in our endeavours as well, so we may purchase a small amount of them for testing purposes.

As stated before and in your response, my team is willing to share copies of what we find from our analysis of the area. By working together, we can more easily defeat the greatest threat to humanity that we face. If these terms are acceptable, I look forward to hearing back from you soon and moving into Knossos with your approval.



RE: To: DTR, From: "JJ" - Multaan - 12-21-2021

Still unable to establish a video link.


┝┅{Sender: Multannus Cerratus
┝┅{Recipients: "JJ" of the Delta 4 Carrier Stormhawk
┝┅{Location: Omicron Xi, Syros Shipyard

┝┅{Subject: Re: Knossos

Hola JJ,

Sensors and scanners are of no worry to us. We are only worried about the careless damage and destruction of the various Nomad ruins. During our harvesting of relics we take much care to avoid exactly that damage.
Regarding your worries surrounding my declaration of a deep scan, I wish to set your mind at ease. We all have secrets, just as we would not allow you to do the same to our ships.

In the interests of diplomacy, I will not demand a deep scan of your vessel unless your actions leave me with no recourse. This includes an attack on our outpost, or on the ruins within Knossos. However, I do request permission to perform a simple cargo scan, such as can be performed by any vessel. I am aware that you will have areas such a weak scan may not reach and accept this risk. I also expect the same scan in return. Please ensure you are not carrying any of the following items:
  • Nuclear Devices
  • Military Vehicles
  • Marines
  • Civilian Passengers - for example: Spring Breakers, Holidayers and Tourists
  • Drill Bits - for use on the ruins
  • Illegal Materials - Such as Slaves, Blood Diamonds or Cardamine
Materials and crew required for research purposes or munitions for your ship's weaponry, are all exempt, of course.

Now as to meeting, we are more than willing to meet you at any time in the next day, within in the neutral space of Omicron Theta, at the following approximate coordinates:

Due to the Freeport and high level of Zoner activity in the area, we are certain you will be aware of our location as we wait for you. We will present you with some samples of relics and proceed to Omicron Xi while your teams analyse those. I will show you the nomad ruins both without and within Knossos.
In the event of an unexpected attack, I may request that you flee the area so that we may try again another time.

-Multannus Cerratus

Message end.


RE: To: DTR, From: "JJ" - Firewolfy - 12-21-2021

[Image: Shinzo-Transmission.gif]
[Image: Stormhawk-Logo.png]
[Image: 38de748df619c565ed03bd43b9ad8d30.png]

- ENCRYPTION »» Class 5

- RECIPIENT »» Deterrence
- SENDER »» "JJ", Stormhawk
- LOCATION »» Omicron Kappa
- SUBJECT »» Knossos

Hello again to Deterrence.

I would like to start off by saying that both me and my crew are still stunned at the data we took in from yesterday's excursion. We have never before seen so much Alien tech and structures all nearby to each other like that, it leads us to believe that Knossos may have been a old stronghold for the Nomads.

Why they would have abandoned it is puzzling to say the least, but we hope to find more answers to that soon. Not to mention, all the initial scans we made have given us a mountain of data to pour over and it will take us likely several months before we will better understand how all of that works. I am very confident that Delta 4 will unlock more secrets of the Nomads and their technology as to give us a stronger edge against them in the future.

A functioning Nomad gate was probably the most interesting for us, as we have never in the past been able to use one, never mind finding one in a working state. Likely that will be a primary focus for us in that place.

As we agreed, a data package will be sent along with this message that will include the data we recovered at Knossos and the surrounding area. If requested, we can forward some of the intel we have gathered on other confirmed and suspected Nomad areas of interest, we can go over more specifics of this later if you wish.

The DTR fleet will have a special place with us due to their contributions to our efforts and you may request our assistance with any matters dealing with any Alien items or threats in the future. Once again I convey our immense thanks to our cause and we hope your endeavours continue out there. Stay safe and talk to you later.



RE: To: DTR, From: "JJ" - Multaan - 12-22-2021


┝┅{Sender: Commander Multannus Cerratus
┝┅{Recipients: "JJ" of the Delta 4 Carrier Stormhawk
┝┅{Location: Omicron Gamma, Planet Crete

┝┅{Subject: Re: Knossos

Hola JJ,

It was a pleasure to show you through the ruins. We of Deterrence will always welcome you into our space.
We appreciate your sharing of data, I will hand over any and all findings to our research teams here on Crete. Hopefully, between Delta 4 and our allies in the Order, we will soon have a team capable of researching the ruins located on our outpost in Knossos. Laboratory space can be set aside for such a goal. If Delta 4 would like to send any researchers to be resident on the base, you need merely ask. Our rental fees will be a share of the data you discover.

Your offer of assistance against the Nomads is appreciated. As such, we would like to extend the same offer in return. Should any of the Delta 4 unit require assistance against the Nomads, we are willing to dispatch ships to your location, provided it is within our reach. Be aware that some systems may be awkward for us due to more, human, dangers.

I look forward to our cooperation in the future.

- Multannus Cerratus

Message End.