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Roleplay insults - Blodo - 04-10-2009

Ok, so this is about the recent sanction of Gezza and Del's post about BAF not being allowed to do this anymore. This is what I would call administration curbing RP between two factions by taking their own RP out of context.

Now let me first state that this is not about the use of the word "prick", but about Bretonians now being banned from the use of the word "slant", "slanty", "rice-eater", etc. as stated by Del in the sanction thread.
First off, take a look at the word Gaijin in Wikipedia:

Quote:Gaijin (外人 ?, IPA: [ˈɡaɪʥin]) is a Japanese word meaning "foreigner" or "non-Japanese".[1] The word is composed of two words: gai (外 ?), meaning "outside"; and jin (人 ?), meaning "person". Thus, the word literally means "outside person." The word can refer to nationality, race, or ethnicity.

Some modern commentators feel that that the word is now primarily negative or derogatory in connotation and thus offensive.[2][3][4][5][6][7][8] Other observers indicate that the word can also be used neutrally or even as a compliment.[3][9][10][5][11] The term has become politically incorrect and is avoided now by most Japanese television broadcasters.[12]
Yet the word Gaijin is being used in the SP storyline in Freelancer. So should we therefore ban Freelancer from the server because it's racist? Someone stepped over the line, and it definitely wasn't the Bretonians in this instance. IMHO it was the admins, who are insisting on destroying ongoing RP between two large player groups on the server.

So we should allow the players to express themselves in this. Do you believe that players' characters should be allowed to in roleplay insult other players characters, if they have the express motivation to do so? For example insults like: "Gaijin scum", "Slant-eyed devil", "Fascist pig", "Silly redneck", "Drugged up greaser", etc. etc.

I for one believe they should be allowed, if their RP requires it, and I am not the only one. Discuss.

Roleplay insults - bluntpencil2001 - 04-10-2009

You forgot 'gringo'. Those damn pasty white-ass gringos really rile me.

Roleplay insults - Benjamin - 04-10-2009

Free speech

Roleplay insults - Bjorn - 04-10-2009

It should be allowed. Reasoning is simple, its your character and my character. Not you and me. Ergo, insults are slung between characters, not players.

It is a fine line, but I think we all see it clearly.

Roleplay insults - JakeSG - 04-10-2009

' Wrote:Imo, it's just people with a grudge not being able to settle things inRP, trolling for the tiniest mistake and then taking it to a higher power.

Like to add to that, the ones doing said reporting really should man up and stop making the Admins draw fire for them. Really, if you can't settle things between characters and claim such minor infringements as racism, perhaps you should play a more generic faction? Completely unaligned Mercenary, maybe? Else before we know it, we'll have Nomads reporting other players for calling them squiddies.

Roleplay insults - El Nino - 04-10-2009

Each faction should have a set of allowed insult words.. say slants, ziperheads for kusari... much like kusari use gajin for everyone else.. and that's a fairly offensive word.

It's rather similar to "outsiders out!" used by nazis... Not to use a few words like that is plain OORP. But if we decide against it, then there should be no exceptions.

Roleplay insults - FooFighter - 04-10-2009

Actually, in SP, President Jacobi even once said son of a b*tch to somebody once, at least in the English version. PG-13 TV shows can contain quite a lot of coarse language as well (and that's what we want to keep the server, no?). I can see why we want to ban the real harsh language from the server, but I don't see anything wrong with Gaijin, prick, capitalist pigdog, slanty rice-eater, squishy, cretard, stupid druggie or whatever else. Actually, I personally don't even mind harsher language as long as it's in RP, and I never did nor will ever report anybody for swearing on this server.

Also, another thing that's really weird is that a lot of people are fine with RPing out the worst imaginable atrocities, ranging from orbital bombardment of civilian installations and mass ritual murder to how nice Phantoms treat their prisoners and deep fried babies. Double standards, anyone?

Roleplay insults - Captain - 04-10-2009

I voted other,

I play on both sides, Kusari and Bretonia, not always at the lawfull side but thats an other thing, when on my Molly I use Teasipper as insult for Baf and KNF, gaijin as blodo said, is an kusarian wich is from japan, an word for foreigner, but the admins where right about the point that Slant or Slanty is an insult on personal level and That is sanctionable,

rice-eater is just in IN-RP insult against Kusarian people,
its not really insulting if you are not from Japan/China/India or where-ever
they tend to think thats really insulting about their eating behaviour,

back to topic,

don't insult people,even if its totally justified by the common role play.

read,discuss and rethink your insults before pressing the send message button

Roleplay insults - ProwlerPC - 04-10-2009

I voted yes.
It is natural for humanity to devolve into such behaviour when under hostile conditions. We as a people all have a common habit of using words to show disrespect to the enemy and the Sirius Sector is rife with hostile conditions. Words like the examples above are some of the milder ones compared to those we as a people use in real life. I personally don't mind the use of "mild" slur on the server just so long as it stays as an RP insult and doen't lead to swears and the more provokative racist slurs.

Roleplay insults - Kambei - 04-10-2009

insults yes but not vulgar

gaijin - foreiginer
gringo - surprise, origins again in word foreiginer

prick - penis

am I alone who see difference here?