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To Samura Industries || From Makassar Station - Printable Version

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To Samura Industries || From Makassar Station - Makassar Station - 12-27-2021

Sender: Elliott Reyes
Recipient: Samura Heavy Industries
Subject: Future Exchange

Greetings Samura Representatives,

My name is Elliott Reyes, Chief Administrator of Makassar Station. Our installation has been specializing as a commercial platform in the southern regions of Tau 23 as both a mining depot and commercial exchange point for ores and other materials. Our wider goals include bringing profitable stability to the Tau Border Worlds and growing commercial connections. We've partnered with freight companies and mining groups to facilitate shorter, more local trade routes, whilst maintaining top profits to all buyers and sellers.

Thus far, our facilities have made lucrative deals with Pristine Ice miners out of the Independent Worlds, allowing for their products storage aboard Makassar for resale to other freighters. We're looking to offer similar amenities to other miners to help build our commercial presence in the Taus and to this end we'd like to offer your Platinum miners our facility as a new sellpoint for your product. As more of these deals are arranged, more products and services will be offered by Makassar but for the now, we can offer a great price on raw Niobium ore for taking back to buyers in Kusari and beyond.

Please, take a look at our exchange board for more information and send us any questions, propositions or concerns you may have.

Best Wishes,

Elliott Reye
Makassar Station

RE: To Samura Industries || From Makassar Station - Edwin Thunder - 12-28-2021

Greetings Mr. Elliot Reyes,

I am Edwin Thunder, Chief Admnistrator of Sanno Mining Facility base at tau 53.

After reading carefully you message to Samura Industries, i noticed that i could help Makassar base getting Raw Hydrocarbons.

Sanno Minnig Facility is located at Tau 53, at F4 coordinates, 25k above the plane, close to the Raw Hydrocarbons mining site and
It is the main mining depot of Raw Hydrocarbons. That means it can supply Makassar base with this precious Tau 53 commodity.

I am also the commander of some transports, that can deliver the Raw Hydrocarbons to Makassar. I think it would be wise doing that with some escort or building transport convoys, as safety measures.

I will be waiting for an answer.

Best wishes,

Edwin Thunder

[Image: 5tSbKh3.jpg]