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Dieter on the "Slant" etc Issue - Printable Version

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Dieter on the "Slant" etc Issue - Dieter Schprokets - 04-10-2009

I have not weighed into this debate on the issue of the use of the word slant and all its variations.

This affects BAF, and its subfaction, the Privateers, the most. My faction.

Consequently, I declared a conflict in the sanction decision.

"Slanty" or "Slant" is a medium-strength racial slur. Until now, its been decided that it wasn't offensive enough to be banned. Now it is.

It is not as bad as the N-Word, but it is somewhat worse than Gaijin.

This is also not a clearcut thing. People's opinions on the matter are different. Its a grey area. Some think "Slant" etc are ok. Some don't. My personal opinion on the matter is much in the middle, weighing towards not caring, because of my personal capacity for crudity.

There is a concept called fiat law. It applies when an objectively correct answer isn't obvious, but a decision needs to be made. Fiat law is the word of the guy on horseback, with a sword, saying "This is the way its going to be." Because a conflict has arisen, and a decision needs to be made to resolve it, and that's the job of the guy on horseback.

This time, his name was Del. But it could have been any of the Admins.

You don't have to like it, or agree with it, but you do have to respect it, and since the horse is out of the barn, debating the point is only fanning unnecessary flames. It is making both the Kusari and Bretonian side look bad. And it keeps the bad blood flowing. In all directions.

This really isn't that important. Think of another name. For my part, my Privateer will call them "ricers".

The BAF member (Ring) got sanctioned because of a combination of words which the Admins decided crossed the line. I declared a conflict on that, and simply won't comment on that.

Now, I would ask that all Bretonian and Kusari players who respect my opinion, just move on. On the forums, on Skype, everywhere. Ongoing vitriol solves nothing.

Note that in RP insulting is ok, and this was a separable issue, revolving on the acceptability of one word. Don't make it more than that.