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Mild roleplay insults - what they are and what they are not - Printable Version

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Mild roleplay insults - what they are and what they are not - FooFighter - 04-10-2009

Quoting myself from the "Roleplay insults" thread:

' Wrote:I think the community has pretty much expressed it's opinion on whether light swearing should be allowed or not. Could we get on to something more constructive now, like making clear what should be allowed and what not?

So, what do you think? What could be defined as acceptable, what isn't?

Please take into account that we are talking about a game which has been rated T for Teen by the ESRB. The T rating allows the infrequent use of strong language, which is used throughout the SP campaign, be it in the form of Gaijin (which, according to multiple persons I've met who've been to Japan, both of Asian and other ethnicity, has been described as a racial slur), hell (which has been used *very* frequently during the SP campaign) or the "Burn, you son of a bitch!" Jacobi tells the Nomad shortly after she is freed by the Order. Also consider that on this server multiple people RP out atrocities far worse than swearing a little bit.

As for myself, I don't really have a problem with anything as long as it stays within RP - I'd probably keep the real strong language (f*ck etc) away, not because "somebody should think of the children" (which go to school 5 or 6 days a week where they are exposed to high amounts of swearing anyways), but simply because it's unnecessary. You can RP some impolite drunken pirate bastard without having to include various terms for excrements in every sentence.

Mild roleplay insults - what they are and what they are not - AJBeast - 04-10-2009

Its rated T in the US ? Mine came rated +16... but anyways...

I think we should be able to say anything that is used in SP. Which is mild swearing and implications of heavy swearing ( President saying "SON OF A ..." for example. Swearing implied but not exactly said.)

Mild roleplay insults - what they are and what they are not - Fellow Hoodlum - 04-10-2009

The other one got locked for a reason, so the discussion would not continue round and round in circles ...
So to be brutally honest, what we do not need is another one straight away discussing exactly the same
Fortunately most players are more than aware what is and isn't acceptable now ...
