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Different Types of Independents? - Printable Version

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Different Types of Independents? - Fletcher - 04-11-2009

In Discovery, to my limited knowledge, we have several types of Independent players. Which each type comes its pros and cons. Here is my list of what types of indies we get.


The Loner

This type of player likes to 'go it alone' and makes every and all attempts to avoid role play whenever possible, but when it comes down to it. They role play, be it through PvP notices, or when their allies RP's with them.


The Rogue

This is the type of player that has given the independent a bad reputation, uses and abuses loop holes in rules and makes every and all attempts to win PvP fights and to not role play, or uses more OORP chat than RP chat. The nickname I give this type is the 'lolzor'.


The Team Player

This type of player accept their role in the larger scale of things, they role play yet don't make an attempt to 'overtake' or 'usurp' power from other established players. Admirals for example. They put themselves in the gray area of being a grunt and a leader. They can have quite unique role play since they don't adhere to a player faction's rules, yet adhere to a vanilla or mod faction storyline.


The Hauler

We all know them, all pirates love them. The player who uses large ships as their trading vessels with no faction support in character. Easy prey for pirates more than likely. Chances of role play is sadly low since they want to get from A to B with as least hassle as possible. But don't rule out role play, or even return fire.


Faction Ghost

These players either 'pose' as a player faction in an attempt to get a chance of some quick authority, or even as a shield. They simply fly around thinking their all high and mighty, when in fact, since they aren't an established member, are just grunts wanting power.


The Story Writers

This group of individuals are what make Discovery unique, they roam around with their own role play, yet adhere to all rules involved. This makes them interesting and fun to interact with. More than likely, they have stories posted in the forums, backing them up and giving them a chance to evolve or continue along their way. This group of people are to be considered the backbone of Discovery. Role players, with a purpose in mind.


Star Stalkers

This group of people have taken a role play from the single player campaign as their own, and quite hopefully let them evolve withing a logical and sensible region. They keep the 'respect' and dignity of the SP character/hero and continued their story in the world of Discovery. While this group have limitations, they can more than often be scrutinized for their choice in character, or attempts to continue their story on their own.


That is all I can think of right now. Do you all agree with me? If you do, or not. What type of independent class would you put yourself into?

Personally, I'm a
Star Stalker - Edison Trent RP
Story Writer - I don't have much compared to others, but I got Slater and the Sentinel stories.


Different Types of Independents? - Caribe - 04-11-2009

I would be a different variation of "the loner"

Different Types of Independents? - AJBeast - 04-11-2009

I think thats about gets most types. Although you forgot the ones that have a tag/ID just for looks and just want to fly all high and mighty in a battleship all day, wtfpwning everything that shows up. But those arent exactly "independent" and are getting a bit less frequent. So yea ...

Different Types of Independents? - Fletcher - 04-11-2009

' Wrote:I think thats about gets most types. Although you forgot the ones that have a tag/ID just for looks and just want to fly all high and mighty in a battleship all day, wtfpwning everything that shows up. But those arent exactly "independent" and are getting a bit less frequent. So yea ...
I call them 'Disco'diots'

Different Types of Independents? - tazuras - 04-11-2009

The indie characters I do have fall under story writer. Except for one, which really doesn't fall under any of these categories, but I don't play him much.

Different Types of Independents? - Grumblesaur - 04-11-2009

I'm normally someone who flies alone, but hooks up with an ally whenever there is one.

Also not one to PvP before a bit of banter over system chat.

Different Types of Independents? - Thexare - 04-11-2009

Loner - I don't avoid role-play, but I do tend to play quieter characters. And I rarely fly in groups, whether it's because I'm on the outer fringe of my allowed ZoI (Outcast in Bretonia, Sigmas) or because I just don't like the other people from my faction that are in space that day.

Team Player - My independents tend to report in the official faction's message dump, where allowed, and while I won't often group with them, if I'm available and there's a need, I'll move to help them out. Also, on the power note, Ayumu's position as Cape Wrath Base Commander was accepted by the 101st before I even mentioned it publicly, if only because no one else uses the blasted rock. I still never bothered restricting access to it, even though with our situation in Bretonia it makes sense to ban anything over gunboat size, ignoring the size of the base itself.

Hauler tendencies - I love transports and freighters. ALS)Silverwind, ALS)Cerulean (when I remake it), ALS)Crooked.Smile, MNS-Frostwind... Respectively, Firefly, Border Worlds Transport, Anki, Pirate Transport, and I'm probably gonna make more. I like cargo ships as much as I like LFs.

Looks Like a Faction Ghost - Azure Line Shipping. It's just me for now, though when a friend's college semester ends he'll probably be rejoining, and anyone who's interested can PM me. I didn't do it for authority or a shield, I originally did it as a backstory thing to explain away why Evan Black could afford a Border Worlds Transport. But it looks that way. And that's just what the story points to; Evan isn't an independent trader, he's just not part of one of the established companies and he's only somewhat lawful. (see signature.)

Likewise, in the last two weeks, the Southern Lights looked that way, but that was just inactivity from the other two. I eventually just said "screw it" and gave up.

Different Types of Independents? - Laowai - 04-11-2009

I think i'm a loner... in some cases... but those characters i have that are loners don't avoid Role Play.

All my indies try to be team players where possible.

And i do write stories - which for me are as crucial to my characters as anything they do in game.

Different Types of Independents? - Grimly - 04-11-2009

What about loners in groups ?
Well I am a loner with my bellerophon. Also It's here to satisfy my needs of PVP:D

But I'm sure you will enjoy some RP with my hacker or zoner.

Different Types of Independents? - Ceoran - 04-11-2009

I guess most my independents are team players with a light form of story writing. They all got their back-story, though it's not in the forums most of the time simply because I'm not satisfied with the way I wrote it down yet (sometimes only notes).
My Merc is more a loner, though she still has her background while my independent trader has not, simply because I'm swapping factions in it every couple of months to figure out what might fit me (besides Samura).