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To: Commodore John Khatri | From: Fleet Admiral Arthur Spencer - Printable Version

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To: Commodore John Khatri | From: Fleet Admiral Arthur Spencer - Darius - 01-13-2022

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Ceylon
To: Commodore John Khatri, Oversector South
From: Fleet Admiral Arthur Spencer, BAF

[Image: Spencer.png]


I bid you a good day. The reason I contact you is to discuss and approve the latest planned offensive of the Armed Forces, due to it containing the majority of the units directly under your command.

As you may well find from the file set forth, this plan aims at short-term cooperation with the military of Rheinland and has the objective of destroying the bulk of Corsair forces within Omega-48. With that made clear, I will let this matter entirely upon you to decide if the plan is worth following and if any changes are required. Your past experience with leading such operations is of great importance to the success of Condor and as such, if all points are agreed on, you will lead be assigned as the overseer for it.

That is all.

Arthur Spencer
Fleet Admiral
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: To: Commodore John Khatri | From: Fleet Admiral Arthur Spencer - Thunderer - 01-14-2022

Message Class: Audio-Visual

Encryption: Assam
To: BAF Admiralty
From: Commodore John Khatri, BAF

[Image: MV5BMjA5NzUyODY1N15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMDI4...@._V1_.jpg]

*Although it is only a video transmission, the commodore makes a salute out of habit. It is a salute full of energy and determination, and the commodore's arm would likely not move at a much different pace if it was swinging a sabre at an enemy.*


I will execute orders with due devotion, sir, but if I may, I must express a few remarks! First, don't underestimate the Coalition's ambush tactics. They had success ambushing the Stirling and they can do it again, especially with this fleet alignment which puts my defensive positions with their backs turned to Omega-52! Second, don't expect to maintain any positions around Gran Canaria for long. The Zoners are defenceless, but that makes them look like victims, and soon every enemy we've tried so tenaciously to divide and conquer, will unite against us. Protracted warfare around Gran Canaria is expensive and soon you will get an order from New London to withdraw. At the moment, the fleets at my disposal don't have the replenishment rate that would match the long term casualty rate of such an endeavour. I will execute this operation as you say, sir, but I will either get more new ships from Portsmouth at a monthly rate, or this will be a lightning hit-and-run, or I will die trying. Choose what fits your plans best, sir.

*The signal cuts out as curtly as it appeared.*

[Image: d6ssy00.png]
Open for Replies

RE: To: Commodore John Khatri | From: Fleet Admiral Arthur Spencer - Darius - 01-14-2022

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Ceylon
To: Commodore John Khatri, Oversector South
From: Fleet Admiral Arthur Spencer, BAF

[Image: Spencer.png]


Your concerns are noted, however we need not to worry about either Zoners nor remnants of the Coalition. As you have said, Gran Canaria is defenseless and lacks any significant resistance. You are to ignore the populace on the planet and not occupy it; this will free up a great number of pilots for other fronts. And as for the Coalition... simply ignore them. Our intelligence has revealed that the squadron defending Planet Tangier are at an all-time low in terms of combat capabilities.

Your worry about the fleet's status is not justified, for we have the best trained soldiers of all Houses. The Rheinland Military will come to the aid of your units as soon as you link up with their forces; additional reinforcements are to be expected from Bretonian territory. I strongly believe that even with the existing 5th Great Fleet, this endeavour is nothing more than an initiation for the upcoming campaigns.

The Admiralty Board wishes you best of luck in this mission, and can assure you that Bretonia will support it thoroughly. We shall talk again soon, Commodore Khatri.

Arthur Spencer
Fleet Admiral
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: To: Commodore John Khatri | From: Fleet Admiral Arthur Spencer - Thunderer - 01-14-2022

Message Class: Audio-Visual

Encryption: Assam
To: BAF Admiralty
From: Commodore John Khatri, BAF

[Image: MV5BMjA5NzUyODY1N15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMDI4...@._V1_.jpg]

Understood, sir! I will acquire supplies and mobilise the reserves. The 5th will be ready to move at your call within a week, sir! I've sent you the document back with my signature.

[Image: d6ssy00.png]
Open for Replies

RE: To: Commodore John Khatri | From: Fleet Admiral Arthur Spencer - Darius - 02-20-2022

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Ceylon
To: Commodore John Khatri, Oversector South
From: Fleet Admiral Arthur Spencer, BAF

[Image: Spencer.png]


While it has certainly been a long period of time since our last meeting, Operation Condor can finally continue as planned. Units under your command have been resupplies and received much-needed reinforcements to withstand such a great offensive.

The Armed Forces have suffered significant losses while assisting our so-called Liberty allies, and as such, we must prove that our soldiers are still the best in the sector. Humiliation is a matter I cannot live with, and neither should anyone bearing the banner of the Armed Forces of the Kingdom of Bretonia.

By 26th of February, all of the operations' goals must be completed. This task falls upon your shoulders. Inform the Rheinland Military of your new orders within the shortest time.

Arthur Spencer
Fleet Admiral
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies