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Rules Clarification Needed - Printable Version

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Rules Clarification Needed - pieguy259 - 04-11-2009

The rules currently state that "any trader ship with a cargo hold of more than 500 units is considered a transport", and less than 500 is a "freighter". However, in 4.85, there are some ships, such as the Kadesh Freighter and the Camara, that are called "freighters" but have more than 500 cargo space. I assume the definitions are being changed?

Also: what ships are formally classified as "liners"? I mean, obviously, any ship with "liner" in its name is a liner, but what of the Yacht, the Geisha? Are they liners? The Shire has more firepower than some liners - is it too a liner?

Where does the Salvager fit into this whole sordid mess?

And are gunboats still classed as "capital ships"?

Rules Clarification Needed - Jinx - 04-11-2009

i think the definition of "transport" is gonne be revised...

liners are :

- lux liner
- slave liner
- prison liner
- bret royal liner

i think the kusari yacht and the lux yacht are not liners.

the shire is of course not a liner, its a counterpart of the kusari C- transport. the salvager is a transport & gunboats are of course still cap ships - why should they not be?

Rules Clarification Needed - Benjamin - 04-11-2009

With stuff like the C-Trans and Shire, and ships like the Yacht and Geisha, what exactly is the point of the 'Liner' classification?

Rules Clarification Needed - Jinx - 04-11-2009

hm - a liner is a ship that mainly transports masses of people.

the shire is a transport that transports containers of usually raw materials that don t need much luxory. - the yacht is a vessel that is - like many luxory products - rather inefficient. ( it has a fairly small cargohold ) - the gaisha is a nice ship - but no serious trader uses it, - besides, it more a ship for "few" people rather than a mass transportation vessel.

its still a RP server.

while there s no rule or a real reason not to do so - but you usually do not transport radioactive nuclear devices in your lux liner, - and you don t usually transport VIPs in your train. - if you RP your vessel that is.

it depends on how serious you take your own RP. ( taking it less serious is no problem - as its your own decision, but some people just want to fly a liner, cause they transport maybe VIPs from shettland to munich, and vacationers from munich to cortez )

others like to transport ship panels - which go best into a heavy tanker due to its description.

Rules Clarification Needed - Reverend Del - 04-11-2009

Updated the rules to define Transports as having cargo hold over 650. Which means the line has now been drawn between the Dromedray, last of the freighters and the Heavy lifter, the first of the transports

And would someone mind telling me what the snot the Geisha is, Stat doesn't have it listed as that, so one presumes that's not it's name in the mod files.

Yacht's are transports, unless it says liner it's a transport or freighter depending on it's hold size. Liner is a sub-section of Transports anyway, so it's only relevant for Id's that prohibit the use of liners.

Jury's out on the Geisha now I know what it is. Kusari Cruise Liner. It's hold size is only 2500, but it mounts seven guns for that and has a fair amount of armour. I think we'll see what the community thinks first.

Rules Clarification Needed - Jinx - 04-11-2009

gaisha is the ex-beetle ( kusari liner ) - but not a "liner" per se. - you know - kusari cruise liner -- star trek ship in 4.84

Rules Clarification Needed - pieguy259 - 04-11-2009

What of the Salvager? Is it a transport or a GB?

Rules Clarification Needed - Jinx - 04-11-2009

i wrote it in the direct reply - it is a transport.

Rules Clarification Needed - Reverend Del - 04-11-2009

Salvager has more armour than my Rogue GB, same amount of GB turrets. So why is it a transport?

Rules Clarification Needed - pieguy259 - 04-11-2009

Oh yes.