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Pirate Train - Printable Version

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Pirate Train - Recoil9000 - 04-11-2009

So is the pirate train straight up not allowed to dock at a lawful base? Or is it only if a lawful tells you you can't dock there?

Pirate Train - Horon - 04-11-2009

Its basically an unlawful transport, so, I don't think so.
You wouldn't see a Corsair fighter docking on a lawful base, for example.

Pirate Train - Recoil9000 - 04-11-2009

couldn't one pull the RP exuse that they have a covert base on like manhattan and that they are going to land there on the planet? After all, NY is the trade center of sirius, you would think there would be some unlawful activity on the lawful bases.

Pirate Train - Crassus - 04-11-2009

' Wrote:So is the pirate train straight up not allowed to dock at a lawful base? Or is it only if a lawful tells you you can't dock there?

It depends more on who's flying it than the ship itself, the Junker ID states;
"Junkers using pirate trains may land on House allied bases without police interference unless carrying contraband"
So yes you can land it on a lawful base.

Pirate Train - Recoil9000 - 04-11-2009

So If I have a Junker IFF and a smuggler ID? Or would one get a junker ID and carry the contraband anyway?

Pirate Train - Benjamin - 04-11-2009

From what I can see, with the changes to IDs, it's no longer against the rules to dock on a lawful base with the P-Train even fi you're a smuggler. However, lawful players can destroy you if they catching you attempting to dock, even if you are carrying only lawful goods (smuggler ID). Junkers cannot be stopped from landing if they're carrying lawful goods. With unlawful goods, same as with anything else. But yeah this might not be correct.

Pirate Train - Crassus - 04-11-2009

The Smuggler ID states;
"Cannot use any ship with more than 3,600 cargo space, except for the Pirate Train
House police may use force to prevent the pirate train from landing on House allied bases"
So you can use Junker or Smuggler ID depending on who your character is, you'll just get a slightly different reception at lawful bases.