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To: Technocracy of Auxo - Printable Version

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To: Technocracy of Auxo - Commandantt - 01-19-2022

Battlecruiser Merveilleux, Languedoc
January 19, 745 AGS

[Image: 6Mql611.png]

[Image: HyAWvKq.png]
Sender: Capitaine Théodore Larivière
Recipient: Technocracy of Auxo
Subject: Technology assessment and possible exchange/research.

Bonjour, representatives of Technocracy.

I'm Barón de la Larivière, Capitaine of Battlecruiser Merveilleux and a scientist with broad rights what allows me to make independent decisions aimed at the benefit of Gallia people.

I don't expect a lot from your faction or other people from Sirius. But seems Technocracy are one of the most technologically advanced forces with whom Gallia have stable contact.

Working with me is your chance to increase your value to Gallia.

Think about it and tell me if you have interest and I want to make it clear I'm not will wait forever for your answer.

End of Message

RE: To: Technocracy of Auxo - A/)- The Inner Phalanx - 01-19-2022

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identified: Supreme Navarch Stavros

[Image: unknown.png]


Your message is woefully lacking in substance.

Define what entails with working with you. What are you asking of us?


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RE: To: Technocracy of Auxo - Commandantt - 01-19-2022

Battlecruiser Merveilleux, Languedoc
January 19, 745 AGS

[Image: 6Mql611.png]

[Image: HyAWvKq.png]
Sender: Capitaine Théodore Larivière
Recipient: Technocracy of Auxo
Subject: Technology assessment and possible exchange/research.

Right now, our technological development reached its peak and falls to stagnation.

So this is why I choose to contact your people.

We need fresh ideas and the most advanced technology that Sirius can offer. Unfortunately, I don't have knowledge about what the rest of the world has to offer us, which is why I need third side help.

Perhaps you can offer something that can attract our attention?

For your work, you will get a worthy reward.

End of Message

RE: To: Technocracy of Auxo - Commandantt - 03-30-2022

Battlecruiser Merveilleux, Orkney
March 31, 745 AGS

[Image: etKxGhD.png]

[Image: HyAWvKq.png]
Sender: Capitaine Théodore Larivière
Recipient: Technocracy of Auxo
Subject: Orkney incident.

Bonjour, representatives of Technocracy.

Previously I contacted your people because we wanted to get more Sirius technologies. The main reason was to study them, use their possible benefits and find their weak spots. I expected that it was pretty interesting to find out how each House developed its technological way.

But recent events changed this plan, so it's the answer to why we did not send you more directed requests.

I think you already hear about the situation in Orkney with the alien invasion.

There is no secret that we have contacts with Order, but all that they want is only to destroy any signs of aliens. I want to get their secrets in my hands and use them for Gallia, and yes I received permission from our government.

We have already assembled a small operative group.

End of Message

RE: To: Technocracy of Auxo - Kauket - 04-07-2022

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identified: Revenant

[Image: NqZ2nOf.png]


Apologies for the delays. The war with Liberty encroaching dangerously to our home has shifted our immediate priorities in the meanwhile, they are - afterall - one system from our homeworld.

You mentioned you wished to utilise their secrets to enhance yourselves. Please elaborate. What is it that you wish to adapt from their forms? Their weapons? ... Everything?

I will admit, their attack is entirely unprecedented. From what we understand of this brood from years of study, their intentions are with Sirius, not with Gallia. Do you perhaps have any information as to why they are attacking? Does Gallia hold an artifact of theirs?

If we can find the purpose of their attacks, we can see about giving Gallia some time to develop technologies to protect themselves from the inevitable Sirian 'revenge retaliation'. Although, if I were you, I would not mention anything regarding augmenting your research arsenal with the non-Human. The Order has a vendetta against those who stray from the idea of remaining a "pure human" - in ideology, research, or otherwise self.

Hm. Perhaps there might be a way to divert their attention from Gallia, allowing us to have a source of information to research upon, without having to drive them to extinction... Who knows. I cannot provide anything yet without some closure.

We can help, but we need to know the truth, so that we can avoid potential accidents or conflicts of interest. I will need that query I previously mentioned answered; Do you know why they are attacking?


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RE: To: Technocracy of Auxo - Kauket - 04-22-2022

RE: To: Technocracy of Auxo - Commandantt - 04-27-2022

Battlecruiser Merveilleux, Orkney
April 27, 745 AGS

[Image: etKxGhD.png]

[Image: HyAWvKq.png]
Sender: Capitaine Théodore Larivière
Recipient: Technocracy of Auxo
Subject: Orkney incident.

Delays in our time are a common deal.

Gallia needs anything that can stop aliens. Their weapons are effective enough against us, while organic nature allows them to recover faster than we repair our ships.

Our attempts to protect Orkney failed seems we lost this system. Royal Navy was able to use enough ships to clear this threat. But Republic doesn't have enough ships to try to return Orkney without consequences.

Your questions about artefacts need to be more co specific. Rich people in Gallia collect Xeno Artifacts. But they are useless.

Orkney has resources, and there was our infrastructure but nothing exotic. We don't even have the forces to find a direct place from were aliens coming. In an attempt to get more information, I lost my escort ships.

Order already arrived in the system, and they placed their operative base in Orkney. I do not really trust that they will be able to do something. Communication with them fully at High Command, I don't even saw them in a real fight.

So I don't see a real way to divert the alien's attention from Gallia.

I have information that way to Tau-31 is already disabled, and I think Bretonnia and Kusary will prefer to watch how we deal with new threats alone, it's pretty expected. But we can't reach this part of the system to scout it from our side to find if this was their work.

End of Message

RE: To: Technocracy of Auxo - Kauket - 07-17-2022

...neural.uplink detected...
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identified: Navarch Valentine

[Image: ojmBL3n.png]


Brute force against the Nomads is a lost cause, one that WILL lead to your downfall from the opportunistic parasites known as Bretonia, Crayter, Liberty and Kusari looking to claim revenge upon your people. They use this opportunity to weaken you, whilst the Order strolls around claiming to be saviours - when they cooperate with your enemies. Keep them at arms length.

For now, I highly advise you place Orkney into a Quarantine Zone to prevent them getting more provoked, as well as containing potential compromised vessels. We will try to work on gathering intel regarding this particular brood of Nomad.

Unfortunately, these said parasites - besides Kusari - are also problematic with us too. We are currently surrounded by them, and our most efficient labs are present on Elgin.

We believe that we can work towards pacifying - essentially nullifying or misdirecting - the Nomads that trouble you. And I fully find our engineers capable enough to exploit the power of the Nomads' materials. But we will need assistance.

In lieu of this, we would like to discuss the possibility of further cooperation and exchange with Gallia and the Technocracy to address our mutual problems. More so, we want to seek avenues to ensure both of our survival against these endless foes we are faced with. We cannot help you without receiving help ourselves, likewise, such applies to your people too.


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RE: To: Technocracy of Auxo - Kauket - 07-30-2022