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***Open Distress Call: Hudson's Platform*** - Printable Version

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***Open Distress Call: Hudson's Platform*** - JonasHudson - 01-22-2022

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[Image: 4hyMIZQ.jpg]
[To]: Wide Band Neural Net Transmission
[From]: Jonas Hudson
[Subject]: Hudson's Platform Distress Call
[Encryption]: BASIC

Jonas Hudson here,

It appears the Gaians' recent aggressions in and around Planet Gaia have now expanded to attacking civilian installations in the area. My base Hudson's Platform has fallen under attack by the Gaians as they seem intent on laying siege.


This is a Sirius wide general distress call to any ships in the region that are willing to help assist in defending the base and any other defending ships, please come to the Edinburgh system and join in the defense of the station! Any who do will be granted access to buy/sell at the base. I'll also pay hefty bounties to Freelancers and Junkers on attacking ships.

I intend to make a stand regardless. This base is shielded, fueled, has reached full structural integrity, has a defense platform deployed, and is fully stocked for making repairs during any attacks. This is not a hopeless fight, if there are those who will come to take a dig at them for their recent treachery in the field of bio-warfare. I'll be in the vicinity, please contact me and I can pay credits to those engaging to defend the base. This is a Junkers IFF'd base. Any ships seen attacking the base, I will pay for guncams of such attacks, and immediately levy hefty bounties against those ships.

If they want an Alamo, they got it! I'll hold out here as long as I can with hope more ships will arrive to fend them off. If we can break their momentum, keep them from sitting safe in the open, we may be able to turn it around on them!

To the BAF and Crayter Republic Military;

Any assistance is appreciated, I know we're a bit removed out here since the war, but for any help I'll gladly make recompense in whatever way I can once the dust has settled. At the very least, I anticipate a high volume of terrorist vessels near Planet Gaia that will be ripe for the picking over coming days.

Thanks to anyone who can help!

Hudson out.

....signal cut....


RE: ***Open Distress Call: Hudson's Platform*** - Lochrath - 01-23-2022

[Image: 3OmuaeO.png]

¬ COMMID: Parlance Gellen
¬ RECIPIENT: Open Communication
¬ SUBJECT: Distress Call

This is Captain Parlance Gellen, speaking as part of the Gaian movement. This communique is regarding the rash judgements made by a rather misguided soul who bolsters his statements with slander and mistruths.

Planet Gaia has been in turmoil since the forces of Gallia retreated from the core worlds of Bretonia. Since this point, a splinter group of those Royalists have stayed and rebuilt themselves on the planet. It is not unknown that one of these Royalist nobles went so far to publicly announce their campaign towards power with the formation of the County of Gaia.

I will make no apology for their removal. We did indeed move to safeguard Gaia and Bretonia as a whole from the vile threat of royalist Gallic forces. A splintering force of those who sought the murder of billions of Bretonian souls needs to be cut swiftly before it can grow again.

Instead of assisting against the removal of these vile threats to humanity, many of you came against us, directly or indirectly supporting the Gallic Royalist threat. I forgive any who acted out turn or simply did not know what they were defending.

Now, however, there is little room for error. Do you stand with Bretonia, with our desire to see Gallia and any who may defend them entirely removed from our homes? Or do you stand with the royalists who stole families from us? I offer not credits or items in an attempt to buy your loyalties. To pay is to offload responsibilities. Such methods are used to distract and confuse the purpose of savagery.

The installation will fall, and these royalist defenders shall too. We do this not for glory or even ask for assistance. Simply allow us to make Bretonia safer for all by removing this lingering threat.

May Bretonia be brighter afterwards. May the Queen save us from further strife. May we be a step closer towards rebuilding our homes in Bretonia.

Parlance Gellen

RE: ***Open Distress Call: Hudson's Platform*** - Rab Rintoul - 01-23-2022

[Image: fd0bcd791a197b71ffe02b199452aeda.png]

SUBJECT:Arite pal

A dannae ken or care who yous are, cannae say I give a toss about Gaia, your base, or Einburgh, but we got over a hundred thousand new Recruits from Gaia before we left. Means we need booze money for all theim new Mollys.

So yous better pay up for all theim Gaians am gonnae shoot down. Because if yous don't well - we may juist help them tree lovers take it down and get booze money by selling theim materials we get from the wreck pal!

Pleaseure doing business
Rab oot

[Image: 074539133b2011efd4ef19439c9f1247.png]

RE: ***Open Distress Call: Hudson's Platform*** - JonasHudson - 01-23-2022

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[Image: 4hyMIZQ.jpg]
[To]: Wide Band Neural Net Transmission
[From]: Jonas Hudson
[Subject]: Hudson's Platform Distress Call
[Encryption]: BASIC

Well there you have it folks,

Proof that the Gaian movement has gone totally insane. No offense, but I'm confident you people know nothing 'bout fighting or resisting the Royalists. What did you do to drive them out when they were on the ropes? Your vessels were barely seen, and it's obvious you're using this crisis to drive some young fanatics to take to space as your goon army. I think the Gaians have finished themselves off with these recent moves.

As far as I'm concerned, the Queen should issue an edict ordering the destruction of all Gaian vessels on sight, and order the hunting down of your bases.

You've made an enemy here Mr. Gellen, and it will come back to haunt you.

Hudson out.

....signal cut....


RE: ***Open Distress Call: Hudson's Platform*** - Lochrath - 01-23-2022

[Image: 3OmuaeO.png]

¬ COMMID: Parlance Gellen
¬ RECIPIENT: Open Communication
¬ SUBJECT: Distress Call

it is most humourous that you claim we are trying to make any join our movement. We made no rallying cry for bodies to perish for us as we cleansed and are cleansing the royalists from Bretonia. We simply did what was best. We did not attempt to pay or bribe any souls to join our cause to defeat the remaining Enclave scourge and their defenders here in Edinburgh. We simply did it ourselves. I had even announced just prior we do not wish anyone out in space helping us. That we can handle this on our own.

You are young, full of feelings from the loss Bretonia has recently had. Had you family on Leeds? Friends? What of New London? We have all felt the sting that the Kingdom of Gallia inflicted on us. Of course we were there. We would be insane not to be. Yet, we are not a structured military force or even great in numbers. If you saw our strike patrols then it was hardly a strike swift enough. We did our part. We need not brag.

Put aside your hatred and anger, and cease your defense of the royalist forces. You have done everything you claim we have. You coerce people to fight for you via bounty contracts and pleading for help. You try to draw people into space to fight and die. Be a better person. Hypocrisy does not suit you.

Your cries have shown that the people did not know what was happening in Bretonia, on Gaia. I have said my piece. The people should now know the dangers that lurk in the form of these royalists. That is enough. Make your choices wisely and with a clear mind.

Parlance Gellen

RE: ***Open Distress Call: Hudson's Platform*** - JonasHudson - 01-24-2022

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[Image: 4hyMIZQ.jpg]
[To]: Wide Band Neural Net Transmission
[From]: Jonas Hudson
[Subject]: Hudson's Platform Distress Call
[Encryption]: BASIC

By this time the base is gone, and a little while ago while I was overseeing the last of my operations there I'd almost wound up trapped, but we successfully blasted our way out of there and got out as fast as we could, with my base crew fully loaded aboard my Pelican. Evac complete.


Just another day in Sirius.

Hudson out.

P.S. - Much thanks to anyone who helped mount our defense and deter the attackers. I owe you one!

....signal cut....