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Gallic Navy Internal Communications - Gallic Navy - 01-24-2022

Gallic Navy Combined Fleet - Internal Communication

Mesdames et Messieurs of the Combined Fleet, welcome to Internal Communication Center.

This secure channel is dedicated to exchanging important information between our Military, Gendarmerie and Military Intelligence branches, as necessary.

Please use the following report template. Deviations will be reported to appropriate branches disciplinary committee.


Lieutenant Marc Christian Riqueti
⚜ · Officer des Télécommunications

[align=center][font=Merienda One][b][color=#C0C0C0]DÉBUT DE TRANSMISSION[/color][/b][/font][/align]
[align=center]RECOMMENDED IMAGE OF CHARACTER, APPROX. 400px[/align]

[size=12][font=Open Sans][color=#0080FF][b]· Sender[/b]:[/color] RANK FIRSTNAME LASTNAME
[color=#0080FF][b]· Recipient:[/b][/color] RECIPIENT
[color=#0080FF][b]· Subject:[/b][/color] SUBJECT

[indent][indent][size=10][font=Open Sans]YOUR TEXT


[align=center][font=Merienda One][b][color=#C0C0C0]FIN DE TRANSMISSION[/color][/b][/font][/align]
[float=right][font=Courier Prime][size=12]NAME
⚜ · RANK[/size][/font][/float]

[align=left][font=Courier Prime][b][color=#0080FF]Combined Fleet Command
Planet New Paris

RE: Gallic Navy Combined Fleet Internal Comm Center - Conundrum - 01-24-2022

[Image: 51f0c340efb25c496c1ba9572a456165.png]
[Image: grenade-GN.png]
Incoming Transmission
Sender: Deputy Corentin Auch
Recipient: Main Fleet, DCRR, Office of the Grand Admiral
Subject: Zurich
Good day, I would like to report increased activity in the Zurich system and request assistance. It began with minor petty crime activity investigation - nothing Deputies of the Gendarmerie can't handle.

Today however things have gotten heated with the presence of foreign enemies - Rheinlanders that call themselves the Unioners and even a LNS-Tallahassee|Aoi an unknown hostile that came all the way from Liberty I would assume. The G.R.S. is accessible here.

Us Gendarmes have our hands tied with trying to secure Fort de Bregancon and dealing with the massive spike of Brigand activity in core systems - not many of us deputies can spend much time fighting skilled foreign combatants in Zurich on top of the low level crime incidents there.

Can the Main Fleet and DCRR please send reinforcements and help handle the situation that is starting to heat up in the Zurich system?

Corentin Auch
Deputy (Gendarme Adjoint)
Gallic Navy Combined Fleet

RE: Gallic Navy Combined Fleet Internal Comm Center - Gendarmerie - 01-29-2022

[Image: 51f0c340efb25c496c1ba9572a456165.png]
[Image: grenade-GN.png]
Incoming Transmission
Sender: Director General of the Gendarmerie Thierry Agard
Recipient: Office of the Grand Amiral of the Combined Fleet Célestine Delacroix
Subject: Report of completion, budget request
Grand Admiral,

I am pleased to report that the Gendarmerie logistics vessels have delivered 100% of required resources to Fort de Bregancon. It is ready to serve it's new purpose in Orkney while we look for a site for The Combined Fleet's headquarters.

We have managed to repair the damage left over by the brutal BAF aggression. This cost us large amounts of resources, and I am hereby requesting additional funds from the Combined budget to be allocated to the Gendarmerie for Fort de Bregancon, final remodelling stage.

[GN]Remodel account has been setup and my division will appreciate any funds spared - do you think any support can be arranged?

With gratitude,

Director General of the Gendarmerie Thierry Agard
General d'Armee
Gallic Navy Combined Fleet

RE: Gallic Navy Combined Fleet Internal Comm Center - Gallic Navy - 01-30-2022


[Image: SQkmZvC.png]

· Sender: Grand Amiral of the Combined Fleet Célestine Delacroix
· Recipient: Deputy Corentin Auch, Director General of the Gendarmerie Thierry Agard
· Subject: Redistribution of forces

Deputy Auch, Director Agard,

Thank you for your hard work on your respective posts. Due to lowered Bretonian activity, most likely caused by deployments on another front, we've got forces available for deployment away from Brittany.

Director Agard, we will be pulling most of the forces currently patrolling space around Bregancon, maintain regular patrols with the remaining forces to keep an eye for any sign of Bretonians coming back.
Deputy Auch, you can expect increase in Main Fleet presence in Zurich, those terrorists are yet to learn who they've messing with.

That is all.


[Image: avatar_48850.png]
Célestine Delacroix
⚜ · Grand Amiral of the Combined Fleet

Combined Fleet Command
Planet New Paris

RE: Gallic Navy Combined Fleet Internal Comm Center - Conundrum - 02-10-2022

...0x06, 0x02 --

Classification: SECRET

· Sender: Ensign Avril Vidal
· Recipient: Amiral Jean-Luc Hubert's office
· Subject: Possible useful services

:::She stands upright and salutes:::
Given our recent issues with the uncharted anomaly discovered in the Orkney system I would like to bring to your attention the potential services that might be useful to the Main Fleet. A Sirian company with a granted licence, Starfliers has appeared with their jumping Flagship in Picardy.

This is what they can provide:
Quote:[10.02.2022 13:18:15] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: Map-Data sends one of my pilots out and charts a system top to bottom, gives you a report of everything in that system
[10.02.2022 13:18:46] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: Everything from wrecks to nebulaes, bases. You name it.

[10.02.2022 13:20:46] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: Rift-Data sends out the Starfliers flagship. You're looking at it.
[10.02.2022 13:23:04] '\S/'NX-01: Leon: This is also known as "co-ordinates" to some. I make it sound fancy so I can get some business. *laughs*
I hope you will find this information useful, resuming patrol.


[Image: 7RJvO7V.png]
Avril Vidal
⚜ · Enseigne

Main Fleet
GNS Gaulois

RE: Gallic Navy Combined Fleet Internal Comm Center - Gendarmerie - 02-16-2022

[Image: 51f0c340efb25c496c1ba9572a456165.png]
[Image: grenade-GN.png]
Incoming Transmission
Sender: Director General of the Gendarmerie Thierry Agard
Recipient: Office of the Grand Amiral of the Combined Fleet Célestine Delacroix, Main Fleet Command, DCRR Command
Subject: Orkney strategy, The Order

Please not that the Gendarmerie has made contact with the
Srian group The Order. First with "Solemn"|S8 then with Order| itself.
  • The attacks that have humbled the Gendarmerie base defenses were according to the Sirians caused by "Nomads" .
  • They have no idea what the aliens are doing in our end of space, as they originate from far reaches of Sirius.
  • They are susceptible to Kinetic weaponry, in other words - they can be killed.
  • S8 is just here to observe, Order| announced their intent to join direct combat against the alien threat should it come to that.
  • Both groups have been very open and cooperative
  • They mentioned the aliens posess advanced cloack and jumping capabilities - the likely cause for why they have caught us off-guard in Orkney
  • I have internally commisioned a Cruise Inhibitor project that would target the signatures that were found in the Orkney devastation, thus severely limiting any "surprises". The Order agents expect standard issue inhibitors to function against the alliens as well.
  • The Gendarmerie will require a powerful Main Fleet force once to cover the deployment of the Inhibitors, as they might attract the aliens.

We hope we can count on the support of the Main Fleet on the last point.

Best regards.

Director General of the Gendarmerie Thierry Agard
General d'Armee
Gallic Navy Combined Fleet

RE: Gallic Navy Combined Fleet Internal Comm Center - Gendarmerie - 04-06-2022

[Image: 51f0c340efb25c496c1ba9572a456165.png]
[Image: grenade-GN.png]
Incoming Transmission
Sender: Interim Director of the Gendarmerie Major Maxence Voland
Recipient: Grand Admiral's office
Subject: Harder stance

I have been stranded god knows where after the attack on Issodun. Director General Agard is dead, I am the highest ranking officer and therefore am assuming the role of Interim Director until your office decides a permanent replacement. I am putting my name forward.
  • My ship was thrust to an unknown system at far ends of Sirius
  • On my way back I have witnessed a heavy conflict between The Liberty Navy and Insurgency
  • I also could not get back due to Tau-31 gate to Orkney being hijacked and shut down by a Bretonian and Kusari cruiser, a possible act of war in itself.
  • I believe we must take a harder stance in Gallia and towards our enemies, Issodun's destruction cannot be repeated.
    In my interim Director Capacity I have ordered the reinstatement of Fleury-Merogis that the soft Confederate Government has shut down. The Terrorists and Alien collaborants that helped destroy issodun deserve no mercy, the symbol of Strength of our prison system will shine bright once more in dealing with them swiftly.
  • In the Kansas chaos I have captured escape pods of 7 Cruise Commanders, 2 Gunboat Captains and a Fleet Admiral of the Liberty Navy. They will be held at Fleury-Nerogis and I suggest your office contacts DCRR, SB and GNI to get what they need from them.


Interim Director of the Gendarmerie Major Maxence Voland
Gallic Navy Combined Fleet

RE: Gallic Navy Combined Fleet Internal Comm Center - Aingar - 04-16-2022


· Sender: Colonel Louis Feurre
· Recipient: Gallic Navy Command
· Subject: Issoudun Search and Rescue report

I'd like to submit a full report of the SAR operation carried out in response to the sudden destruction of Issoudun Shipyard. Securing the area to begin with went relatively smoothly, as the density of Nomad patrols was notably lower in this area of the system, likely due to lack of anything these slimes could consider a direct threat. Afterwards we've carried out a thorough scan of the area, which was performed over the course of 48 hours.

Performing search for survivors

Sadly, the only escape pods found were ones that were never launched, implying the destruction came extremely swiftly. We have however, retrieved the Black Box from the wreck, and have handed it over for analysis at Fort de Bregancon, and we're maintaining a defensive position around it.

Retrieval of the blackbox

Myself and my crew are ready to redouble our efforts to thwart this alien menace, and we're ready to hold the ground until the very end! None of those void devils shall make it into the core space! Viva la Gallia!


[Image: avatar_48850.png]
Louis Feurre
⚜ · Colonel

Combined Fleet Command
Planet New Paris

RE: Gallic Navy Combined Fleet Internal Comm Center - Conundrum - 04-16-2022

[Image: 51f0c340efb25c496c1ba9572a456165.png]
[Image: grenade-GN.png]
Incoming Transmission
Sender: Deputy Corentin Auch
Recipient: Jean Lavigne
Subject: Apologies
Oups mon Dieu,

Didn't mean to get you with those rockets! Us Gendarmes respect the Main Fleet very much - but it's chaotic over there! I am sure we don't need to make a big deal of thos Oui?

Corentin Auch
Deputy (Gendarme Adjoint)
Gallic Navy Combined Fleet

RE: Gallic Navy Combined Fleet Internal Comm Center - Gendarmerie - 04-21-2022

[Image: 51f0c340efb25c496c1ba9572a456165.png]
[Image: grenade-GN.png]
Incoming Transmission
Sender: Interim Director of the Gendarmerie Major Maxence Voland
Recipient: Grand Admirals Office

:He salutes sternly:

Grand Admiral,

The Gendarmerie is filing a strong protest against the intended policy for the arriving Sirians.

Quote:I would also like to remind your people of the agreement made between Marechal Antonin Lusignan and your Fleet Admiral Linford. All able-bodied men and women will be required to serve their duty in the Gallic armed forces.

This is a completely unprecedented step, a needless one with miners needed en masse with the planet they have been assigned to stay on, a security threat and most of all - a deep blow to the prestige of the Gallic Navy en large and I must strongly object. Gallia has stood successfully apart from Sirius for over seven hundred years. We have enough issues with the Maquisards constantly trying to infiltrate our ranks. To not only allow Sirians into the most prestigious echelon of the Gallic society - those enlisted - but to make this mandatory for all arriving unproven and untested Sirians seems almost perverse to me.

I will follow whatever orders you issue Grand Admiral, but please take my protest into consideration.


Interim Director of the Gendarmerie Major Maxence Voland
Gallic Navy Combined Fleet