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The Unioners - Faction Information & Feedback - Printable Version

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The Unioners - Faction Information & Feedback - UN]- The Unioners - 01-28-2022

[Image: UN-Logo-Final-B-TP.png]


----- <"Rheinland was built on our sweat, blood and tears"> -----

>> Information

-[ID & IFF: The Unioners
-[TAG: UN]-

The Unioners are a group of criminals, terrorists, and smugglers originating from the ranks of common Rheinland workers. Usually, these individuals had been exposed to exhausting and traumatizing working conditions in factories and larger shipyards. Some people wrongly assume that these so-called “Arbeiters” are all low-qualified blue-collar and factory workers while in reality amongst the ranks of Unioners are some of the smartest and most experienced engineers, shipbuilders, and scientists that Sirius has ever seen.

The presence of such intelligent minds has allowed the Unioners to survive as the oldest continuous activist movement in Sirius. Over the years the group has been fighting for the rights of workers in Rheinland in every way imaginable, be it peaceful or brutal. The group was recently integrated into the Rheinland society but with the continuous rebellion from numerous arbiters, the integration is starting to feel like a lost cause for the Unioners.
Despite Rheieland’s government doing seemingly their best to fulfill the group’s needs and requests, they still can’t provide them the necessary rights as it would destroy the economy of the House and seriously cripple RGS; Rheinland’s trading giant.

The government can’t admit that they would lose a big part of the income provided by the heavy industries if they wouldn’t exploit the workers.
Nowadays the arbiters can be seen, pirating ships or carrying out numerous other criminal operations all around Rheinland and its borders, trying to avenge the wrongs done to them in the past by their archenemies; RGS.

----- <The GEIST> -----

[Image: 1665256602005.png]
‘The best of the best; fear the ones marked with the blue eye.’

The GEIST also known as “Ghosts” is a cell of highly skilled Unioner pilots tasked with performing unusual missions and operations. This cell was initially created by the predecessor of the current Unioner Direktorat; The Syndicate Leagues. The GEIST was formed to carry out the Direktorats dirty work, initially being the hand of the Direktorat itself. Unlike the original strike divisions, The GEIST would operate a lot more discreetly, with its orders and goals being trusted only to the most important members of the Direktorat.

The operatives are mostly hand-picked by the Direktorat, spanning from the most skilled aces within the ranks of the Unioners, to the most patriotic scientists in Rheinland. Usually, the tasks given to the operatives are secret but they can vary from intel gathering and ambushes to performing terrorist attacks behind enemy lines. These men and women are amongst the most feared individuals in Sirius, known for their skills in combat and dedication toward the Direktorat. Rumors have it that a few GEIST operatives have even been seen escorting the Direktor himself.

After the collapse of the Syndicate Leagues, the newly formed Direktorat managed to obtain the files regarding the previous GEIST structure, giving them a chance to recreate the spec-ops squadron once more. The Direktorat has already established basic operations in which GEIST will partake while still lacking a squadron leader. Consequently, the operatives are tasked with reporting directly to the Direktor.

>> History

// Work in Progress //

>> Ideology

The Unioners, despite being largely separated throughout history, share common ideas and thoughts about certain subjects and factions. Despite being known as a loosely-organized group the Unioners are making efforts to change that.

In recent times the leadership has stepped forward and announced that the Unioners shall become an organized faction, trying to prevent further branching within the faction and assure unity within the ranks of workers.

The Unioners value their own kin more than anyone else, so a common Arbeiter isn’t too friendly to neutral or even allied pilots, always appearing skeptical and paranoid. The group has grown on Rheinland’s workforce so to say that they’re hostile to foreign companies within Rheinland would be an understatement. Most of the Unioners share a common opinion on some of the following subjects :

----- <The Syndicligs> -----

The majority of the Unioners originate from the ranks of the Ligas but despite being its loyal followers for many years they feel like the Ligas betrayed them.
The once loyal and well-organized group became a group of politicians and civilians who have forgotten their past because it was easier to do so than to fight for what was right. Most Unioners will look towards a member of the Ligas with disappointment but will be more than glad to call the member of the Ligas a brother should he step within their ranks.

[Image: 2022-01-28-15-49-54-667.jpg]

‘The once-thriving and prosperous society of unity and great success has collapsed under its own weight.
Consumed and devoured by the greed and the lust for power of its own High Command. A snake that has been eaten by its own head, from the tail up.’

----- <Pacifica Base> -----

The home to the movement. After being exiled from Alster, the Unioners found refuge between the rocks of Bering. Pacifica is certainly a mother base to all Unioner operations, a sole hideout from the law’s hand.
A large part of the Union’s history is closely tied to the base so you better be sure that they will protect it with their lives and the lives of their children if they have to.

[Image: Pacifica-Base.png]

‘There ain’t no place like home. It might be a bit rough around the edges but no other base comes close.’

----- <RGS> -----

Pathetic. A company fueled by greed and corruption. An empire that grew on the exploitation
of workers. Much like their friends ALG, they’re rotten to the core.
There’s only one solution, complete destruction. Once called Imperial Shipping, most Unioners nowadays still know it as Republican Shipping. The antagonist of the Unioners. Anyone associated with the company in any way will earn themselves a beating from the Unioners…Or worst.

[Image: 2022-01-24-11-37-58-561.jpg]

----- <Status of common workers> -----

Very much tied to the Treaty of integration, the status of a common worker in Rheinland at this time in history is, as seen by the Unioners, at an all-time low.
Despite being offered decent working conditions the Union will still not forgive the wrongs of the past, trying not to be persuaded by the devil. After all, the devil is still the devil despite having some pretty good deals.

‘These are hard times my brethren. We are no longer what we were. We have rejected our ideals for long enough. Fooled by the society that exiled us and tortured our fathers, our children, our brothers.’

----- <The treaty of Unioner integration into Rheinland society> -----

A lost cause. A failed attempt at peace. Trying to make the Unioners forget about the wrongdoings of the government. In the eyes of the Unioners, the treaty is a failed attempt at making them forget what happened to them all those years ago. However, opinions differ on this subject. Some Unioners accept the treaty as a good foundation for a new society.

‘Years of wars and conflict, the oceans of blood and tears shed by our mothers and wives all gone and forgotten by a simple signing of a black line on a document.’

----- <Rheinland Military & Rheinland Police> -----

Enforcers of Rheinland laws and bureaucracy are not much favored by the Unioners. Despite endless fighting, some Unioners consider the officers honorable enemies, for their neverending efforts to ensure the extinction of violence in Rheinland.

----- <Criminal activities> -----

Simply put, a common Arbeiter will do what needs to be done for money or to send a message. Be it piracy, murder, kidnappings, smuggling, sabotage, or acts of terrorism, nothing is too dirty for a Unioner. If it pays well they’ll do it.
Despite gaining some funds through history a common Unioner will still do anything for some credits. It’s a simple rule: ‘If no one else will do it. Double the price.’

>> Goals


• Make the Integration treaty no longer valid amongst the Unioners in Rheinland
• Destroy Republikanische Großspedition once and for all.
• Enforce the rights of Rhineland workers with force.
• Make enough credits to fund the Unioners completely
• Expend in size and create a well-organized Unioner movement
• Reform the GEIST and finish their top-secret operation
• Upgrade Pacifica and secure Bering as pirate space


• Create a stable rebellion to complete primary goals
• Destabilize ALGs influence over Rhineland
• Minimalize foreign influence and destroy import routes of foreign workforce
• Establish a reliable smuggling network as a source of income
• Connect and make deals with criminal groups outside of Rhineland
• Ensure that the Rhineland Government understands the group’s dissatisfaction with the Integration treaty by any means necessary
• Secure Zurich from Gallic threats and protect the trading hub within the system
• Continue establishing connections with Corsairs

>> Diplomacy

Other Unioners, Junkers, Corsairs

Outcasts, Rogues, Lane Hackers, Other unlawful groups

Republikanische Großspedition (RGS), Rhineland Military, Rhineland Police, ALG, Bounty Hunters, Xenos, The Syndicliga, House militaries, Insurgency Navy

>> Technology

For years Unioners have been developing and designing their own technology but due to the lack of proper funding and resources, their weaponry is considered low-grade by other factions due to its low reliability, however, a true Unioner will rely on any piece of Unioner technology to save their life; be it made out of finest alloy or rustiest scrap. Unioners can nowadays mostly be seen flying around in Rheinland black market and Unioner-made vessels.
Look if it holds the bad stuff outside and keeps you alive, it'll do.

>> Ranking


The head of the Union. A man or a woman that holds this rank is certainly amongst the most wanted in Rheinland. The direktor should dedicate their life to holding the Unioners together, which is harder than it sounds as The Unioners have the odd habit of making cells within the faction. Back in the day, this would be tolerated but nowadays the Union is taking a more organized approach to defending the Rheinland workers.


The right-hand man of the man himself. His main job is overseeing all operations within the Unioners. Should the director ever go crazy they are the ones to take their place. This individual should be protected at all costs.


The high command of the Unioners. These are the people in charge. They aren’t known to the public and most of the time they’re unknown to the members of the Union themselves. All the decisions get made here. A common member of the Unioners will need to dedicate one-and-a-half lives to get to this position.


The highest rank that a member can reach without getting himself involved in the Direktorat directly. Certain members of the Union carry this rank while being members of the Direktorat. Such individuals should be looked up highly by all members, not just the ones with lesser ranks.


A rank that is higher than an Arbeiter. These are the pilots rewarded for their great efforts for the Union. Such pilots are usually combat experts, skilled engineers, smugglers, or commanders in battle. Their word should be obeyed by all arbiters.


The most common rank amongst the ranks of the Unioners. The Arbeiter rank; such pilots should be feared by all of Rheinland. A person with such rank is either a new recruit or somebody who doesn't want to stick their neck out too much. Pilots that carry this rank can either be very skilled in combat or any other field of work but something is certain. If you see an Arbeiter in space you better be on their good side or you should make sure that you have something valuable in exchange for your life. They can be seen partaking in all sorts of operations and projects in the underworld but despite their large skills most of these pilots were once workers who have only three things in mind: Credits, revenge, and serving the Union.

>> Naming

-[Personal Ships:

UN]-Firstname.Lastname or UN]-Codename

-[Capital ships and other special vessels:


-[Shared Ships:


RE: The Unioners - Faction Information & Feedback - Alex(Pineapple) - 01-28-2022

I hope you like my desperate try on bringing back the Unioners. As always I'm open to suggestions and ideas.
PS: The History is being worked on as I can't seem to find a good enough source anywhere without resorting to plagiarism. <3

RE: The Unioners - Faction Information & Feedback - UN]- The Unioners - 01-29-2022

UPDATE: Recruitment and MD complete. Anyone interested in joining is free to apply here: Link
Also, feel free to join our discord server: Link

RE: The Unioners - Faction Information & Feedback - Lord Helmchen - 01-29-2022

I wish you the Best to Bring back Live to Rheinland with your Faction. I always love the opportunity to make some Good RP along the way when I Bring Passengers Trough Rheinland. I hope for many Good RP Encounters in the Future between the Unioners UN]- and Orbital Spa and Cruise OS&C|. Let's Make Rheinland GREAT AGAIN.

RE: The Unioners - Faction Information & Feedback - Lusitano - 01-29-2022

i found many typos, mainly with the word Rheinland.

best of luck Smile

RE: The Unioners - Faction Information & Feedback - UN]- The Unioners - 03-05-2022

Tag pilots! The Operations Center is now officially online! Check it out!

RE: The Unioners - Faction Information & Feedback - Wesker - 03-06-2022

Not a complaint more like a reminder, remember that everyone in a fight has to drop an engagement notice before firing. One of your cruisers in the recent Frankfurt fight did not. I'm not gonna jump to sanctionlancer because all it's going to do is piss you off and I believe in second chances.

RE: The Unioners - Faction Information & Feedback - UN]- The Unioners - 03-06-2022

(03-06-2022, 09:36 PM)Wesker Wrote: Not a complaint more like a reminder, remember that everyone in a fight has to drop an engagement notice before firing. One of your cruisers in the recent Frankfurt fight did not. I'm not gonna jump to sanctionlancer because all it's going to do is piss you off and I believe in second chances.

Thank you for choosing a friendlier way. This is noted and will not happen again. Kudos for the fight and thanks for the feedback.

RE: The Unioners - Faction Information & Feedback - UN]- The Unioners - 05-31-2022

Hello people!
Since we will soon find out if we will become official. We would like to hear the communities feedback, good and bad since we want to improve. So tell us what you think about our faction, we're listening. <3

RE: The Unioners - Faction Information & Feedback - Czechmate - 05-31-2022

Very good faction, high quality roleplay, have been reaching out to people to generate activity. Would like to see you more often!