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Question who need a aswer - Patriot - 04-11-2009

Ok,heres the scenario

Im in my corsair character,i got a junkers on my radar,he's flying a slave liner,i chose to tax him,so i ask him to halt,i ask for a "fee" he say no,he say bring cargo to crete and he is protected by the can i know that......and he fly a slave liner,maybe he work for the corsair ,but he surely work for the outcast too in that vessels.

So,he try to fleed,i blow them up,later i meet 2 corsair bombers,representig a corsair faction[ i will not name it here],they tell me,yes that junkers was a "friend"of the corsair and blow my vessels up,and i dont have much time for talk there.

So my question are,what the hell these corsair faction think?.They can protect a junkers and kill a corsair members?

i dont see the logic here?,Maybe someone can explain me


Question who need a aswer - Benjamin - 04-11-2009

' Wrote:Ok,heres the scenario
Im in my corsair character,i got a junkers on my radar,he's flying a slave liner,i chose to tax him,so i ask him to halt,i ask for a "fee" he say no,he say bring cargo to crete and he is protected by the can i know that......and he fly a slave liner,maybe he work for the corsair ,but he surely work for the outcast too in that vessels.
So,he try to fleed,i blow them up,later i meet 2 corsair bombers,representig a corsair faction[ i will not name it here],they tell me,yes that junkers was a "friend"of the corsair and blow my vessels up,and i dont have much time for talk there.
So my question are,what the hell these corsair faction think?.They can protect a junkers and kill a corsair members?
i dont see the logic here?,Maybe someone can explain me


Well, it seems like you broke one of the corsair rules/laws, even after he told you about it (and you should really know it anyway)

Question who need a aswer - teschy - 04-11-2009

Well, it was your poor choice to destroy that junker ship. Now you'll face the consequences, and probably be banned from all junker bases. You know, like Trafalgar, a base used by the corsairs to stage attacks in Bretonia.

Question who need a aswer - blubba - 04-11-2009

Maybe I can help with that.....

Are you sure he said he was 'protected'?
How could you know where he was headed?

A) He told you.
B) The location and his heading when you encountered him, where did you think he was going with that cargo?

Section 3. Just for further information.

I hope that helps.

Question who need a aswer - Hawk - 04-11-2009

If you destroyed a ship bringing supplies to Crete whether it was a Junker ship or any other faction, that was not a wise move or very much within RP. You simply decided that your own greed for taxing something more important than supplying Crete. Other Corsairs have every right to be upset about that. You actually got of easy. In the past, Corsairs have been shunned and declared KOS to all Corsairs for destroying food shipments bound for Crete.

Question who need a aswer - Patriot - 04-11-2009

Be a junkers dont make you immune to the piracy,thats not a free pass faction,i only ask for a fee in this situation,if that junkers vessels are so friendly whit the corsair,why he hit cruise for evade,why he dont talk whit me.

And i still dont see a reason for a corsair for kill is brother members for a members of another faction.No sense at al for me

And a slave liner vessels just by the way,dont that vessels make you loolike affiliated whit the slavery,thats mean supply the outcast too?

Question who need a aswer - Xing - 04-11-2009

Piracy too, is associated with outcasts.
This said, what is the corsair stance on slavers?

Question who need a aswer - DeathsOverture - 04-11-2009

' Wrote:
Corsair Council Proclamation.

Sirius wide communication net - all points.

Subject: Reiteration of standing council orders. Notification of Amendment.
Be advised; this is a reiteration of existing Corsair council regulations concerning the following matters.

3: The council wishes to add the following commodities, should they be being transmitted TO a Corsair base will also be Granted passage:

Light Arms, Construction Machinery, Engine Components, Ship Hull panels, optronics, H-Fuel, Deuterium, MOX, Pharmaceuticals, Synthetic Marijuana, Polymers, and Counterfeit Software.

EDIT: If I were him, I'd run from you too...

Question who need a aswer - Benjamin - 04-11-2009

' Wrote:Be a junkers dont make you immune to the piracy,thats not a free pass faction,i only ask for a fee in this situation

The corsair law about giving traders a free pass if bringing supplies to a corsair base, shockingly, gives him a free pass.

Think of it as such:

The two corsairs who killed you right? Lets say they asked the slave liner to bring them some counterfeit software. You destroy this counterfeit software ship for no reason at all. They kill you for preventing them from getting the counterfeit software they wanted. Makes perfect sense.

Question who need a aswer - Patriot - 04-11-2009

' Wrote:The corsair law about giving traders a free pass if bringing supplies to a corsair base, shockingly, gives him a free pass.

Think of it as such:

The two corsairs who killed you right? Lets say they asked the slave liner to bring them some counterfeit software. You destroy this counterfeit software ship for no reason at all. They kill you for preventing them from getting the counterfeit software they wanted. Makes perfect sense.

So finally benjamin if i understand what ya say here,you say to us,if your brother stole something ya want,get your gun out and blow them up,ya dont think a warning,a discussion can solve the problem.....

NAH NAH,JUST BLOW HIM UP...........yea right