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Kempetei Role-play and technology - crimecities - 04-12-2009

I finally got a Kempetai ID'ed, KSP guard IFF'ed Kusari Explorer. So far I have been using it for spy stuff. This is a list of what I have done so far:
- Spying on Leeds and Java station using camera drones and a laser mic. (Camera Drones are teleported right next to the target using a special 'shockwarp generator' that only work with small things and has a 30 minute cooldown time between uses.)
- Dropping off 'packages' The packages are special satellites that carry scanners and relay the information back to me (and any nearby KNF/KSP bases). This is role-played by jettisoning artifacts into space at key points, one at a time. Why artifacts and not optronics? Carrying artifacts when I meet up with that BPA patrol would make for a more interesting encounter.
- Role-playing extracting a exposed clandestine agent from Leeds.
- if I get caught, I try to come up with excuses to be here, or escape. I only open fire in self-defense.
- I scan the cargo of passing ships and react accordingly if I see them smuggling, or if they are a pirate. I don't actively go looking for smugglers or pirates.

Right now, though, I am at a loss on what else I could do, and I only got 3 role-play spy devices for the ship (camera drones, laser mic, 'packages'). Got any suggestions on what to do next?

Kempetei Role-play and technology - Aline - 04-12-2009

Why dont you "spam" some propaganda, telling the brits that they cant winn and so on to brake their spirits.

Kempetei Role-play and technology - casero - 04-12-2009

"Why dont you "spam" some propaganda, telling the brits that they cant winn and so on to brake their spirits."

That isn't so "intelligence" if you want to be hided.

Kempetei Role-play and technology - Benjamin - 04-12-2009

Yeah, the propaganda thing is a foreign intelligence thing, whereas kempeitai is a counterintelligence thing.

Also, I'm in the Bretonian version of this, and I spent a while outlining a bunch of ideas for the faction, I can PM you it if you want. Bearing in mind it contains a few things that only make sense for Bretonians, but you can switch names around I'm sure.

Kempetei Role-play and technology - farmerman - 04-12-2009

Perhaps you could interrogate various Kusari types to make sure they're not spies?

Kempetei Role-play and technology - crimecities - 04-12-2009

Benjamin: Sure, PM me the ideas.
Ktyan: I like that idea.
I have been doing spy operations while revealing nothing about the actual organization itself. I have also been using The Moscow Rules as a guideline for operations. The rule involving 'three times is an enemy action' is the one I pay the most attention to, especially since I may of been spotted by =CR= ships in Tau-23 twice. The IMG|'s reaction to seeing a Kempetei ship has some possibilities, to say the least. I need to arrange a impromptu role-play with them.

Kempetei Role-play and technology - SimonBlack - 04-12-2009

I think you need to exploit a Gaian resident on Daisin (Stokes), please.

Kempetei Role-play and technology - crimecities - 04-13-2009

Ugh. What tag should I use? KSP guard tag, or KNF tag? Nothing quite like having a [KNF] destroyer block my path becasue of A. I haven't registered this ship, B. Because I 'don't have the proper tag' (I have KSP Guard tag, as that is the rep required to get ID), and C. The [KNF] have their own intel agency, the <strike>[KNF-K]</strike> [KNF-E].

The last one really throws a monkey wrench into things. 2 Kusarian Intelligence Agencys? Maybe I should add the <strike>[KNF-K]</strike> [KNF-E] to my 'spy on' list. That's another reason to keep the KSP guard rep, to differentiate me from them.

Edit: Changed KNF-K to KNF-E. My Bad!

Kempetei Role-play and technology - Thexare - 04-13-2009

Registered the ship? It's a Kusari Explorer! It's sold to the general public!

Quote:Additional modern Kishiro amenities and superior sensor packages have produced a vessel that is as comfortable as it is hardy; as such the Explorer has found a valuable after-market for Freelancers and wealthy Kusarians alike seeking to find the next hidden jump hole, or luxuriate in its firepower, with a measure of comfort and security.

Kempetei Role-play and technology - crimecities - 04-13-2009

My thought exactly! This is a civilian ship - I shouldn't need to tell them that I had to use 'contacts' to get it. As for registering it, I am assuming the Kempetai is separate from the rest of the government, like the LSF. It would not to be unreasonable to state the Kempetai only has to answer to the shogun and the emperor.