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To: Battlecruiser Lehigh; LSF - Printable Version

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To: Battlecruiser Lehigh; LSF - Darius - 02-07-2022

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Ceylon
To: Battlecruiser Lehigh; LSF
From: Captain Harold Sommerville, BAF

[Image: Sommerville.png]

Esteemed allies of the Kingdom of Bretonia,

I am Captain Harold Sommerville, speaking on behalf of the Armed Forces and, as requested by the Admiralty Board, initializing contact with the Battlecruiser Lehigh and her escorting flotilla, in light of recent developments.

As the Liberty Naval Command has been already informed, the Armed Forces flotilla sent to foray into Vespucci has been destroyed, with none of the vessels taking part in the operation returning. While the loss of life is regrettable and could have been avoided through better coordination and intelligence data, we wish to relay the information gathered from the last distress signal in hope that the Liberty Navy and Security Force, respectively, will manage to more easily penetrate the defenses around the Jump Hole, once more assets are deployed in the area.

Firstly, and most importantly, the location of the Jump Hole is deep within an asteroid field (sector G6), making large warship deployments tenous, perhaps even impossible in the case of heavy battlecruisers and battleships. Whilst it is not defended, this natural barrier will be the main obstacle preventing an swift invasion of Vespucci itself.

Secondly, within Vespucci itself (sector 5B), our flotilla, upon entry, came across a large minefield, containing a multitude of defensive platforms installed by the Insurgency to deter hostile forces from entering. Behind the minefield, several clicks away, the Armed Forces' group deployed to the system met several large warships, identified as one Judicator-class Battlecruiser and several smaller craft. Upon attempting to retreat, the flotilla was ambushed by the combined Insurgency task force and promptly destroyed.

A direct attack upon the system will cause high casualties, however, if succesful, will result in the destruction of the Insurgency's defensive emplacements and allow for an offensive directly onto the nearby planet.

Before ending the transmission, I also wish to request that, in spite of other possible orders from the Naval Command and LSF, the Battlecruiser Lehigh redeploys to the Magellan system and aid our forces within the region. Due to the loss of Liverpool Border Station to a terrorist attack, such a move would also allow us to strenghten the garrison within the Manchester system.

Reply at the earliest convenience.
Harold Sommerville
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies

RE: To: Battlecruiser Lehigh; LSF - Operative Siren - 02-08-2022

[Image: Us4pv0d.png]

Incoming Transmission
Liberty Security Force
Tactical Operations

Senior Agent-in-Command 'Siren'

Captain Harold Sommervile

It's a pleasure to hear from you and Bretonia, Captain.

First and foremost, I would like to offer my condolences for the loss of your men. In my relatively short career within the Navy, and now the Liberty Security Force, I've done my utmost to keep losses as close to zero as possible, but inevitably you are presented with the heartbreaking news, despite what you believe is your best efforts. Unfortunately, the Admiralty saw the chance to strike and make a move on the Insurgent forces, and took it immediately. The LSF is not the first to receive the news on such Naval movements, and while we began moving the Lehigh when the plans circulated, it was never fated to make it so far across the sector in such short of a time. I can only wish our agents had been there to support your men.

As for the Lehighs current objective, we are of similar mind. We're currently directing a not-insignificant number of our assets to the California system, including a number of logistics and support craft specifically for the Lehigh. She has seen little wear and tear in her watch over Tau-23, but is in dire need of a crew rotation. While not mandatory, we would like for the Lehigh to make a stop in the orbit of Planet Los Angeles so that may be done, but if Bretonia believes we are in a crunch for time, it's also possible for us to use Cordova Shipping Platform in Magellan.

From there, we would first assume a defensive-opportunistic stance with the Lehigh once positioned in a strategic location within the Wendell Ice Field. Anything seen heading in the direction of the Vespucci jumphole will be interdicted by our patrols, and we'll take every opportunity to cut off any supplies heading to the Insurgents, and any assets attempting to flee from the field. Beyond that, we would funnel every bit of tactical information to Bretonia and the Liberty Navy, and be capable of sending fighter and bomber patrols, as well as our Defiant escorts throughout the system in response to any threat. I imagine the Lane Hackers will be none too pleased about our presence, and that is a knife in the dark we would need to watch out for.

I know your Kingdom has lost a lot in recent wars, and now you lost even more in a fight that you had almost zero reasons to be involved in. But if Bretonia finds herself willing to face the possibility of receiving another scar, the LSF and I personally would be honored to fight by your sides when the LSF makes it move. I never had the opportunity during the war with Gallia,

We will keep you up to date with our movements and plans. With a little luck, the LSF will break the back of this Insurgency.

In service to the Republic and her allies.

Acting Department Chief

This communication remains the property of the Libertonian Armed Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807 A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.

RE: To: Battlecruiser Lehigh; LSF - Darius - 02-08-2022

[Image: cqoK5DR.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Ceylon
To: Senior Agent-in-Command 'Siren'
From: Captain Harold Sommerville, BAF

[Image: Sommerville.png]

Senior Agent-in-Command 'Siren',

I apologise for the late answer, however we are preoccupied with a matter of utmost importance. I will detail it briefly at the end of this transmission.

The Lehigh's deployment straight to the Magellan system would be more beneficial for both of our sides, and, as you have mentioned, Cordova would act as the supply point for the battlegroup during this period of time. The Armed Forces can also assist directly, should the Insurgency attempt to retreat from Vespucci itself.

You have also mentioned the staging point for this new task to be the Wendell Ice Field, several clicks away from the entry to Vespucci. While it certainly represents an excellent location to conduct scouting missions from, I advise against positioning the Lehigh any closer than fifteen clicks from the Jump Hole. The Armed Forces have, and will continue to, divert forces to the area to secure all exit points out of the system and prepare for the final stage of this invasion.

I hope that clarifies our thoughts on the situation at hand. As said at the beginning of the message, I will briefly share available information about the other threat that Bretonia is currently dealing with.

For the past week, scouts and scanners alike have confirmed the existence of a large number of vessels moving to the North of Bretonia, in the region of Orkney. While we have not yet acquired data about who those ships belong to, increased Nomad activity in the region and significant damage to the lane infrastructure has thus far proven that it may indeed be the Nomads who are causing this.

We have also seen first-hand several warships carrying their technology, namely Gaul ships. For the time being, the Admiralty Board has issued orders to completely lock down Orkney and to increase patrols within the region. Evidence of the damage caused to infrastructure and vessels belonging to the Wild is attached below.

Visual Recordings: [1]; [2]; [3]

It is with that in mind that I now close this transmission. Bretonia is counting on our allies once more, and should we be faced with another large threat, we hope cooperation will be as it was during the Gallic War.

That is all.
Harold Sommerville
Bretonian Armed Forces

Open for Replies