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A little clarification please - Printable Version

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A little clarification please - msgerbs - 04-12-2009

What exactly qualifies an engagement notice? I ask, because I was recently killed not once, but twice, by an unnamed trader in a transport, with not a word exchanged.

I'm sitting on the lane, which was down, btw, shooting at NPCs. He drops out, and IMMEDIATELY blows me away. He claimed that earlier he told me to stay away from his ship or he'd shoot me, which was true. However, That was hours ago, and I didnt approach him at all, quite the opposite.

So, my question to you is this: Does his warning, hours before, qualify as proper notice of engagement?

A little clarification please - Sand_Spider - 04-12-2009

Technically, no. Had he said something like, "I warned you before, now you shall face the consequences..", then that would have sufficed. But, since he had not said a word, you could technically sanction him..

A little clarification please - Rudo - 04-12-2009

Not in the least. The rules aren't there to punish those that don't know them, but to ensure a proper and decent play environment for all. That's poor showing anyway you look at it.

And what Sand Spider said. If there was a notice before he opened up, all would have been peachy. That was blatant pvp abuse far as I'm concerned.

A little clarification please - tazuras - 04-12-2009

No it does not, you must notify someone you are about to start shooting at them right before you do. In this case an "I warned you, prepare to die" would have sufficed.

Edit: And sand spider wins the post off, congrats!

A little clarification please - Reverend Del - 04-12-2009

All of the above answers are correct. An engagement notice is a direct line of Rp adressing the target and declaring your intentions. Which is why "Engaging" doesn't count as that' doesn't fit the first of the two criteria.

A little clarification please - msgerbs - 04-12-2009

Ok, thanks for your quick answers guys. I was able to get ahold of the person and warn him that if he did it again he would be sanctioned. Hopefully that's the last of it.

A little clarification please - Guest - 04-12-2009

' Wrote:All of the above answers are correct. An engagement notice is a direct line of Rp adressing the target and declaring your intentions. Which is why "Engaging" doesn't count as that' doesn't fit the first of the two criteria.

Its also why a pirate battleship cant enter a system going:
"System Scanned, Hostiles detected"
"All Hostiles will be shot on sight"

and then run around engaging people as they're encountered.

A little clarification please - Navarone - 04-12-2009

Let me posit a question if I may....
(Knowing that a 50% shield reduction qualifies as 'being fired upon')

Pirate in small fighter hails my frieghter, ordering me to halt. After a quick scan I can see that my freighter plainly outclasses his tiny vessel, and so I laugh, and continue on my way. Pirate opens fire on me, reducing my shields by about 40%. I tell him to "go play in a smaller pond with smaller fish", whereupon, he then opens fire in earnest. I have a Barrier Fr shield, so recharging it from 60% uses almost all my Bats. Pirate continues firing, and I reduce him to near slag and he limps off crying foul. Says he didnt reduce my shields enough to be considered an attack, just enough to ensure i dont have enough shield bats to survive a fight. This strikes me as dirty pool, and I don't feel that I was wrong in returning fire.
Was I?
If I was I'll gladly pay for repairs, with interest.

Captain Fred Sanford
Sanford&Son's, Junkers

A little clarification please - darthbeck - 04-12-2009

' Wrote:Let me posit a question if I may....
(Knowing that a 50% shield reduction qualifies as 'being fired upon')

Pirate in small fighter hails my frieghter, ordering me to halt. After a quick scan I can see that my freighter plainly outclasses his tiny vessel, and so I laugh, and continue on my way. Pirate opens fire on me, reducing my shields by about 40%. I tell him to "go play in a smaller pond with smaller fish", whereupon, he then opens fire in earnest. I have a Barrier Fr shield, so recharging it from 60% uses almost all my Bats. Pirate continues firing, and I reduce him to near slag and he limps off crying foul. Says he didnt reduce my shields enough to be considered an attack, just enough to ensure i dont have enough shield bats to survive a fight. This strikes me as dirty pool, and I don't feel that I was wrong in returning fire.
Was I?
If I was I'll gladly pay for repairs, with interest.

Captain Lincoln Osis
~The Dreyrugr~

you are fine. trust me.
what really bugs me is when i fire a CD at someone. this counts as attacking. they then open fire on me. this puts me at a disadvantage becasue i am almost always typing out some RP.

bloody nubs

A little clarification please - Quorg - 04-12-2009

' Wrote:Let me posit a question if I may....
(Knowing that a 50% shield reduction qualifies as 'being fired upon')

Pirate in small fighter hails my frieghter, ordering me to halt. After a quick scan I can see that my freighter plainly outclasses his tiny vessel, and so I laugh, and continue on my way. Pirate opens fire on me, reducing my shields by about 40%. I tell him to "go play in a smaller pond with smaller fish", whereupon, he then opens fire in earnest. I have a Barrier Fr shield, so recharging it from 60% uses almost all my Bats. Pirate continues firing, and I reduce him to near slag and he limps off crying foul. Says he didnt reduce my shields enough to be considered an attack, just enough to ensure i dont have enough shield bats to survive a fight. This strikes me as dirty pool, and I don't feel that I was wrong in returning fire.
Was I?
If I was I'll gladly pay for repairs, with interest.

Captain Lincoln Osis
~The Dreyrugr~

You're Kosher here. You gave him a warning and he kept shooting at you.