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Outcast Slaver? - Sarawr!? - 04-12-2009


if would it work?

Outcast Slaver? - Xing - 04-12-2009

As far as I know, it is possible, but be prepared to be shot at even more...

Outcast Slaver? - Kambei - 04-12-2009


Slaver ID
Slave liner

Malta (cardi) -> Rochester (medicals) -> Aceribo (slaves) and back to Malta


Malta (cardi) -> Beaumont (light arms) -> Aceribo (slaves) and back to Malta

or ultralong waz throught almost whole sirius

Malta (cardi) -> Rochester (nothing) ->Ames reaserch station (counterfeit soft) -> Cassablanca (black market munition) -> Dawson base (light arms) -> Aceribo (slaves) and back to Malta

Outcast Slaver? - Sarawr!? - 04-12-2009

' Wrote:posible

Slaver ID
Slave liner

Malta (cardi) -> Rochester (medicals) -> Sugarland (slaves) and back to Malta


Malta (cardi) -> Beaumont (light arms) -> Sugarland (slaves) and back to Malta

Well, I already have trade routes, and a slave liner and such, it's just she's currently a Junker, so I was wondering like...

The Outcast IFF and Smuggler ID for my liner would be for RP purposes..

Would I get shot at by lawfuls? even if not carrying contraband?

if so, I'll keep my Junker ID and continue that line of RP for my liner for the time being.

Outcast Slaver? - darthbeck - 04-12-2009

my friend uses a outcast ID. but RP's that he has a fake ID(like trader) he does slaves and cardi.
if you had outcast IFF. best be prepaired to ansewer some questions

Outcast Slaver? - Sarawr!? - 04-12-2009

' Wrote:my friend uses a outcast ID. but RP's that he has a fake ID(like trader) he does slaves and cardi.
if you had outcast IFF. best be prepaired to ansewer some questions

what IFF does he have?

cause that actually sounds like something I could do as well.

Outcast Slaver? - Cyberanson - 04-13-2009

The La-Amistad uses no IFF currently, because commandante Noir dosn't sympathise with any of the faction. Outcasts as well as Junkers profit from her services, but she isn't dependent on them.

If it would fit your RP, choose Outcast IFF, if not... stay with Junker and vice versa.

It's my fear to be bound to one or two factions with a character like this. Slavers are a type of character every faction could come into contact with.
As said: Outcasts need the Slavers for the 'volunteer workers', as Helena Noir calls her cargo.
Mollys need slaves in their gold mines... it may be hard to compete with the high-tech of BMM.
Planetform needs slaves to perform dangerous work on the surface of un-terraformed planets
ALG needs slaves to work in highly radioactive areas. (Yeah, they care about their Rheinland workers!:P)

There may be more possible customers, but the slaver itself needn't be bound to a specific faction.