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About the Number of Factions - Printable Version

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About the Number of Factions - Albert Profrock - 04-12-2009

We are a fast growing community in all aspects. However, it is a reality that growth brings its problems along. Such as the difficulties in keeping a track of countless unofficial groups. At this moment there is no limitation on the number of factions that could be organized and submitted. I would like to enquiry the approach of our community about a possible restriction of faction counts per affliation depending on their zone of interests, possible share in future's Discovery and etc. A discussion about its pros and cons might be viable.

Note that this is not a poll but a discussion about it. Anyone is free to sound his or her opinion here.

About the Number of Factions - Hawkwings - 04-12-2009

Pros: accountability, organization, and having large established player groups.

Cons: Why bother? Unofficial factions are no different than a couple players agreeing to play together, and official ones already have a system in place.

About the Number of Factions - Xing - 04-12-2009

Maybe should we put every official faction for re-evaluation.

About the Number of Factions - darthbeck - 04-13-2009

not a bad idea.

About the Number of Factions - Sarawr!? - 04-13-2009

' Wrote:Maybe should we put every official faction for re-evaluation.


Maybe not right away, although it wouldn't be a bad idea if every few months the admins put up a thread so they could re-evaluate the Official factions to make sure they still deserve to be official, or that they still fit the requirements, etc etc.

About the Number of Factions - Drake - 04-13-2009

There's no way to limit unofficial factions without removing all player freedom from the server. People can fly with whomever they want, for whatever NPC faction they want, with whatever tag in their name that they want (assuming it's not already taken). As long as they don't break the server rules, they're fine.

About the Number of Factions - sovereign - 04-13-2009

' Wrote:Maybe should we put every official faction for re-evaluation.

This I support, however methinks that would best wait until 4.85 has settled down (100 credits on 2010).

As for the number of factions, an unofficial faction is basically a bunch of indies that are more recognizable. Unless we're going to start declaring indies illegal for the factions that have a lot of people already, like the LN and 'sairs, then limiting unofficial factions is both effectively impossible and counterproductive to your intentions of organization and all that. And declaring that you can't have an indie for a faction just because someone else did before you got there is, besides the obvious concerns, pretty silly.

As for official factions getting hard to keep track of, they'll be hard pressed to get approved unless they can convince people that there is a very real distinction between them and existing factions. For instance, no matter how many unofficial groups get made, the Liberty Navy is, well, the Liberty Navy. If another faction became official while using the LN NPC affiliation, there would be a good reason why- good enough that you could tell them apart.

If the issue is a confusing player listing, assume any tag you don't recognize is basically an indie. So what you can't know what all of them are. You can't know all the indies on the server by heart either, and if an unofficial faction hangs around your ZoI enough you'll learn them anyway. No need for such a limitation.

About the Number of Factions - Ayem - 04-13-2009

I have no real trouble distinguishing my [+] from my TBH from my HAF from my OPG...
They all stink like something died and crawled to rat heaven.

I don't think limiting unofficial groups would be an efficient use of Admin time. Often these unofficial groups start as immigrants from other servers/games who all want to band together under one banner, regardless of the politics of the server. I remember the LT group who came, for example, and who have now integrated themselves into the OPG. To attack groups like this is an attack against newcomers to the server, if they dare to put something by their name. In all honesty, it's easier for me to see an RA member do something wrong and mention it to Classic, rather than throw a hissy and post a sanction. Knowing the boss of the person involved in an incident is useful, if they didn't have a tag how would you know if they represented a larger body of people?

At the end of the day, it's easier to remember a tag relating to an Npc faction, than to remember what the enigmatic name of that pirate who attacked you some time last week was, and which faction he belonged to.

Who doesn't know that [RA] is Outcast, or that [GST] are a group of smugglers affiliated with the Outcasts? Well, in that case, can you guess who Pato.Dooley[Molly] is with?

About the Number of Factions - Albert Profrock - 04-13-2009

I just felt the need to quote this.

Quote:My two pence,

I fully agree with Niezck - there's an awfull number of unofficial factions, as it seems each and everyone
feels the need to create his own "new" faction mostly for ego reasons on my humble oppinion.

But a big number of the players here seem to forget about the limits the software sets - originally FL
had a max number of online-players of 60, now it's 200 - and as it seems that's it, 200!

The number of factions we already have would maybe work on EVE-Online but not seriously on FL!

It's often pretty boring to stick with your char(s) as there's noone to RP with except within they higly
populated PVP-Areas - such as the Omicrons.

All you meet are traders not interested in any RP because they're in a rush to make big money asap
to get yet another capship to PVP with - that is ridiculous!

On a different server I made very good experiences with limitations of factions, there were the
house-factions (including pirates) and corp-factions and you were only allowed to create a new faction
when you could proof that you've at least 10 players that will be in that faction und show up regularly
and play together, as this often was not possible those requests mostly never got real.

The ones that 1st wanted to create a new faction joined the already existing ones and know what,
it was great fun because you allways could be sure not to be the only one of your faction that's on.

And of course there was a 1 faction only membership politics - it worked great, players had fun,
had good RP and also PVP.
Freedom is a precious thing and I really like my personal freedom, but you also need the responsibility
to earn it - and what I do see here has often nothing to do with responsibility, not even close.

It's a big mess!

Humans need structures, rules and such, they can lean on, they can rely on, too much freedom is no
good for humans, most just can't handle it.

And finally I would expect the rule-violation reports to decrease a lot if there were less but structured
clans where one mate helps the other to find the "right" way.

My two pence!


About the Number of Factions - slashhammer - 04-13-2009

' Wrote:I just felt the need to quote this.

At least one read it and thinks of it - THANK YOU!
