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Shot down by 6 BAF in New London - Printable Version

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Shot down by 6 BAF in New London - efex172 - 04-13-2009


Was just shot in New London by 6 BAF just would like evidence to why....

That would be great

PS. we ask why but a picture link that didn`t go anywhere was submitted so that picture can be put on reply instead...if one...

PPS. I don`t want ramblings to the reason, i want a picture as you said you had.


Player efex. ID GREEN to BAF.

Shot down by 6 BAF in New London - frozen - 04-13-2009

what is your tag, what is your ID, what ship were you flying, and what was the circumstance? if you were a pirate, the reason is obvious. if you were smuggling and refusing to drop the contraband after being caught, the reason is again, obvious.

it could just be a stupid misunderstanding, or something, but it would be good to answer those first.

Shot down by 6 BAF in New London - Evyn - 04-13-2009

There is the link. Same link I gave you in-game. Several people have already gone to it and the picture loaded fine for them. You know why you were shot down. Above is where Tavon gave us your names as to who hired him.

Shot down by 6 BAF in New London - efex172 - 04-13-2009

Police with a ID of Spa And Cruise ???
Ship Lux liner thats beaten up and gutted, is only being used for cargo.
Not pirate didn`t fire weapon
Cargo was VIPs which isn`t a problem in the area

Belived we (aswell as phase) paid to assassinate a member of the BAF of which we denided unless had evidence, a link was provided that didn`t work and informing the 6 ships of this demanded 3 million from both of us or they open fire (all of them with class 10 weapons) after 2 minutes they did.

A merc has said we asked him but i still see no evidence just a merc saying something which anyone can do, we were in the area, just because someone said we asked thats evidence? ..... does it really work like that.....

Give us names and leads about what .... The BAF were bored and fired without reason be warnned.

The merc must of laughed his head off after what he did and wonder through most of the BAF fleet afterwards

Shot down by 6 BAF in New London - darthbeck - 04-13-2009

would this be about the murder of bpa price?

if so. phase did tell me that he would pay one million. i ended up getting my money. fancy that.

if phase and efex got shot down. well. ohwell

Shot down by 6 BAF in New London - Othman - 04-13-2009

Do you really feel there is something unfair?

You might want to submit your concern in a violation report then. A general discussion forum is not the best place for it.

Shot down by 6 BAF in New London - darthbeck - 04-13-2009

' Wrote:Do you really feel there is something unfair?

You might want to submit your concern in a violation report then. A general discussion forum is not the best place for it.

not werrented. he and his bud payed for an assaination. and they got it. i have screens of phase telling me that he would pay one million for the death of price. and also saying that efex was with him i belive.

EDIT: what a waste of my 500th post....

Shot down by 6 BAF in New London - Zelot - 04-13-2009

' Wrote:Do you really feel there is something unfair?

You might want to submit your concern in a violation report then. A general discussion forum is not the best place for it.

Or an in-rp post. This sounds like the BAF acting as judge, jury, and executioner. The Bretonian Parliament may want to know about it.

Shot down by 6 BAF in New London - darthbeck - 04-13-2009

' Wrote:Or an in-rp post. This sounds like the BAF acting as judge, jury, and executioner. The Bretonian Parliament may want to know about it.

i think they would. i really do. say. with the right RP. they might even get the Noal's testomony(that was the molly that killed price)for maybe a bribe or two

EDIT: what a waste of my 501st post. :D

Shot down by 6 BAF in New London - Zelot - 04-13-2009

' Wrote:i think they would. i really do. say. with the right RP. they might even get the Noal's testomony(that was the molly that killed price)for maybe a bribe or two

EDIT: what a waste of my 501st post.:D

advocating rp is never a waste of a post.
