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Meeting at Storm's Edge - Printable Version

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Meeting at Storm's Edge - Erremnart - 03-17-2022

Battlecruiser Roanoke; Texas System; Republic Of Liberty

Roanoke was slowly flying through West Dallas Debris field - its hull still battered and patched as always, but only minor damage suffered since its encounter with hostiles in Pennsylvania, and crew was working around the clock to fully repair and restore its systems.
But inside of it, something more interesting was about to happen.

Virginia walked through vessel's narrow and darkened corridors as only half of the lights was turned on in order to save fuel and parts. Its engines and reactor were humming somewhere above and behind her. She was dressed in her usual attire of brown military cargo pants with turtleneck with matching color and longcoat casually hanging from her shoulders, with belt pouches for her communicator and two clips for her holstered handgun.
Virginia opened door in front of her and nodded at two men following her to wait outside while she stepped in and closed heavy door behind her. Room in front of her was looking like a brig, although a lot of its cells have already been repurposed as storage rooms for additional supplies. She slowly walked towards one of the remaining holding cells with man dressed in full flight suit and reached into her pockets for cigarette case and lighter.

"You've boarded my ship sooner than I thought.", she said a smirk on her face and immediately lit one of her vanilla scented cigarettes, "You can remove your mask now if you want, there are no witnesses.".

RE: Meeting at Storm's Edge - Reeves - 03-17-2022

The comment drew a chuckle out of him, and almost immediately he yanked his helmet off and shook his head to rid himself of the feeling it left behind. A gloved hand immediately went up to slick his hair back and then brush aside a few beads of sweat on his forehead. Ejections were always rough on a pilot, even if Morreti was good at pretending otherwise and walking it off. "Here I was expecting holotainment bands and dimmed lights." He wasn't going to let it go without a joke of his own, preferably something to return the awkwardness to sender.

"Recovery crew probably already towed what's left of my ship back to base, have to see what still works when I get back and sort that out." While one half of his mind was going through a series of mental check lists in advance, which would no doubt expedite that process, the other was keeping track of the situation unfolding here. The cell he was in had been left deliberately unlocked, a level of cooperation this deep was effectively treason.

Standing up after a few moments of effort, he looked at her through the bars. "No witnesses to what?" It was a fairly tongue in cheek question, but it was obvious what he was referring to given the context and recent correspondence.

RE: Meeting at Storm's Edge - Erremnart - 03-17-2022

Virginia drew from her cigarette and exhaled puff of aromatic smoke roughly in his direction, "Your face - and most importantly - your hair. Your appearance is unmistakable, Morreti.". She was studying his posture, body language and expression the same way as she did on Fontana.

"You can even wash your face if you need, water is still running in here.", she gestured with her left hand at sink in brig cell, "We have salvaged some remains, but I doubt it's flyable - but do tell me - how good of an actor are you?", she asked him seriously.

Virginia's posture was proud and commanding as always, but also tensed up. Minor details about her could tell the story that she has been stressed up quite a lot past days. Her sense of humor allowed to ease atmosphere around her, but only to a certain degree.

RE: Meeting at Storm's Edge - Reeves - 03-17-2022

Taking the hint, and with a degree of enthusiasm on top of it, he approached the sink she pointed out and enjoyed the feeling of cold water to numb the recent rigors. Once he was finished, he'd also given her question an adequate amount of consideration. "What role am I playing? Bitter ex? Grizzled soldier? Sleazy politician..?" He'd have kept going, but the more he tacked on in terms of redundant suggestions, the less humorous it would have been.

The fact that she seemed to be able to look past any facade put up made him uneasy, and that hadn't changed since their last meeting. But he'd now begun to consider how that might be useful, and maybe even liberating? Not needing to pretend would take quite the weight off. Especially if it came with an understanding rather than condemnation. But he still wasn't quite so eager to put all those cards on the table, not without certainty.

RE: Meeting at Storm's Edge - Erremnart - 03-17-2022

"One of my pilots who will get lost on his recon patrol in Dark Cloud.", Virginia replied calmly as he was washing his face, "At least that's my plan how to get you out of here unnoticed.".

She had a small pause as she was enjoying one or two draws from her cigarette and calming her thoughts, pondering about her options. Yes, she told him that any captured Xenos will be freed after the ship is taken over, but their chief tactician would like to be free a little bit sooner than that.

"I hope you can fly hellfire fighters as professional.", she added after a while, still having a slight smirk on her face.

RE: Meeting at Storm's Edge - Reeves - 03-18-2022

It had been a while since he'd flown a Prosecutor, when their use became something of a rarity in preparation for the circulation of the Rebel as a personal alternative, and made them more akin to trophies rather than actual assets, every one of them was an insult an often used to specifically engage the Insurgency.

It didn't take him long to put on his new skin, even change his accent and entirely switch postures. It was like a different person was in the cell now, but only for a few seconds as a testament to that fact. "Yes ma'am. Dark matter will be neutralized or rendered no-factor. Like our country and economy." Obviously he had broken character for the last line.

"And don't worry, I'll be fine. There's a reason people associate Prosecutors with us and not your former masters." While this was almost certainly an exaggeration, there was some truth to the fact that the most formidable pilots that made use of Prosecutors, at least in recent history, were exclusively Xenos. There was also the fact that for a lack of a better alternative, which prevailed for many years, the Prosecutor was something of a mainstay fighter for more experienced members, unlike the people who manufactured it and yet still enjoyed a wider selection.

Rather than playing prisoner any longer, he reached for the bars in front of him, and slid the cell open.

RE: Meeting at Storm's Edge - Erremnart - 03-18-2022

Virginia listened him as he was acting like one of her pilots, "Almost perfect - but just one thing - none calls me 'ma'am' - it's 'sir' or Captain.". She drew from her cigarette again and frowned as he opened his clearly unlocked cell, "What a shame, could've been rear admiral with big hat if I'd take you to Vespucci. Maybe with almost as big as Creed's one.". She gestured with right hand around her blonde head how large hat she would like to have to feel more important.

RE: Meeting at Storm's Edge - Reeves - 03-18-2022

When she made the gesture above her head, he tilted his head and visibly gave her a once-over as if trying to determine something for himself. "I prefer you the way you are." It wasn't clear what he meant by this, but it was likely a casual compliment to assert that she didn't need any further embellishment.

Having considered multiple other factors which would come into play once he left, it struck him that he might need a disguise if he was just going to walk out of here and pose as a departing pilot. "I'm going to need a costume in order to be this obedient pilot of yours, Captain."

Considering that she was clever enough to have perhaps arranged for this in advance, his mind wandered off on a partially relevant tangent. "Maybe I'll shoot down a few of your blue counterparts before I mysteriously vanish. Give you some propaganda to sell instead of staring at me like that." It was a subtle way to call out the fact that he knew she was closely watching him, and that he had mixed feelings about it.

RE: Meeting at Storm's Edge - Erremnart - 03-18-2022

"Wrong again.", Virginia smirked and drew from her cigarette again, "Pilots are rarely an obedient bunch - even in here, you know, they think that officers like me do nothing but sit in our fancy chairs and drink champagne in battle while they have to sit in cramped cockpit with breathing masks on their faces, separated from hard vacuum and explosions by sheet of transparisteel and small shield generator.".

She walked towards the large heavy door and picked up wire telephone from the wall and dialed up number on numpad, "Captain here. - Yes, Captain Belle. - Bring me those two bags into port brig, will you? - Yes. - Yes. - Yes, exactly.", she spoke into the handpiece and turned at Morreti, sizing him up and down with her blue eyes, "Bigger one, yes? - Great, thanks.".
She turned back to the wall and dialed up another call, "Bridge? Captain here. - Oh really? - Hmmh, we will fix it later, doesn't matter. - Yes, sure. - Set course to the second waypoint, maximum power.", she said into the handpiece and slotted it back into the telephone.

Lights in the room began to flicker and dim and Roanoke's cruise engine has started to spool up to its maximum power. Both of them could feel vibrations surging through the vessel and hear as unsecured equipment on the walls began to rattle.

"I have a spare flight suit for you, they'll bring it shortly.", she turned her attention back at him and nodded somewhere down the brig, "There's a head where you can change yourself.".

Virginia drew from her cigarette and leaned herself against the metal wall, closing her eyes for a moment as she listened massive engine spooling up to cruise speed, listening for any serious imperfections but also because she was always fascinated by sheer power contained in it.

RE: Meeting at Storm's Edge - Reeves - 03-18-2022

He feigned being offended, although the end result would be a mixture being a forced frown and smirk. "First you consider taking me back to Vespucci instead of some place nice. Now you're saying I'm not cooperative? Truly quite rude of you." Despite the propensity he'd shown for banter, his politeness was still present, perfectly quiet as she had her conversations with other sections of the ship.

Once finished, he nodded at her suggestion of where to change, but disagreed with part of her earlier statements. "Rebellious or not, people have their favorites." Whether or not this was intended to serve as a veiled confession that he thought this of her, because of the entirely inversed origin, was again left unclear but hinted at nonetheless.

With nothing else to say for the moment, he waited for his change of clothes and whatever was going to follow after that.