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To the Colonial Remnant - Printable Version

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To the Colonial Remnant - Malaclypse 666 - 11-24-2006

Madam President, Admiral Adama, and our surviving Brothers and Sisters of the Colonial Fleet:

This is Episkopos Prime Malaclypse 666, for the Ersian Liberation Front of Sirius.

I send you Greetings, Coinky Dinks, and Posers.

First, the greeting: Sirius is a very big place. I trust you will eventually find a parcel of it, and rebuild your civilization and your society, in comfort and peace.
The ELF seeks similar ends: to practice the teachings of Eris in comfort and peace. At present, we seem to be interfering with each other's attainment of these goals.

Next, the coinky dink which makes the hostility between our two Factions rather incomprehensible: Your ancestors from earth and my chosen flock share more than just dna and genetic traits. We also share a rich history of culture, philosophy, and religious practice. We both seek illumination and spirtual evolvement.

Your religious beliefs seem to stem from ancient Terra, and perhaps from pasts and places even more distant. So do ours. Your spiritual history seems to include the ancient Egyptian Mysteries, hints of Freemasonry, and of the religion of the Saints, Mormonism, which still exists in some forms to this day.

We Erisians also have ties to Egypt, to ancient Secret Societies, and to the hidden ideals of being the "Mason of one's own house", the self-incarnation of an eternal and omnipotent Spirit Within.

And the crowner: both our philosophies give hints of very ancient events and teachings, as well as prophecies of the "future", which again tie us right back here.. to Sirius. ..blows my scat away!

The Poser is obvious: If in fact, or even theory, we are bound by blood, tied by traditions, and sealed in our spiritual aspirations; then, why in Thud are we shooting at each other?

I will theorize one possible answer: Greyface is Greyface.

Whether he/it be organic or artificial, the Aneristic principle always wishes to advance itself. In your case a scientist (who are pretty much all greyfaced) created a machine, which evolved into the Cylon. To this day, the Cylon still wish to impose Order with a big O, on humanity.

Erisian thought has also had to fight to survive. We have always been hounded and supressed by those who would keep the mysteries of Balance and Illumination unto themselves, through consiracy, intimidation, force, and the big O.

We both have been forced by circumstances to respond, yet in different ways.
Your numbers are limited, and threatened. You in some sense have had to impose militaristic and political order in order to meet the threat of imposed order by the Cylon.

We, on the other hand have been charged by Goddess with making the ancient spirituality available again to One and All, as it should be. We have been reduced to rather unsavory acts against those who would impede that dissemination.

Unfortunately this has served to put us both in grave danger: Yours, the danger of imposing too much Order. Ours, the danger of creating too much Chaos.

To paraphrase an ancient Discordian Saint, "This is a fine mess we've gotten us into, Ollie!"

Any thoughts?

Malaclypse, for the E.L.F.

To the Colonial Remnant - Yngen - 11-26-2006

Honorable Episkopos Prime,

While I can't speak for the President I would like to express my graditude at your willingness to open dialogue. We have not ignored the commonalities between our heritage and yours and indeed have been pained that it is you we have been thrust into conflict with. I will cut straight to the point though as my reconaissance mission trying to locate a certain Cylon baseship is about to take me out of range:

My people demand of us a new planet to colonize and start over. Our only option as we can see is to purchase one from Planetform inc. This puts us in a fairly close relationship with the Bretonian government and the SF which we cannot afford to loose. We have not overlooked the fact that the ELF seems to be operating more in Reinland and Kusari which has made our lives easier however our sources tell us that you are still supporting the Gaian terrorist movement which directly threatens our goals. Furthermore we have repeatedly seen ELF vessels working together with Phantom vessels whom we fear almost as much as the Cylons.

So my question to you is, why and how could/would we ever trust you?

again, thankyou for your openness and candor,


William Adama, Adm. Battlestar Galactica

To the Colonial Remnant - Malaclypse 666 - 11-26-2006

Admiral Adama,

The Chao often spins in mysterious ways.

You mentioned our conspicuous absence from Bretonia space. However, Eris in her Quirky Way seems to have arranged for an unexpected dividend to Bretonia.. and perhaps by extension, to the cause of the Colonial Remnant: the Epopt of the Golden Apple Corp, Fin MacCool, reports that it seems difficult to keep the Brets from liking them. Obviously their pie-throwing sorties in Kusari have amused Bretonia to no end.

So, my good Admiral, while I can not answer your question about trust, as the Chao itself can not be trusted to behave in a rational manner; I can reassure you that the E.L.F. is not in opposition to your acquiring a Homeland for your long-suffering people. We are, however, cognisant of the fact that you are still employing Aneristic means to accomplish that end.

You stay in your yard, and we'll stay in ours for the nonce.

Fair dinkum?


To the Colonial Remnant - Yngen - 11-27-2006

Adama frowns, walks over to his shelf and grabbs his Sirian dictionary.

"Aneristic: the appearance of order, a man-made conceptualisation and division of Pure Chaos."

Adama finishes his message.

"Ensign, send this to signals."

"yes sir."

Message to Malaclypse 666:

Very well then. We will assign the ELF an 'unfriendly' status for the time being. This means we will still monitor ELF vessels in our areas of interest with great caution. If you wish, that status could be upgraded to nuetral by breaking all ties with the Gaians(changing IDs..) in which case we will tip our hats, check your holds and forget we ever saw you.

Please respond if this is agreeable to you.

To the Colonial Remnant - Malaclypse 666 - 11-28-2006

Malaclypse to Adama:


I believe you have the gist of it, there, Adama. Our past ties, both culturally and spiritually, do not preclude the fact that we must employ different means to reach similar ends, at least for the present.

I'm not sure how one would actually picture a status of "agreeably unfriendly"...,
rather a paradoxical description... but it does appear to fit the situation.

So, Admiral, the GAC and LDD have been placed on notice that they needn't go out of their way or change their dinner plans if a CR Vessel is in the neighborhood. They have also been advised to be wary, watchful, and if the individual situation warrants, to return fire, insults, or "pies".

If circumstances should change, I will notify you immediately. Until then, I trust we and ours can both demonstrate good "gun control" to the extent possible.

Malaclypse for the E.L.F.

To the Colonial Remnant - Chucc - 11-28-2006

F-23 Anne transmission to open channels.

Please send more data on this 'gun control' as the memory banks here have been overloaded with coupons for the next great shopping spree planned on New London. Would hate to have bad manners.

Smoochies and 23's

To the Colonial Remnant - Yngen - 11-29-2006

Chucc,Nov 28 2006, 04:28 PM Wrote:F-23 Anne transmission to open channels.

Please send more data on this 'gun control' as the memory banks here have been overloaded with coupons for the next great shopping spree planned on New London. Would hate to have bad manners.

Smoochies and 23's

No small arms, no drugs :)

To the Colonial Remnant - Chucc - 11-29-2006

To: Admiral Adama
From: F-23 Anne

How would a super computer like myself shoot drugs? They are not an effective weapon or pie flinger in my limited experience.

To the Colonial Remnant - marauder - 11-29-2006

To: all interested parties

Comm ID: Catch 23, GP LDD,


We believe they mean 'don't shoot', why they couldn't just say so is beyond us, oh well, thats men for you.

As for the no running guns or drugs, what they don't know about won't hurt them. And we never said that.

Message ends

To the Colonial Remnant - Alpha 429 - 11-29-2006

To:F-23 Anne
COMM ID:Cortana

Dont worry yourself about it dear. From what i can tell it is an expensive form of suicide that a worryingly large proportion of primates participate in, pfffffft when will they learn. Besides we have no need for one of the so called "drug addictions" we are already addicted to SHOPPING!!!!


Message Ends. . .