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The King and the Knight - Reeves - 03-22-2022

Fontana Freeport; California System; Republic of Liberty

Fontana was bustling. The recent turbulence of the situation in Liberty meant all kinds of illicit economic opportunities were starting to present themselves, and the administration was only too happy to take advantage of that fact.

Knight had no doubt been relayed the details of where the meeting was going to take place on the station, a poorly equipped but functional room reserved for conferences, which were nothing more than price agreements for illegal goods, at least in practice and under more typical circumstances.

It was peculiar to note that there were two armed guards outside the venue, projecting the aura of being an honour guard. But being a seasoned military officer, Knight might notice that their guns were not being presented in a manner that would suggest their Commander was in the room, their posture was too relaxed, as if waiting for something.

Indeed, upon entering the room to take a peek and check if the guards had simply been poorly trained, she'd find the other seat across the table empty. It was only soon after this that she'd hear the sound of boots stamping the metal floor, as if the guards outside had returned to attention upon arrival of somebody else.

Sure enough, Morreti came through the door, dressed in civilian clothes and clutching a bag of food. The simple grey shirt and trousers made the setting feel quite casual, especially since he had foregone any formalities and simply nodded at her once here.

As he passed her, he offered a barebones verbal greeting. "Hello." Followed by a glance and a question once he sat and laid the bag down on his side of the table. "Hungry?"

RE: The King and the Knight - Victoria Knight - 03-22-2022

She'd not really liked to meet on Fontana. Ever since the legion had lost control of this station, back when it was still called Hesperia, it was really more of a Xeno Freeport than anything else. Still it was clear that this time she'd have to go some lengths to not even, but even participate on this playing field. Initial scout reports had shown the Navy threat as defeatable. Yet the Navy had never even attacked like this ever before. And now slowly, some hints were brought in that a second force was approaching. With no time to regroup and rebuild, that was potentially the end of the fortress system that was Vespucci.

She'd left her own soldiers at the hallway and the transport. There was no need to appear threatening, even though Morreti seemed to have his close to the room. Still both sides would be able to see each other, in and outside of the meeting. Not expecting to be early, she kept standing at the end of the room, her uniform spotless and her general appearance was much less rugged and stressed than the last time she'd one of these meetings with Morreti. Having split command between the various admirals and captains as a security measure had taken a lot of responsibility away. Responsibility for a people she didn't even see as her own. The people who where on the Harmony and her attached supply craft though, those were her own. Yes, she had to find a way for them to survive without betraying their mission but all the baggage of the legion was shed. And she was hopeful to find a solution way before their supply issue should become apparent.

Though she did not anticipate Morreti to take her situation so carelessly. With him coming in, barely noticing her, in casual clothing, she'd wonder what his guards outside must think. And was he, casually bringing food in? Was she the appointment he barely squeezed in during lunch? She'd have to entertain it, for the time being. "Good day, Mister Morreti." she said and sat as well. Trying not to show her slight annoyance with someone taking etiquette and professionalism in such a way. "No thank you, though I can wait if you still need time?"

RE: The King and the Knight - Reeves - 03-22-2022

He shook his head slowly when asked if he needed time. "No, I've already made time. Between planning the effort around getting the civilians off the colony you conquered, and fighting off elements of your organisation that still want to fight, I haven't had much to spare." The tone of how he'd decided to answer sounded curt, and it was clear from the moment she walked in that something had been done to offend him. It obviously wasn't recent, otherwise it would have been far more obvious to read into. But it had still done enough to discourage him from showing her the kind of respect he used to. She'd not have to wonder for much longer, because he canted his head and hinted at the motivation behind his attitude. "I've still done you the courtesy of not sending an underling instead."

It was clear now that what had damaged the cooperative relationship were the events that followed the Vespucci takeover. When Morreti had sought dialogue with the same woman who had started to seem like an ally, she put him on hold and expected tolerance in the face of being deferred to somebody lower down the chain. And in the world he'd come from, there was no greater insult.

RE: The King and the Knight - Victoria Knight - 03-22-2022

She remembered the last time they talked. It surely had been a while, years now. They'd requested Xeno aid against the Navy attacking their holdout in Bering. And after that, yes, they'd been scrambling to build up and integrate the Legion with her own forces. She recalled seeking more allies in the chaos and the Xeno contact afterwards was handled by, who was it. She glanced down shortly. Admiral South. He'd been one of the first people to be tasked with assisting and basing from Barrow Station in Hudson. Had that felt like a slight to him? She could see that it might. Had this caused the strong opposition from the Xenos soon after?

Glancing back up, at that casually clad, terrorist leader she realised that she'd once again adopted to the view of the Navy on Xeno forces. She took a deep breath, got up and took her uniform jacket off, throwing it over the side of the chair. She didn't think he'd much value verbal apologies. "In that case I'm very glad that you could meet me over lunch." she said trying to sound casually, trying to be open to their way of thinking if only for now.

"I have prepared some details about refugee pickups, though I can also reroute them later. I also deeply regret that there's some forces still engaging in combat. There's a split in commands for various reason but that is also the reason I can be here." She tried to line out, glancing at him and his slowly less out of place prop of indifference, in the shape of a bag with food.

RE: The King and the Knight - Reeves - 03-23-2022

After she seemed to get the point he was trying to make, and essentially conceded fault as an indirect apology, there was a noticeable period of silence before his posture relaxed, something that was accompanied by a brief smile. "You're more of a person now and less of a uniform. It suits you." It was a subtle compliment over the fact that she'd chosen to ditch the jacket, and it also served to break the titanic scale iceberg that had previously ruled over the mood in this room.

"Okay. Down to it then, what can I do for you?" He had to assume there was a reason she'd decided to dress up and come here. The invasion posed an unprecedented threat, in addition to all the other unprecedented threats of course, posed by Liberty. The notions of independence were constantly under siege, this was just another incident for the list.

RE: The King and the Knight - Victoria Knight - 03-24-2022

That had went much better than she'd hoped for. Almost to a point where she wondered if it was that big of an issue at all. Was he just making a point that she had to follow some of his requests now? Still either way, they could proceed now. First the refugees out of the way and then... her own people.

"Well I did come to take care of the refugee situation, well add onto the help we're already receiving." she but then took a deep breath as what she was going to say was a massive change and admittance of weakness. And if it wasn't true it could cause serious issues. "I've reason to believe that the navy won't give up until Vespucci and most of the forces commanded from there are destroyed. We've never seen this many fleet movements outside of active wartime. And while we have always treated it as such, the Navy never did. They dragged the Bretonians into it too, did you know that? We've defeated one of their attack groups within Vespucci, something they've never dared to try before." She explained and grabbed a simple data chip that'd contain that fight and what information they had about the ships. It was more a proof of that it had happened than something she actually expected to be of use.

"In accordance with that I have pulled my loyal forces, all survivors of Bering, out. We will help as we can and there is some reluctance from my people and me but the consensus is that Vespucci is over. And with Veracruz' people being evacuated, my obligation to them is also over. I think we both know there is no use to surrender, we want to continue the fight, have to."

RE: The King and the Knight - Reeves - 03-25-2022

Bringing up the refugee situation prompted him to glance at the bag of food. But as soon as he did, he defaulted back to just maintaining direct eye contact. Though she'd been honest and provided a great deal of context, he seemed to remain visibly unsure of a few things. When she presented him with the data chip, he simply pocketed it for now, no doubt intending to review it later and in greater detail. "No, I didn't know Bretonia was involved. It doesn't change the situation, but I do feel you're making the right choice." She seemed to doubt if she really was making the right choice, so he went ahead and cleared that up, at least from his perspective.

"So you're walking away from the Insurgency. What next?" She must have already asked herself this. He assumed she would have, it would have concerning if she hadn't. But there was the possibility that she simply didn't have an answer yet.

RE: The King and the Knight - Victoria Knight - 03-25-2022

Of course he'd agree with it being the right choice, having been against the union of Legion and her people from the very start. Something that was done out of necessity rather than desire, though he'd never accepted those things as valid reasons. Xenos were people of hard opinions and fulfilled their actions with conviction. Which is what made them dangerous and the only sirius wide known organisation of the kind in Liberty.

"We're still having outposts that are unlikely for the Navy to find, yet supply lines are heavily interrupted. It's partly why my division is now having far more supply craft than attack ones, still that won't last forever. I'm inquiring as to where we can still safely moor and trade. We'll have to do mercenary work on the side it looks like. If by the time our supplies run low we haven't found any... we will see how much damage this division can still do." she explained and leant back massaging her neck for a moment. "We've worked together before, using your and other Xeno stations for supply lines and as safe places to dock. The real reason I'm here is to see if we can come to some agreement about that. I could approach it carefully but there's really no time to lose. Consider the skillset and equipment we can bring. While the reasons we fight and some of our goals might be different, we have the same enemy and the same desire to fight for Liberty."

RE: The King and the Knight - Reeves - 03-25-2022

She was carefully observed when leaning back to massage her neck. His reason for interest in the gesture unclear, but the fact stood that he'd taken note of it. "You want to continue your fight, and I respect that. Selling yourself out like the average murderer for hire doesn't fit your bill though. You'd be trading the point of the military pride behind that spiffy uniform of yours." It was a valid point, expressed with a mixture of irony and humor. While thinking of how he was going to say the next thing on his mind, he made another glance at the bag and then his guest.

"Why not stand with the LFR?" Without even saying it, he admitted the value of them, finding no reason to question it and simply taking it for granted. He wasn't asking her to put her people under his command, it wouldn't have been his style. "You'd have a reason to fight, autonomy, and the freedom to dictate your own methods. We'd treat you like our own, absolute cooperation, access to every base and mooring facilities. Only question is - are you willing to fight and help create a nation rather than conquer one and rule?" It was a subtle jab at the fact that no matter how the apple was sliced, her people had toppled a civilian Government and installed a military dictatorship in its place. Something the Commonwealth even knew would eventually happen, hence their preemptive measures.

RE: The King and the Knight - Victoria Knight - 03-25-2022

She'd brought up the mercenary work as more of an alternative, not seeming too desperate yet making clear they were willing to change ways to keep on going. And they still were military. Nothing short of large scale governmental contracts would really feel right.

"A nation of Xenos? Are you genuinely saying that you're arriving at a point where you will declare it? Which parts of Liberty will declare themselves as such? The base cause I'm sure many of us would agree with but unlike our conquered nation, there is no settled world ready to supply our efforts." said and leant back just a little. She hadn't quite expected this. The Liberty Free Republic? From explanations back then it was clear that the Hudson Xenos were involved in this. But it was a much older movement than the Xenos or rather not exclusive to them. The support was high and the Harmony a clear symbol. But would the support be high enough to maintain it and her people? "I need to know the size of it, how close to making a difference."