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Maleficus waiting for account activation - Printable Version

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Maleficus waiting for account activation - Sassafras - 04-13-2009

Dear Admins:

While in my Angel, a player with the forum name of Maleficus said he's been waiting 36 hours for his new forum account to be activated. I can contact him in game tomorrow if needed.



Maleficus waiting for account activation - ophidian - 04-14-2009

A Side note: This happened to me as well, forum simply ignored my initial registration and one of the mods had to do it online when I registered again, in order to prevent the board from "ignoring" my registration. It may be the same issue.

Maleficus waiting for account activation - Guest - 04-14-2009

I had the problem as well, the thing is that the email they use is sent to the spam list

Maleficus waiting for account activation - akar.zaephyr - 04-14-2009

Well, I have been waiting for account activation more than a month.
I just re-registered then and it was activated in less than 24 hours.

I wonder what is the cause of that...

Maleficus waiting for account activation - Maleficus - 04-17-2009

It's fixed now. I tried to login a few days ago and my account was actually gone. So I had to register again and it went from there. It seems to be working alright now..