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To: Bretonian/Liberty Goverment/Navy || From: OS&C - Printable Version

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To: Bretonian/Liberty Goverment/Navy || From: OS&C - Lord Helmchen - 03-29-2022

[Image: Caitlin_Cross.jpg]

- - - - Incoming Transmission - - - -

ID: Caitlyn Cross
Location: Samson Resort, Planet Curacao, System Cortez.
To: Bretonian/Liberty Goverment/Navy
Encryption: OS&C Alpha One
Subject: Evacuations on the Barbados

For Directors Eyes Only

Good Day Naval and Political Leaders of Liberty and Bretonia

My name is Caitly Cross I am the Chairwoman of OS&C. I wished to Contact you at some Better time but I have to talk about the Situation in the Vespucci System. Currently, we have the Orbital Spa and Cruise Liner Barbardos Stationed in this System and we are Worried about its Safety. Our Informants have Told us about the Current Operation against the Insurgency Controle System. Currently, we have only the Ships Staff and some Security Personal on board and Prepare the Retreat of the Vessel out of the System. I contact you today as I wanted to Inform you about the Movement of this Liner to prevent that our ship is caught in the Crossfire or an Accidental Attack. I also want to inform you that we were contacted by the Insurgents about a Possible Evacuation of Civilians from Vespucci. I hope we can come to an agreement for such an Evacuation. Our Current Calculations show that we can Evacuate up to 2.000 Civilians when we move the Barbados out of the System. We Told the Insurgents that we will not Pic a Side in this Military Operation, all we want to do is to Prevent the Loss of Civilian lives. We Also Offer to act as a Neutral Party in Possible Negotiations of Civilians from the Vespucci system. As we heard there are also Refugees of the Destroyed Planet of Leeds on Planet Veracruz. We hope that we can prevent the loss of Civilian Lifes, especially that of the former Citizens of Leeds. Orbital Spa and Cruise offers you the Planet of Curacao as a Neutral Place for Negotiations over Civilian Evacuations. And let me tell you again that OS&C itself will Remain Neutral as always.

Safe Skys,
Caitlyn Cross
Captain Red Velvet Club
Director and Chairwoman of OS&C

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

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RE: To: Bretonian/Liberty Goverment/Navy || From: OS&C - TheDoctorXI - 03-29-2022

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Official Communication
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: Vanguard

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Sender Name: Admiral Martin Kemp-Smith

Location: LNS-Anchorage - <REDACTED>

Recipient: Caitlyn Cross

Chairwoman Cross,

As result of the on-going campaign for the Liberty Navy against the Insurgency, it was a matter of time before this topic was to be brought up. At least pertaining to the civilian matter.

Firstly, I can assure you that Orbital Liners, in particular, the Barbados, will at no point be engaged by the Liberty Navy or her allies.

Finally, on to the more pressing matter of civilian evacuation. I, like you, believe that civilians should face no consequences for the actions that are not of their own doing. So, with that said, I would be open to holding negotiations, under a very temporary truce with you as a mediator. I would be willing to meet with yourself and a office of sufficient rank, preferably one with enough brass, to conduct appropriate negotiations. Failing that, a duly assigned liaison officer.

I look forward to hearing back from you with urgency.

Yours sincerely,

Martin Kemp-Smith
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet

Important: This communication remains the property of the Liberty Navy 46th Fleet sender and is not to be passed on to anyone outside of this transmission.

Communication Terminated

RE: To: Bretonian/Liberty Goverment/Navy || From: OS&C - Darius - 03-31-2022

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Message Class: Textual
Encryption: High
To: Caitlyn Cross, OS&C
From: Chief Harold Sommerville, BAF DB

[Image: Sommerville.png]

Respected director,

I am Harold Sommerville, Chief of the Defence Bureau of Bretonian Armed Forces. I will be handling all matters related to the refueegs, in part due to the interest we have in such a matter.

As you may have well been informed, the invasion of Kansas has lead to a major humanitarian crisis on Planet Veracruz. We expected such to happen, however, at a much small scale. Nevertheless, Police check points have been installed on both sides of the Magellan system in order to regulate all traffic heading to Bretonia and Liberty, respectively.

Unfortunately, in spite of the agreement you have made with the Liberty Navy and their government representatives, I must inform you that, on our end, no refugees will be accepted into the Kingdom of Bretonia. Due to the high security risk, and, at the present time, lack of required police patrols to escort such convoys, not to mention lack of living space for these people, we can not and will not allow any ships carrying Insurgent refugees to enter our space.

Please also note that, if any such ship is discovered within our sovereign House space, we will not think twice before imposing travel sanctions upon your vessels. Additionally, any citizens of the Liberty Insurgency will be considered traitors and terrorists and thus promptly arrested.

I believe that is all you must know. Transmit any other updates over this channel.

Harold Sommerville
Bretonian Armed Forces, Defence Bureau

RE: To: Bretonian/Liberty Goverment/Navy || From: OS&C - Lord Helmchen - 04-02-2022

[Image: Caitlin_Cross.jpg]

- - - - Incoming Transmission - - - -

ID: Caitlyn Cross
Location: Samson Resort, Planet Curacao, System Cortez.
To: Admiral Martin Kemp-Smith / Chief Harold Sommerville
Encryption: OS&C Alpha One
Subject: Evacuations

For Directors Eyes Only

Good Day Admiral Kemp-Smith

I am glad to hear from you and that the 46th Navy doesn't see Our Liner as a Legitimate Target. I am glad that you see the Humanitarian Crisis that is in the Making on Planet Veracruz. We are Currently in the Planning of an Evacuation Service with some of our Heavy Armored Borderworlds Liners. Should you be able to come to an Agreement with the Insurgents then we can Make a Shuttle Service to bring out as many Refugees as Possible till your Military Operation makes further Flights become too Dangerous. I have Given the Representatives of the Insurgency Acces to this Channel for Easier Negotiations and I will take the Role of the Mediator during your Talks. We are Currently Preparing the Liner Barbados to Leave the System with up to 2.000 Refugees on board, Sadly the Bretonians have Refused to take care of any of those Refugees even when they are Originally Bretonians themself and Lived on Planet Leeds. I hope Liberty Will be More Helpful in this matter as we cant take care of the Large Expected Number of Refugees on our own. We are Still a Company and have to Prioritize our Business Interests, Even when we don't want to sit Idle while a Humanitarian Crisis Emerges in our Neighborhood. We have a Large Charity Fund but that won't be enough, set aside that we don't have Space on a World that consists Mostly of Oceans like Curacao or Baden Baden. We help as much as we can But Orbitals Resources are Limited.

Good Day Chief Sommerville

To be honest with you I am more than Disappointed by your Response. Especially when you consider that most of these People were Refugees from Leeds in the First Place. From the information, I have they were Brought to the Planet of Veracruz during the Evacuation of Planet Leeds. My Contact in the Insurgency told me that they won't Evacuate Insurgency Civilians only those that came Originally From Planet Leeds. Furthermore, you don't have to Threaten me or my Company, Orbital was always in a Friendly Relationship with the Kingdom of Bretonia. Or shall I Remind you of the Help of the Liner Breezewood During the Evacuation of Leeds or the Transformation of the Liner Shetland into a Hospital Ship During the Gallic War? We are not the Enemy here and we Always Respected the Laws of our Partner Houses. I can understand that the Kingdom doesn't have the Logistics and Housing Resources for these Refugees now, But they were once your Citizens So should you be able to help them in any other way this would be more than welcome.

To be honest, again I have an Idea that won't Strain Bretonian Resources but still brings those People home in some sort. I heard that Refugees and Survivors of Leeds Founded a Colony on Planet Gaia? So why don't you allow us to bring these Refugees to the Other Survivors of Leeds on Gaia? You also don't have to worry about the Security of the Flights as Orbital haves its own Security Forces that can do the Escort Job. These People Were once yours and I hope you are still willing to help them. But as I said Earlier OS&C will Respect the Decisions of our Partner Houses and we will Respect any Decision you are making in this Matter. Orbital will help as well as we can but our Resources are also Limited and our Mostly Oceanic Worlds of Curacao and Baden Baden arent suited for Large Numbers of Refugees. For now, I opened this Channel to a Representative of the Insurgency so they can Negotiate Directly while I take the Role of a Mediator and Neutral Party.

Safe Skys,
Caitlyn Cross
Captain Red Velvet Club
Director and Chairwoman of OS&C

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

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RE: To: Bretonian/Liberty Goverment/Navy || From: OS&C - Battlegroup Veracruz - 04-02-2022

Incoming Transmission
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ID: Helena Braus
Recipient: Admiral Martin Kemp-Smith
Subject: Peace agreement status

Loading Message
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Martin Kemp-Smith,

My name is Helena Braus, I am an officer of the Insurgency and one of the commanders of the Veracruz Battlegroup, whose members have had some experience fighting your ships both in Kansas and in New York.

Let's put aside the data on the deaths and talk about the living people who are to be transported on the civilian OSC liners. I was sent as a diplomat from our battle group to set the communications straight on this issue. As far as I know, Curacao has been chosen as a neutral meeting place, so I am ready to go there when you are ready too.

You, like me, are only a soldier acting under orders from a higher command. I respect your choice and am ready to cross arms with you in battle. But I certainly don't want innocent people to die from our wars.


Helena Braus
[Image: hyZyC81.png]
Transmission Ends

RE: To: Bretonian/Liberty Goverment/Navy || From: OS&C - TheDoctorXI - 04-07-2022

[Image: Dm8Zx3l.png]

Official Communication
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: Vanguard

[Image: unknown.png]

Sender Name: Admiral Martin Kemp-Smith

Location: LNS-Anchorage - <REDACTED>

Recipient: Helena Braus

Ms Braus,

Please inform me of your intended time and day of arrival to Cortez.

Be advised, I intend on arriving on my personal flagship under a very temporary truce for the sake of allowing our discussion to take place. I would expect that you are to do the same.

Chairwoman Cross, I would cordially request your presence at this meeting.

Martin Kemp-Smith
Liberty Navy 46th Fleet

Important: This communication remains the property of the Liberty Navy 46th Fleet sender and is not to be passed on to anyone outside of this transmission.

Communication Terminated

RE: To: Bretonian/Liberty Goverment/Navy || From: OS&C - Operative Siren - 04-08-2022

[Image: Us4pv0d.png]

Incoming Transmission
Liberty Security Force
Tactical Operations

Department Chief 'Siren'


As far as the Liberty Security Force is concerned, there will be no refugees accepted within Liberty. Civilians that willingly joined hands with the terrorist organizations that make up the Insurgency are subject to any and all enforcement of Liberty's laws with extreme prejudice. Innocent or not, I don't doubt that very few have not been flat out indoctrinated by the Insurgent forces, and even one with the know-how to make a bomb could bring tragedy to whatever station you bring them to.

To that extent, any civilians brought from the Insurgents territory will be imprisoned or executed at their point of arrival, and if your ship is caught transporting 'refugees' or otherwise aiding the terrorist organization, you will be subject to punishment up to, and also including execution, and Orbital Spa and Cruise will be barred from Liberty until there has been a thorough investigation of many interesting details about your organization.

I hope I have made myself exceedingly clear, Cross. Stop what you are doing, or I'll see an end to it personally.

Department Chief

This communication remains the property of the Libertonian Armed Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807 A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.

RE: To: Bretonian/Liberty Goverment/Navy || From: OS&C - Lord Helmchen - 04-08-2022

[Image: Caitlin_Cross.jpg]

- - - - Incoming Transmission - - - -

ID: Caitlyn Cross
Location: Samson Resort, Planet Curacao, System Cortez.
To: 'Siren'
Encryption: OS&C Alpha One
Subject: Evacuations

For Directors Eyes Only

Good Day 'Siren'

First and Formost it is either Director Cross or Chairwoman Cross for you, Secondly, What the Hell do you all have with your threats? I think I have to Remind you that OS&C is not the Enemy here, We are just Concerned about our Property, Namely the Liner Barbados and wanted to help some People in the Process. OS&C and my Person in Specific have done Everything by the Books and Contacted the LSF and other Naval and Governmental Forces BEFORE we did anything. To threaten my Company with Legal Actions and me in particular with Execution is a Step too Far even for the LSF. Orbital haves always Valued its neutral Stance and will do so in the future, we will Retreat our Liner Barbados from the Vespucci System under the Protection of the 46th Liberty Fleet as Promised and nothing else. But as you like Threats so much Siren let me make one of my own, OS&C haves one of the Best Legal Teams in Sirius so should you and your Agents Lay your hands on a Lawfully Operated Orbital Ship then I Will Unleash a Legal Barrage against you as you have never seen before. I asked Polite and Friendly for Permission to do something good Siren and I follow the Decisions of Liberty and Bretonia as we at Orbital have Always done. But don't Mistake our Neutrality for Weakness Siren then should you Lay your Hands on my Orbital Family I will make sure that you Regret it deeply. You are not the only one with Friends and Influence so don't Provoke me to Summon them from my Litle Black Book.

Now enough with the Useless Threats, I as the Chairwoman of OS&C give you my Word that Orbital will only Bring out the Liner Barbados and its OS&C Personal and then not further Take Place in any Evacuations or other Operations in the Vespucci system. I won't Risk the Good Reputation and Neutrality of my Company for a PR Stunt.

Safe Skys,
Caitlyn Cross
Captain Red Velvet Club
Director and Chairwoman of OS&C

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

[Image: PojtqNs.png]

RE: To: Bretonian/Liberty Goverment/Navy || From: OS&C - Operative Siren - 04-08-2022

[Image: Us4pv0d.png]

Incoming Transmission
Liberty Security Force
Tactical Operations

Department Chief 'Siren'


You seem to confuse my organization with that of one that isn't backed with the full might of Liberty, but I'll humor you miss Cross.

Firstly, you cannot bring a 'legal barrage' against me. I and my agents are the law, and we very rarely make mistakes in our enforcement of them. Secondly, you're more than welcome to bring out your 'friends' in your 'little black book'. If you really want to show me what monsters are in your closet, I'll be happy to kill them for you.

As for the Barbados, you may want to be extremely cooperative with the Liberty Security Force when you withdraw from the home system of the terrorist insurgency. There's many questions we'd like to ask, particularly about why you are associating with security threats to Liberty while also operating within and around our borders. If you're fortunate, I may not have to bring up charges for conspiracy and aiding and abetting terrorists against you and Orbital Spa and Cruise.

And remember miss Cross, I do not make threats I don't intend to keep.

Department Chief

This communication remains the property of the Libertonian Armed Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807 A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.

RE: To: Bretonian/Liberty Goverment/Navy || From: OS&C - Lord Helmchen - 04-09-2022

[Image: Caitlin_Cross.jpg]

- - - - Incoming Transmission - - - -

ID: Caitlyn Cross
Location: Samson Resort, Planet Curacao, System Cortez.
To: 'Siren'
Encryption: OS&C Alpha One
Subject: Evacuations

For Directors Eyes Only

Good Day 'Siren'

First, let me inform you about your Obvious Loss of Data in your Databases, that Orbital Spa and Cruise was Absolutely Transparent about The Liner Barbados and its Deployment towards Liberty. We have sent Multiple Comms over the Years towards the Liberty Government both before and after the Deployment of the Liner to the Vespucci System. We never heard back from the Libertonian Government against the Deployment or Operation of the Liner. I say it again we are not the Enemy here, and we don't want to become one. If you have any Problem with the Business that our Liner has done in Vespucci then Talk to the Liberty Government about the Lack of Interest when one of the Biggest Taxpayers of Liberty Sends a Comm to them and wants to talk about something this Important. We have always Played by the Books and intend to do this Further, we will evacuate our Liner and our People out of Vespucci and you are of course welcome to Observe this. I am sure you won't find any Breaks of the Liberty Law from our Side.

Ps: and again it is either Director or Chairwoman Cross for you Siren.

Safe Skys,
Caitlyn Cross
Captain Red Velvet Club
Director and Chairwoman of OS&C

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

[Image: PojtqNs.png]