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To: Crayter Republic | From: Liberty Insurgency - Printable Version

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To: Crayter Republic | From: Liberty Insurgency - Battlegroup Veracruz - 03-30-2022

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ID: Isaac Barrington
Recipient: Crayter Republic
Subject: Refugees status

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To whom it may concern.

My name is Isaac Barrington, and I am the commander of the Battlegroup Veracruz, whose forces are at the moment concerned with the evacuation of the Breton refugees outside the Vespucci system.

As far as I know, a peace has been made between us, one result of which is that Yuma is now available to receive refugees from our territories. I would like to know exactly how many people your planet is willing to accept without negative consequences. We are preparing for some of the refugees from Bretonia who are in our waters to come to you, to a safer place, and then either go home or start life over, that's their choice.


Isaac Barrington
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RE: To: Crayter Republic | From: Liberty Insurgency - Crayter Republic - 04-05-2022

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TO Isaac Barrington,

Though we have recently made peace with with your "movment" this comes as a big surprise to us. The importance of it has made its way right to my desk, and we are taking you seriously.

The after effects, and consciences could be far greater than any of us could imagine, and please understand the risk is very high. As you know we have heavy ties with the Republic of Liberty and they are at BOTH of our doorsteps. We will take in civilian refugees on Yuma. They can wait and make their way to Bretonia, or they can decide to restart their life within our great Republic of Crayter. A place of new opportunity, and a new life. Even though we are not allies and even recent enemies. We can not just sit and watch the innocent bleed as we have seen so much in our life time.

Escorts will be sent out to help secure their safety. All tranports will be searched and scanned upon arrival. All refugees will be subject to normal immigration procedures. We will be accepting only civilians.

All you need to do is tell us where.

Lily Ward
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Crayter Republic

RE: To: Crayter Republic | From: Liberty Insurgency - Battlegroup Veracruz - 04-05-2022

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ID: Isaac Barrington
Recipient: Lily Ward
Subject: Refugees status

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Lily Ward,

It seems that your planet is not limited in the number of refugees, but this news cannot but make us happy. I think, The Republic of Liberty will not interfere with our evacuation efforts: 46th Fleet was among the first to agree with the idea of the OSC (one of the organizations supporting us in the evacuation) not to interfere with the evacuation convoys. At the moment I'm waiting for their negotiations with our ambassador to be over so I can put an end to this issue.

I will send you the details of the evacuation operation shortly.


Isaac Barrington
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