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Action - Upheaval Within Bretonia - Printable Version

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Action - Upheaval Within Bretonia - Darius - 03-31-2022

Broadcast 5: Upheaval Within Bretonia
[Image: UznhzGH.png]

[Image: zNAGUUC.png?1] 829 AS - Upheaval Within Bretonia
[Image: zNAGUUC.png?1] 829 AS - A New Crisis?
[Image: iAhPvlG.png?1] 829 AS - Nationalism On The Rise?
[Image: iAhPvlG.png?1] 829 AS - Police Quell Protests On New London
[Image: zNAGUUC.png?1] 829 AS - Captain Sparrow Escapes LPI Chase!
[Image: iAhPvlG.png?1] 829 AS - Nomad Ships Within Taus - More Than A Rumour?

NEW LONDON - Many months have passed since the end of the war with Gallia - yet the consequences of it still haunt the Kingdom. In spite of desperate measures to save the economy from total collapse, much of the populace's living standards are at an all-time low. When questioned about the failure to save the Kingdom from a crisis such as this, the government officials have simply pointed to the debt that Bretonia must pay Liberty for, in response to the assistance provided during the Gallic War.

The Armed Forces fare no better - with the still-recent assassination of the Fleet Admiral, a power struggle began within, with most people expecting the Bureau Chief, Harold Sommerville, to become the next Fleet Admiral. In addition to the internal issues, the military has been plagued with apparent corruption, with many of the generals have been replaced by personnel loyal to the Bureau - a move only made clear recently. The Police Authority has not escaped disaster either - Liverpool Border Station was destroyed in its entirety by terrorists shortly before the initiation of the invasion of Kansas by the Liberty Navy. Many have speculated that such a move was orchestrated not by the Mollys or Gaians, but by Liberty itself, in order to rally Bretonia to the cause of fighting the enemies of the Republic.

More pressure has been put onto the government and military with the recent request to accept refugees from Insurgency space - a move that was instantly denied, with some of the hardliners within the parliament even wishing to go as far as blocking Orbital Spa & Cruise access to Bretonia until the refugee crisis is over. The response to the request has been criticized by many outside Bretonia, however the Kingdom has made it clear that no civilians are to enter due to the risk of infiltration by Insurgent cells.

Meanwhile, on Planet New London, the already-unstable situation continues to deteriorate. The Intelligence Service, acting in concert with the Armed Forces and Police Authority, have supressed many public gathering in fear of a possible terrorist attack, and, more importantly, to ensure that the capital remains safe until both the refugee and overpopulation problems are resolved. It is unclear thus far for how long the increased lawful presence on the planet will be, but estimates range from a few months to years.

We will bring more news in our next broadcast.