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Deterrence [DTR] - Diplomacy - Printable Version

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Deterrence [DTR] - Diplomacy - Deterrence's Conclave - 04-08-2022


Notable highlights:
  • We don't care if our allies fight one another outside Corsair space, but the moment anything unwanted happens on our turf, the aggressor will be dealt with lethal force, if necessary.
  • DTR reserves the right to defend allies and contractors from aggressors even if said attackers are with friendly IFF and ID.
  • Cryer Pharmaceuticals and Deterrence have been working together on a number of ops.
  • Previous tensions between Zoners and Corsairs are a thing of the past. DTR forces have routinely assisted Zoners in their borders and outside.
  • A newfound understanding between DTR and the Order has been established. Official alliance is in effect.
  • DTR and the Unioners have established a close bond and strong relations.



  • Corsairs
  • The Brotherhood
  • The Order
  • Unioners


  • Hogosha
  • Gaians
  • Farmers Alliance
  • Artifact Smugglers


  • Zoners
  • Technocracy of Auxo
  • Gallia Lawfuls
  • Crayter Republic
  • Cryer Pharmaceuticals
  • Samura Industries
  • Orbital Spa & Cruise
  • Junkers


  • Independent Miners Guild
  • Bretonia Corporations
  • Rheinland Corporations
  • Liberty Corporations
  • Liberty Rogues
  • Gallia Unlawfuls
  • Kishiro
  • Kusari Naval Forces
  • Slavers


  • Outcasts
  • Cardamine Smugglers
  • Bounty Hunters Guild
  • The Core
  • Sirius Coalition
  • Red Hessians
  • Blood Diamond Smugglers
  • Blood Dragons
  • Golden Chrysanthemums
  • Lane Hackers
  • Gas Miners Guild
  • Rheinland Military
  • Liberty Navy
  • Bretonia Armed Forces
  • Molly Republic
  • The Wild
  • Nomads
  • Xenos