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Pie-rat in a trading vessel 2 - Printable Version

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Pie-rat in a trading vessel 2 - Rocket.Mouse - 04-14-2009

Alright, I won't mention any names, I'm sure most of you already know whom I am talking about so I will leave all names out of it and keep this as civil as I can.

I pirate in a transport. It's fun, it's profitable, and most of my victims seem happier to deal with me than a GB, or pair of money hungry bombers. It's a hard deal, most people will run before I get a line of text in, one today broke rules and continuously docked a jump hole, I had to spend 5minutes explaining to them that it is not cool, meanwhile, he gets away!

I am to take cargo that my faction needs, ergo, a lot of traders don't get hit for much if anything. I typically take no more than a third of anyone's cargo. And if you bring me food, I'll take that instead of anything else. (some traders now carry an extra 100units of food with them, Kudos for the greatness!)

~Now, seems I am getting a wee bit popular. I have a "cruiser problem" so to speak. Seems this one guy, we'll call him "Cruiser1," is constantly after me. I log on, go to me stomping grounds and in a matter of moments he is loggin on his Cruiser1 and is after me. Another, we'll call him "cruiser2" likes to chase me pretty far away from his home, and yet another has a gunboat that searches out for me like the first, soon as I log on. I called one out, seeing that I just hit his trader, I might be free from that guy for a bit, but not cruiser1.

This was cute at first, I felt loved. Now though, it is up to the 15th or 16th time Cruiser1 does this. He complains that I run, he has a lack of RP with the typical "engaging." He has NEVER caught me, I have paid illegal bounties on him now.. set up many traps to catch him, and have others kill him. Yet this persists.

So, I am asking the community, what should I do about this? Last time I spoke with him, while dodging CDs, and told him this was getting old. He laughs. Seems a bit overkill, to be bringing this giant war vessel to take out the one unescorted transport . Yet this is all within rules, my ID is pirate (faction) and his is to destroy pirates. We're in our ZOI, and all that zaz, so he is free to cap kill me, if he can catch me.

I'd like to see more pirates in transports, but this keeps many away from the idea altogether. I know I should just stop my whining, and stay in my other systems of pirate happiness. I am ranting, and looking to get more pirates in cargo vessels. More traders handing over goods instead of money, and less cap-spams on the lil defensless.

Please be a lil constuctive, seems many IDs have specifications on traders, so what if I am trading instead with same ID, are they legal to kill me?

Pie-rat in a trading vessel 2 - Robert.Fitzgerald - 04-14-2009

Cruiser1 sounds remarkably familiar. Can you PM me the characters? I might know and have some ideas to avoiding/dealing with him.

Fortunately for pirates, cruisers and above are easy to avoid if you see them coming and cruise/thrust in the other direction.