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To: Crayter Republic | From: Kingdom of Bretonia - Printable Version

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To: Crayter Republic | From: Kingdom of Bretonia - The Kingdom of Bretonia - 04-10-2022

[Image: BretoniaFlagPS2.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Buckingham
To: Crayter Republic Government
From: Admiral Harold Sommverille, Chief of the Defence Staff

[Image: Harold_2.png]

Respected representatives of the Crayter Republic Government,

It has come to our attention that, following the initiation of hostilies between the Kingdom of Bretonia and the Liberty Insurgency, that the Republic you so rightfully represent has taken, until recently, a neutral stance. While both us and the Republic of Liberty are understanding this matter well, it is within the interests of all our three factions to ensure throughout cooperation on all fronts, be they of military or economic concern.

While Bretonia respects the decision of the Crayter Republic to remain neutral in times of conflict within the region, we cannot ignore the recent broadcast over the the Crayter News Service stating that Insurgent war refugees are being evacuated to Planet Yuma, the capital of the Crayter Republic.

As such, we demand an immediate explanation for this matter at the earliest time possible to prevent any incidents between Her Majesty's Armed Forces and the Crayter Republic Navy and other shipping organizations operating under its banner.

Adm. Sommverille, H.
Chief of the Defence Staff
Ministry of Defence
Kingdom of Bretonia

Open for Replies

RE: To: Crayter Republic | From: Kingdom of Bretonia - Crayter Republic - 04-11-2022

[Image: 8xbQ0iI.png]

Admiral Sommerville,

I believe the last time I had heard your name cross my desk, you were merely a Captain. Allow me to offer congratulations on your advancement.

To the matter at hand, yes, Crayter is aware of the diplomatic situation that has arisen following our decision to help evacuate refugees from Planet Veracruz. I would not expect Bretonia to ignore this, nor should you, but the details of the situation are mired in misconception, as all controversies are.

As you may know, Crayter itself was founded by refugees fleeing from catastrophe in the Crayter Sector. Gallia forced another exodus after our own, and even during the invasion Crayter's population swelled from those simply fleeing from the ruin of the Taus, and even from slavery by the Outcasts. Leeds' destruction saw Yuma flooded with over 100 million Bretonian refugees. While this makes Veracruz's refugee population seem microscopic by comparison, refugees are once more fleeing conflict, and regardless of whether we would open our gates or not, they would make their way to Coronado regardless.

Despite this, the decision was not solely based on sentiment via ideology. Crayter believes wholly in providing humanitarian aid whatever the cost, but providing none would cause such a massive outcry from our own citizens, let alone the refugees on Yuma, that the Republic would likely not last in its current state.

However, we may be able to offer an alternative that may provide some closure.
While Crayter will openly classify the attack of a refugee transport as a war crime, we also fully acknowledge that any Insurgency soldiers masquerading as refugees to escape persecution are in breach these laws as well. Crayter will welcome Bretonian and even Libertonian delegations to inspect the refugees to ascertain any criminals, as well as those that surrender before the fact. While we will maintain our effort towards women, children, and the disabled, any Insurgency personnel who violate the laws of war are fair game.

Hopefully this provides you with a decent explanation of Crayter's position, Admiral, and I do hope Bretonia considers the offer at hand.

For those we left behind.

Trevor Westbrook
Minister of Defense
Crayter Republic

RE: To: Crayter Republic | From: Kingdom of Bretonia - The Kingdom of Bretonia - 04-11-2022

[Image: BretoniaFlagPS2.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Buckingham
To: Crayter Republic Government
From: Admiral Harold Sommverille, Chief of the Defence Staff

[Image: Harold_2.png]

Respected Defense Minister,

Thank you for providing a response in a timely manner and with such reasoning, it is well within our mutual interests to ensure throughout cooperation on all fronts. On that part, I would like to offer my apology if our initial message regarding the refugee transports was misunderstood. Her Majesty's Armed Forces will not engage nor fire upon any transports that operate with due regard to our requests for scanning; our pilots have been instructed to only open fire upon ships that attempt to flee or otherwise engage our own vessels. While we are not satisified with the current approach the Crayter Republic has taken upon this matter, I have no doubt that both Bretonia and Crayter, as long-time allies, will have issues finding a diplomatic solution.

The Kingdom of Bretonia greatly respects the Crayter Republic's right to choose its own future and sovereignty, however it is in our mutual interests to ensure that the refugees now fleeing from the war in Vespucci are thoroughly checked for criminal records and subsequently sent to their House of origin for repatriation. To this end, I have been in contact with the Home Office of the Kingdom of Bretonia, providing information on the matter, as we would be most interested in setting up a repatriation programme to aid with the evacuation of Bretonian citizens. We believe that this is well understandable, and, given your Republic's ardent support for the fleeing civilians, a proposal that is in line with the latest policies of the Republic of Crayter.

As you have mentioned, the soldiers hiding amongst the civilians fleeing are fair game. We respect this decision and will therefore allow the Crayter Republic to allow any Insurgent personnel of use to your cause, however in return we request the same approach. While it is not expected that many would attempt such a cowardly act, we have reason to believe that their ever-more desperate leadership will attemot to flee as well, perhaps by utilizing the refugees situation presented at hand.

As a rundown onto my talks, and, to ensure that the message is well understood, the Kingdom of Bretonia is requesting that that Crayter Republic agrees with the organization of repatriation camps to allow Bretonian citizens to return to the Kingdom, while, in return, we would offer any assistance in the field that we are able to provide, with the exception of supporting the Insurgent cause.

Adm. Sommverille, H.
Chief of the Defence Staff
Ministry of Defence
Kingdom of Bretonia

Open for Replies

RE: To: Crayter Republic | From: Kingdom of Bretonia - Crayter Republic - 04-13-2022

[Image: 8xbQ0iI.png]

Admiral Sommerville,

I'm pleased to hear that Bretonia is understanding of our position, and your proposal was met with much approval among the Quorum of Ministers.
Conveniently, we've been placing most of the Veracruz refugees within already established centers and vacant and appropriated office buildings, a tactic that worked well enough when the original influx of Leeds refugees began pouring in. Organizing these into centers for refugee transfer back to Bretonia would be a simple process, though some Ministers have raised a point on this.
Many who escaped Leeds did so at the cost of being split from any family or loved ones that survived as well. While uncommon, we have had some coming from Veracruz that did have confirmed relatives that had escaped to Yuma. I apologize if the proposal was misunderstood, but many Ministers have requested that we allow the refugees that have no prior criminal standing to decide whether they stay or go. While I don't anticipate that a plurality of the people from Veracruz will have an issue with reintegrating into Bretonian society, those with loved ones on Yuma or who may simply wish to start a new life elsewhere should be taken into account.

As for Insurgency soldiers, we have been keeping a close eye on any we come across, though a substantial number have already surrendered to our forces both in the field and at Yuma. While we have not encountered any member of the Insurgency's command staff yet, as Liberty pushes Veracruz we will be keeping a closer eye on the Insurgents that come in quietly. Should any stand out, we will have no issue contacting you.

For those we left behind.

Trevor Westbrook
Minister of Defense
Crayter Republic

RE: To: Crayter Republic | From: Kingdom of Bretonia - The Kingdom of Bretonia - 04-16-2022

[Image: BretoniaFlagPS2.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Buckingham
To: Crayter Republic Government
From: Admiral Harold Sommverille, Chief of the Defence Staff

[Image: Harold_2.png]

Respected Defense Minister,

I apologise for the lack of response upon this urgent matter, however I can now safely say that a clear and correct decision has been made by the Government of our Kingdom. We have observed the situation thoroughly and considered every option possible for the future of the refugees that are awaiting on Planet Yuma, as the Crayter Republic has claimed already.

As I have mentioned in the previous communication, we have considered and approved the formation of repatriation camps in the near future to accommodate the refugees displaced by the military operation in the Vespucci system. We consider the decision to allow refugees to choose whether or not to return to Bretonia proper, however it is our mutual interest that all of the refugees return to the Kingdom, and, after reporting in at one of the repatriation camps, they will be allowed to return to Planet Yuma should they wish to do so. This is the best path to proceed on and we ask that the Republic you rightfully represent considers our demand as legitimate and in the name of national security of our state.

While the Kingdom of Bretonia is not yet prepared to accept refugees, we believe that, shortly after the defeat of the Liberty Insurgency, our repatriation programme can safely proceed through.

Concerning the status of the current blockade imposed upon Cortez and Magellan, it is absolutely imperative that our forces remain within the region to guarantee the safety of civilian traffic and to ensure that unlawful elements such as the Technocracy and Rogues do not enter the designated refugee evacuation routes. Should the Crayter Navy require any assistance, the Bretonian Armed Forces will valiantly assist at any time.

I hope this clarifies our current stance on the refugee crisis. I wish you a pleasant day, Defense Minister.

Adm. Sommverille, H.
Chief of the Defence Staff
Ministry of Defence
Kingdom of Bretonia

Open for Replies

RE: To: Crayter Republic | From: Kingdom of Bretonia - Crayter Republic - 04-17-2022

[Image: 8xbQ0iI.png]

Admiral Sommerville,

As I said, your request is reasonable, and well within our desire as well to provide Bretonians who long to return to their homeland the opportunity to do so. Yuma is equipped to provide shelter for these people for the time being until Bretonia can establish centers for them, and the Quorum of Ministers has unanimously approved their return to Bretonia, so long as those who wish to return to Yuma are free to do so. Until Bretonia is prepared to receive refugees in bulk, representatives of the Kingdom are of course welcome to visit Yuma and provide repatriation services to those refugees who would receive it, in effect providing a small-scale start to what can continue within Bretonia itself, the details of which I'm sure can be discussed once Bretonia's business with the Insurgency has been finished.

Regarding the Auxesians, many Military officers have indeed noticed a strange uptick in their focus on our convoys, especially our refugee ferries. As you may know, their home directly borders Coronado, and with their frequent interruption of civilian and military operations from not just Crayter, but Bretonia and Liberty as well, it has raised some questions. This matter can, of course, be discussed through a different channel with Liberty representatives as well, but following Bretonia's business with the Insurgency, it may be strategically sound to follow up with striking the Technocrats as well.
In reality, something like this would depend on the outcome of Liberty's attack on Veracruz, but removing the Technocrats as a thorn in all our sides would be a fantastic boon for the Barrier Corridor.

Let me know your thoughts on this. Until then, we will wait until Bretonia's repatriation centers are ready.

For those we left behind.

Trevor Westbrook
Minister of Defense
Crayter Republic

RE: To: Crayter Republic | From: Kingdom of Bretonia - The Kingdom of Bretonia - 04-18-2022

[Image: BretoniaFlagPS2.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Buckingham
To: Crayter Republic Government
From: Admiral Harold Sommverille, Chief of the Defence Staff

[Image: Harold_2.png]

Respected Defense Minister,

I believe that we have already settled the matter regarding the refugees. They will be repatriated and allowed to freely resettle on any planet of their choosing, so long as they do not have an already-existing criminal record. That is the solution that will work for both us and, as you have suggested it, your Republic.

But I wish to focus more on the other matter you have brought up. We have indeed received reports of increased activity by vessels bearing the Technocracy's banner, however have been unable to track them down and destroy or capture them largely due to the focus on maintaing a blockade around the Manchester Jump Gate sites. Once the Insurgency threat has been removed from the region, I believe that, should you state contact the Liberty Republic and receive a positive response onto the military operation directly against the Technocracy, the Crayter Republic will be able to rid the Independent Worlds of this abomination between robots and a failed micronation. In other words, destroying them completely.

The Kingdom of Bretonia will give absolute support to any such attack by the Crayter Republic as it would greatly improve the relation between our states and strenghten cooperation to a level never seen since the end of the Gallic invasion. I do wish to also mention that support will not only consist of political backing in the Colonies' politics, but also direct military support should the Technocracy's defenses prove too much for the initial wave of attack.

Please inform us on the situation and further decisions at the earliest convenience.

Adm. Sommverille, H.
Chief of the Defence Staff
Ministry of Defence
Kingdom of Bretonia

Open for Replies

RE: To: Crayter Republic | From: Kingdom of Bretonia - The Kingdom of Bretonia - 04-26-2022

[Image: BretoniaFlagPS2.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Buckingham
To: Crayter Republic Government
From: Admiral Harold Sommverille, Chief of the Defence Staff

[Image: Harold_2.png]

Respected Defense Minister,

The Armed Forces of the Kingdom of Bretonia, acting alongside units of the Naval Forces of the Empire of Kusari, will conduct a military operation within the system of Orkney to guarantee the security and peace of the Tau sector. The efforts of the Gallic Navy to rebuild its strength following the destruction of Issoudun Shipyard are of great concern to our states and must be countered with direct military action.

Please be aware that we did not forget the Crayter Republic's involvement in supporting the Gauls during the prior siege of Fort de Bregancon. Any action taken against either militaries will be considered an attack on the sovereignty of the Kingdom of Bretonia and we will respond in accordance.

Inform the recently-redeployed garrison within Tau-31 to continue normal operations, as it will by no means come under threat and will be defended against any dangers to its security. I wish you a pleasant evening.

Adm. Sommverille, H.
Chief of the Defence Staff
Ministry of Defence
Kingdom of Bretonia

Open for Replies

RE: To: Crayter Republic | From: Kingdom of Bretonia - Crayter Republic - 04-27-2022

[Image: 8xbQ0iI.png]

Admiral Sommerville,

It was my understanding that Bretonia was finished in Orkney, and that your operations there were of mixed success. I'm upset to see Bretonia, now with Kusari, has decided to continue further provoking Gallia, in direct violation of the mutual assistance pact once again. Know that Crayter will not condone any actions that Bretonia and Kusari take in Orkney that are not the result of self-defense, and that the Military has full authorization to deploy to the system for the defense of civilian craft, as well as to patrol for terrorist and alien activity. Military Command will also be notified to keep a record of any action that happens in Orkney; Crayter Military forces have orders not to fire on Bretonian or Kusari forces unless in self-defense.

I also strongly urge you to recall these forces to prevent more pointless loss of life, if that was not implied beforehand, so as to recognize the very real threat posed by those that actually destroyed Issoudon.

For those we left behind.

Trevor Westbrook
Minister of Defense
Crayter Republic

RE: To: Crayter Republic | From: Kingdom of Bretonia - The Kingdom of Bretonia - 04-28-2022

[Image: BretoniaFlagPS2.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Buckingham
To: Crayter Republic Government
From: Admiral Harold Sommverille, Chief of the Defence Staff

[Image: Harold_2.png]

Respected Defense Minister,

With all due respect, I believe that both you and the other goverment officials have misunderstood the stance both the Kingdom of Bretonia and the Empire of Kusari are taking. Allow me to make it clear. The treaty does not mention at any certain part that the factions involved must not conduct offensive operations against the Gaul state, nor did either party agree to the fact that only Bretonia and Kusari will uphold the treay. Perhaps you can enlighten us onto the matter at hand and specify if Crayter ships have taken part in patrols to maintain the blockade.

But do not take it as a reprimand. The Kingdom of Bretonia wishes to greatly improve the cooperation between the goverment you so rightfully represent and us, and by no means should we cease mutual assistance for the betterment of the region. Crayter ships are more than welcome to assist and oversee the current operation within Orkney to confirm that we are only targetting military installations of the Gallic Union. Patrols to deter or otherwise defend against Nomad attacks are most welcome as well.

I hope that the situation has been clarified. I bid you a good day, Sir.

Adm. Sommverille, H.
Chief of the Defence Staff
Ministry of Defence
Kingdom of Bretonia

Open for Replies