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The Jelly Donut! - Printable Version

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The Jelly Donut! - Donutman - 04-14-2009

(//By Donutman and Donutman's friend)

<strike>A long time ago in a galaxy far far away......</strike>
Ah damn it, wrong tape......*grumbling and sounds of slapping*

(co-starring the Emergency Xeno)

Now, back in the Incompitence Age, when all LPI Officers were Fat, Lazy, Incompitent, Fat, Lazy, Fat, Fools,
There was an Officer. His name was Marcus Jay. But all the LPI Oficers knew him as Partyman. Now, about 15 years ago the great-
"Damn you Cesar! wrong tape again!" *inserts new tape, followed by a slap*

Nows where it getts all wavy and the scene changes to a long time ago in a-



*swirling vortex of time travel*

One officer had fallen over on his back flab and the others where spinning him arround like a donut, while he unleashed a steady stream of curses, rants, and general statements of unhappyness-ness. They felt some kind of rumbling throughout the Fort, and the quickly realized it was the CHIEF!!!!!!!
One per sone was about to yell "EVERYBODY RUN FER YUR LIFES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", When Marcus Jay, aka "PatryMan", yelled through his megaphone that matirilized out of thick air, "JOE! DEPLOY THE EMERGENCY XENO!!!!" Officer Joe Smith yelled back, "I CANAU! THE EMERGENZY ZENO IS DEFLATED! IT GOT PUNCTERD BY THAT POLE OVER THE BIG ROTATIN SUNBUCKS!!!"

Partyman yelled again as the room shook ominously "CRAP! PLAN H!" "BUH PARTYMAN, WE DON"T HAVE A PLAN H!" Realizing this, Marcus said, "WHAT YA TALKIN BOUT FOO?" *slap* "DEPLOY OPERATION JELLY DONUT!

The door creaked ominously as the CHIEF slammed it again, as the Officers put it into action, and a wall of purple came through the back exit...............


The Jelly Donut! - Fuzzyhed - 04-14-2009

The wall of purple came into the room, and it was full of bricks. Realizing this, Marcus shouted

*5 minutes later*

The earthquake was getting louder and louder, and everyone knew the CHIEF was getting closer. Once again a wall of purple emerged and it was a..........nomad. They through it out the hall, thier thick heads blocking the telepathic waves. The CHIEF, seeing it, took out his nightstick and beat it to death. By the time he got into the room, all the officers had escaped. However, unknown to everyone, the nomad had signaled its brethren, and 50 nomad fighters and a gunboat were already on thier way to Fort Bush.................

Part 2 end.