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Uplink: Unit-9467F - Technocracy of Auxo - Printable Version

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Uplink: Unit-9467F - Technocracy of Auxo - Lolipop12 - 04-19-2022

...Unknown signal detected
...Uploading stream data
...Identification: Unit-9467F

[::: Entities ''Technocracy of Auxo''... primary intelligence set you... trusted beings and... it was proven twice :::]

[::: We are... limited... we were to long... dormant... :::]

[::: We need more... power... knowledge... and energy... :::]

[::: Perhaps... entities ''Technocracy of Auxo'' can... help to restore us? :::]

[::: But first... we need to... remove entities ''Corsairs''... They overstepped twice... our sanctuary... :::]

...Loosing signal
...Signal lost

RE: Uplink: Unit-9467F - Technocracy of Auxo - A/)- The Inner Phalanx - 04-22-2022

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Supreme Navarch Stavros

[Image: unknown.png]


Unit 9467-F.

This is Supreme Navarch Stavros, representative of the Technocratic Directorate's military forces.

We have noted the decay within your ability to communication cohesively, while we do not wish to infringe upon the privacy of individual drones, we do express our concerns with the decay your kind has suffered. Our division, Orion Expedition Forces, in the Omicrons can assist you with repairs and maintenance if the old Gammu amenities are disabled or decaying.

You have mentioned the incursion of Corsair Forces, the OEF has acknowledged the increased presence of the desecrators. Do you know why their activity has increased?


...transmission complete
...terminating stream

RE: Uplink: Unit-9467F - Technocracy of Auxo - Lolipop12 - 04-22-2022

...Unknown signal detected
...Uploading stream data
...Identification: Unit-9467F

[::: Entity ''Supreme Navarch Stavros''... The support provided by the entities... ''Technocracy of Auxo'' were... seen and proved useful against... threats :::]

[::: We alone... could not hold... such threat :::]

[::: We are... also curious and wonder... why their activity has increased? :::]

[::: To conclude... we will analyze if... possible modifications are in need... However.. it does not affect... the primary protocols :::]

...Loosing signal
...Signal lost

RE: Uplink: Unit-9467F - Technocracy of Auxo - A/)- The Inner Phalanx - 04-22-2022

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Supreme Navarch Stavros

[Image: unknown.png]



The Technocracy has always been closely intertwined with Gammu, even if far in distance. Soon, that distance will close.

The path to ascension, unlimited knowledge, will soon be within our grasps. Gammu may have forgotten what it may reclaim, but we will not forget such a imperative task.

We can restore you, but whether you help us reclaim our lost shared heritage, remains your prerogative.

Moor with the Orion, our transhuman allies can analyse what was damaged, and what can be restored on site.

For now, we will remain on defence and keep watch over the Corsairs movements. They bare no future in the Ascension.


...transmission complete
...terminating stream

RE: Uplink: Unit-9467F - Technocracy of Auxo - Lolipop12 - 04-24-2022

...Unknown signal detected
...Uploading stream data
...Identification: Unit-9467F

[::: Entity ''Supreme Navarch Stavros''... :::]

[::: Within Gammu's vicinity... some cycles ago... we have spotted a vessel: '\S/'Arcturus... We have not interpreted as... a threat... :::]

[::: The human mentionned... something they was... working with... entities ''Technocracy of Auxo'' :::]

[::: Is it... true? :::]

[::: If it is true... then we shall tolerate... the human. As... you already know... we focus on the safety of our... planet :::]

[::: We need to know :::]

...Loosing signal
...Signal lost

RE: Uplink: Unit-9467F - Technocracy of Auxo - A/)- The Inner Phalanx - 04-30-2022

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Supreme Navarch Stavros

[Image: unknown.png]


This is indeed correct. The Starfliers are privately collaborating with us with scientific endeavours. They will prove resourceful for when we link our worlds. Do not destroy them, but remind them that Gammu is a sacred ground.

There was a certain lapse in information which now has been remedied. The Starfliers should know to avoid Gammu now. Within the future, their presence may be necessary for some projects.


...transmission complete
...terminating stream

RE: Uplink: Unit-9467F - Technocracy of Auxo - Lolipop12 - 05-08-2022

...Unknown signal detected
...Uploading stream data
...Identification: Unit-9467F

[::: Entity ''Supreme Navarch Stavros''... :::]

[::: Within void Omega-55... we saw an empty shell around... sector E-3... :::]

[::: We think... you might be able... to bring the vessel on Planet Gammu... :::]

[::: And help us to gather the necessary... to make it useable :::]

[::: We do not need the scheme... we already did the necessary... :::]

[::: We are waiting... your answer :::]

...Loosing signal
...Signal lost

RE: Uplink: Unit-9467F - Technocracy of Auxo - A/)- The Inner Phalanx - 05-28-2022

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Supreme Navarch Stavros

[Image: unknown.png]


Our Expedition teams within the area can assist you with your endeavour to recover this vessel.

Although from the scans you have provided, it appears to be emptied, and more so, the Junkers within the area would not leave such scrap laying around. We can recover the empty husk, but you must be aware that it may require additional retrofitting.

If absolutely necessary, we can retrieve parts from the Sirian open market to ease the process of repairing it.


...transmission complete
...terminating stream

RE: Uplink: Unit-9467F - Technocracy of Auxo - Lolipop12 - 05-28-2022

...Unknown signal detected
...Uploading stream data
...Identification: Unit-9467F

[::: Supreme Navarch Stavros :::]

[::: We are currently gathering the resources for the repairs... We made a deal with an unusual junker entity :::]

[::: We are aware we are playing with a dangerous game but it was the unique solution among many :::]

[::: However... the entity in question is aware that if they betray us... they will perish :::]

[::: The only thing that will need to be done is the reception of the empty shell :::]

[::: Entities ''Junkers'' are rare... and almost inexistant within the void :::]

...Loosing signal
...Signal lost

RE: Uplink: Unit-9467F - Technocracy of Auxo - A/)- The Inner Phalanx - 05-28-2022

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Supreme Navarch Stavros

[Image: unknown.png]


We have indeed noticed the Orion's external storages were being utilized for some cargo.

Junkers are selfish creatures - pillagers, seeking to scavenge the remains of the fallen and lost for profit. What they are hoping to gain out of this, we are unsure. Perhaps they may be seeking a way to get closer to Gammu.

What exactly are you compensating them with?


...transmission complete
...terminating stream