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To: Executor Nagash from the Deterrence - Printable Version

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To: Executor Nagash from the Deterrence - Major Thomas - 04-25-2022


[Image: 85bc812d5d0e45c39d74ade8a053f7c1.jpg]


To: Executor Nagash of the Deterrence
From: Wilf Garrett
Location: Planet Gran Canaria

Executor Nagash,

As per your business request, we've brought tons of cargo that would be useful to the Empire - food shipments, water, oxygen, hardware, and everything else that we've agreed upon prior.

Unfortunately, my ship was turned away by TBH personnel claiming they want to destroy your facility in Omicron Gamma. Despite these resources being sent to help the Corsair people, I was told to leave at once.

I'm attaching the data of our exchange, feel free to check its validity.

We'll still do our best to send more deliveries as soon as we can as per our agreement.

Wilf Garett.


RE: To: Executor Nagash from the Deterrence - Ravenna Nagash - 04-27-2022


┝┅{Sender: Executor Ravenna Nagash
┝┅{Recipient: Wilf Garrett, Gran Canaria
┝┅{Location: Planet Crete

┝┅{Message Type: Recording, Visual
┝┅{Subject: Continued shipments

Mr. Garrett,

My sincere apologies for the inconvenience. I'll provide you with a secure priority channel for you to reach out to us in the case that this does happen again. We'll provide military escorts for your shipments if necessary and act upon accordingly.

I must admit I found it bizarre that the Brotherhood would aim to destroy Corsair infrastructure. But we've verified the data, it's legitimate and genuine. The Brotherhood has no authority over our assets nor the ability to claim our base is illegal. Leave them for us to handle and please proceed with the shipments as we've discussed.

If anyone bothers you again, reach out to me directly.

Executor Ravenna Nagash