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Republic of Keijo | Freelancer ID/IFF - Printable Version

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Republic of Keijo | Freelancer ID/IFF - Republic of Keijo - 04-25-2022

[Image: OcOMJGN.png]


[Image: 2qGRwcB.png]

Kusari is a House of vast oceans and a myriad of islands. The land has always been scarce in this part of space. This scarcity bred brave explorers venturing into the unknown to find even a small strip of new land for the ever growing needs of the society. But there is a limit to all land resources of a planet and once all originally settled planets of New Tokyo, Kyushu, and Honshu were overpopulated the Kusarians remembered their old traditions of exploration and once more ventured into the dark void of space in search of rich lands to be settled.

The second boom of Kusari exploration in late 700s and early 800s led to the discovery of Miyazaki and Tomioka in the “western” Kusari as well as Saigon and Saigon and Miura in the Sigmas. The former quickly became the destination of colonists from Kyushu and New Tokyo. Quite soon it became obvious that the support of Samura in the development of the system of Tottori was a red flag for the Blood Dragons who were causing headache to the local authorities and infringing the peaceful colonisation.

In the Sigmas the situation was the opposite. The region is by no standards peaceful yet the sporadic patrols Outcasts and shady contraband convoys of the Corsairs are usually at each other’s throats and care little about the planets in the area. Miura was settled and claimed by the GMG while Saigon found itself at the crossroads of international disputes. The GMG openly claim all the Sigmas, Kusari recognised Sigma 21 (aka Shizuoka) as its protectorate space, and neighbouring Rheinland already proved in 825 A.S. that even a tiny spark in the region can be enough to cause a war.

[Image: mpEFwgq.png]

Now, in 828 A.S. the situation calmed down and explorers and colonists of Kusari started to look at Saigon again with reinvigorated interest. It is a habitable planet with mild climate and various climate zones capable of supporting agriculture and large human settlements. More importantly, unlike the core worlds of Kusari Saigon is a terrestrial world which can be valuable to balance the economies of the metropoly. For the prospected colonists Saigon was an eye candy and it was not a surprise that many Kusarians with an adventurous spirit organised themselves to move to Saigon which de jure is within the protectorate space of Kusari. The official New Tokyo did not officially sanction the colonisation but did not prevent it either, supporting its subjects when necessary. Kishiro from the neighbouring Honshu also could not stand aside and generously financed the endeavour, promising the keiretsu profits and influence in the future.

As the population grew of the newly founded settlements on Saigon quickly grew, the locals decided to self-organise and establish their own administration for better coordination of the further development of the planet. Not having any old nobility with claims to the land, the colonists, many of which involved themselves with the republicans during the civil war, decided to opt for a republican way. Thus, the Republic of Keijo was established in 829 A.S., renaming the planet to Keijo and becoming the youngest state in Sirius.

The most pressing matter was the security of the newly founded colony. With the tight socio-economic relations with Kusari in mind and the legal status of system of Sigma 21 the Republic of Keijo pleaded the Imperial Government of Kusari to grant the colony the status of a Protectorate. A protectorate would presume the sovereignty of the newly established state in domestic matters and defering the matters of exterior and defence to the Empire of Kusari.


  • Colonisation. The newly established colony is still a frontier to be tamed. With the influx of new colonists new infrastructure is to be built and optimised to the daily life of the new colony. The original planetfall site is to be turned into a sprawling capitol metropolis to serve as a beacon for the potential setters and as a trade hub to attract investors and businesses.

  • Economic and industrial development of Keijo. The development of an efficient economy is a vital task for the new state if it wants to preserve autonomy and not be eclised by the neighbouring two houses and the GMG. To that end, the young Republic needs to find a specialised role in the global economy to cater for the needs of the local stakeholders and adding something of value to prevent being absorbed.

  • Development and preservation of economic, political, social, and cultural ties with Kusari. The Empire Kusari remains the birthplace to the majority of the settlers who are likely to hold their House of origin in great esteem given the peculiarities of the culture. At the same time, proximity to the industrial hub of Honshu is important for day-to-day supply of the colony and securing lucrative traderoutes for the colony. Additionally, Kusari is the natural guarantor for Keijo in terms of defence in this volatile space region.

  • (Secret) Integration with Kusari. Unity with the people of Kusari is rather a blessing than a curse. The autonomy of Keijo is possible if looked favourable upon by the ruling elites of the Empire. The alternative is to succumb to the chaos between the local powers and hope for the best. The task of Keijo is to provide Kusari with more value as an autonomous state rather than a province to ensure its survival.

  • Ensuring the sovereignty of the Republic over Keijo (Saigon) and Shizuoka (Sigma 21) or significant part thereof. In the age of spacefaring establishing sovereignty over the planet itself is not enough. It is also crucial to ensure authority over the trade routes important for the supply of the state as well as the possible resources in the adjacent space. To that end, the Republic of Keijo shall seek claiming and developing the adjacent space resources in harmony with the local powers, if possible.

  • Normalisation of relations with the stakeholders in the region. The task of the Republic on the international arena is to pursue its own goals while not aggravating them by finding conflicts where the latter could be averted or avoided altogether. To this end it is important to find understanding with the prominent stakeholders in the region either by balancing the power or by finding the most beneficial alliance that would in turn normalise relations with the others as a proxy.

  • Ensuring peace and stability of the colony. Money likes silence. So does the development of the colony. Peace is important for the stability and prosperity of a young state many citizens of which came here in search of a peaceful life with opportunities to build and not to raze. The young Republic must avoid if possible acts of war but also to build muscles against the unlawful elements which are a common sight in the region.


[Image: MIkZGvt.png]

The Kusarian origin of most the colonists is easily determined due to the vast usage of Kusari civilian technology and most specifically Kusari built transport vessels making up the majority of the small Republics merchant vessels. Being fully aware that self-defense is of utmost importance in the Sigma Cluster, the Republic also operates a heavily retrofitted Bustard-class Carrier usually serviced at Yukawa Shipyard in the Honshu system. While no traces lead back to Kishiro Technologies, the vessels origin mostly lies with the Keiretsu as well.





KNF, KSP, KOI, Kishiro Technologies and Samura Industries


Everyone else


Blood Dragons, Corsairs and Independent Pirates


Golden Chrysanthemums, Outcasts, Nomads and Wilds

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