Discovery Gaming Community
To: Liberty Government | From: SWAT - Printable Version

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To: Liberty Government | From: SWAT - Tenshi - 04-30-2022

Liberty Police Incorporated
Incoming Transmission

[Image: SHROUD.png]
- Sender: Operative "Shroud", SWAT
- Recipient: Liberty Government
- Subject: Bretonian Armed Forces Merchant Navy
- Encryption: Unbreakable

Esteemed Government officials,

This is Operative "Shroud" transmitting from Philadelphia Station, Pennsylvania. I contact you today to report an incident regarding the Merchant Navy of the Bretonian Armed Forces and their recently acquired license to operate within Liberty's borders on convoys that include warships.

A duty officer aboard the Fort Dix reported having warned one of their convoys not to use the emergency system-wide communications channels for pointless updates to their whereabouts and destination as well as equally pointless introductions to their ships' and their own identifications. Approximately two hours ago the tradelane network picked up another convoy coming in from California and the Atlanta was dispatched to ensure they would not repeat the same behavior.

To nobody's surprise, the convoy continued to fill the system-wide communication channels of Pennsylvania with meaningless pre-recorded audio messages that I would classify as spam. When confronted about it and informed that their conduct is a breach of article ten paragraph four of the Laws of Liberty and is considered public disturbance, they refused all claims, believing that had to continue warning nearby civilian traffic of their presence due to the bulk of their convoy - one consisting of two transports and a gunboat escort.

What attracted my attention the most in their words was a claim they made stating that the Government itself requested of them to identify themselves thoroughly every time they enter Liberty space. I wish to inquire about the validity of such claim. I also wish to know what the Government's standing is on the matter at hand. Attached below you will find the black box recordings of both events described above.

The transmission is now concluded.
Operative "Shroud" signing out.

[Image: LPI-SWAT.png]

Operative "Shroud", SWAT
Liberty Police Incorporated

- Attached Files