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To: The Xeno People - Printable Version

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To: The Xeno People - Kalhmera - 05-02-2022

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ID: Rear Admiral Asmodeus, Insurgency Navy
Recipient: The Xeno People
Subject: Assistance

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Good evening,

Some of you may remember who I am while others may not, regardless I would not be where I am without the support of the Xeno Movement. We have fought the unjust Liberty Navy side by side, and its corrupt Government. I am sending this message in good faith that I may once again receive assistance. With the Liberty Navy pushing into Vespucci we have fallen on hard times and are looking for ways to restock and maintain our ship. I realize some of you may think I betrayed the Xeno Movement by joining forces with the Insurgency, to be honest that was not my intention. I realized the strain the Xeno People went through to support us and I found it beneficial to ease that discomfort. My hope was the Insurgency would strive to work with and unify with the Xeno Movement but unfortunately that did not pan out the way I wanted to. I avidly spoke in favor of unity but my words fell on deaf ears. If any of you are willing to come to our aid, we will be ever grateful and will repay your generosity anyway we possibly can.

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