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Elizabeth Hall Timeline - Printable Version

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Elizabeth Hall Timeline - Thunderer - 05-08-2022

Making this so I stop misremembering events.

791 AS: Born on the 25th of March, on Planet Leeds, together with her twin sister, Mary. This makes her an Aries, the zodiac sign of ambition and courage. Mother, Anne Bosworth, was an elite exotic entertainer from Leeds that worked for a Zoner procurer on Freeport 6. Father was George Hall, a young Bretonian playboy at the time, living off of the family business in Tau-23. Mother lost the job because she got pregnant and moved back to Leeds, where she later worked in a brothel.

797 AS: Elizabeth and Mary found out how babies are made when they decided to spy on their mother at work. This impacted Elizabeth's future uninhibited attitude towards carnal pleasure.

800 AS: Promised to finally meet her father. Embarked on a journey to the BMM Tau-31 Gate Construction Site in Tau-23 together with her mother and sister. Mary died suddenly when the ferry launched into space. Without any obvious reason, she started smiling from ear to ear, began screaming something incomprehensible that sounded like "lololo", and died after rolling on the floor for at least one grueling hour. Doctors diagnosed Lawl's syndrome, an inherited generic disease somehow connected with Planet Harris. Mother did not have it. George Hall never showed up at the destination, so it was all in vain. Mother threatened to reveal the bastard child to the public to smear his image, but she was placated by significant monthly monetary donations. This paid Elizabeth's quality education for a while.

804 AS: As the way to Gran Canaria was released to the public the year before, tourism starts developing on the planet. Hotel prices are much cheaper than on Cambridge and especially Curacao. Elizabeth's mother uses Zoner connections to purchase a cheap ferry ticket. Elizabeth sees grass and the sea for the first time, which no longer existed on Leeds. These trips become yearly.

805 AS: Elizabeth is seduced by a 20 year old macho Corsair on Gran Canaria. He exploits her and leaves her. This, along with her father's abandonment of her mother, shapes her future attitude towards men and her desire to be in control.

809 AS: Elizabeth starts law studies at a local university on Leeds, determined to one day become powerful like her father, but benign and honourable.

813 AS: As tensions between Bretonia and Kusari climax, Elizabeth's mother decides to move from Leeds to Gran Canaria permanently. George Hall helps finance this, happy that his illegitimate child will no longer be close enough to damage his reputation. Elizabeth has to abandon her studies when she was just about to graduate.

814 AS: The Hall family business in Tau-23 is ravaged as Kusari advances. Payments from Elizabeth's father stop. The Zoner who used to employ Elizabeth's mother on Freeport 6 flees from the Tau War to Gran Canaria and opens a casino called Chateau d'Or. Elizabeth starts working for him as an elite exotic entertainer in order to pay professors from the University of Cambridge to come to Gran Canaria, so that she can finish her studies. She survives the most outlandish kinds of perversion -- and gets used to them.

816 AS: Elizabeth becomes a Bachelor of Laws, and a year later a Master of Laws.

817 AS: Bowex establishes the colony of Port Jackson on Gran Canaria. Elizabeth finds employment in the colony's byzantine bureaucracy.

818 AS: Gallia invades Sirius. Elizabeth starts working for the Chateau d'Or night shift again so that she can buy a spaceship and learn to fly it. She plans to return to Bretonia, join the BAF and defend her place of birth.

820 AS: The Corsairs and the Coalition bombard each other on Gran Canaria, hitting Zoner settlements in the process. Elizabeth's house is destroyed. Elizabeth was at work and her mother was shopping for groceries at the time and neither were physically hurt. Elizabeth buys a modest flat in Port Jackson with the money she had made and has to postpone her plans. For the first time, she witnesses a man burning alive, but not for the last.

823 AS: Elizabeth purchases a second-hand Starflea light shuttle and names it Aspera, referencing the Latin phrase "Per aspera ad astra" (through hardships to the stars).

825 AS: The GRN invades New London. Sir George Hall is killed in the Battle of Southampton Shipyard, saving Fleet Admiral Edmund Steiner at the helm of Battleship York. An opportunity opens for Elizabeth to return to Bretonia, as Hall is no longer there to prevent it. Later that year, Bretonia occupies Gran Canaria and first renames it Sydney, and finally Exeter. Elizabeth leaves Gran Canaria and reacquires a Bretonian citizenship after a DNA test proves she is the daughter of the deceased admiral, Sir George Hall. She changes her surname to Hall. Elizabeth joins the BAF and starts flying a Templar (now called Crusader). Her first dogfight occurs against a small wing of Aoi Iseijin in New London, which she loses, but survives with second degree burns on her left hand. She climbs through the ranks untraditionally quickly thanks to her surname and the Fleet Admiral's gratitude to her father. By now the Steiners are the most influential family in Bretonia after the Royal Family.

826 AS: Admiral Kaze Dagon, who was in charge of the BAF occupation forces on Gran Canaria, is officially killed in the Battle of New London. Elizabeth is promoted to Commodore and made Governor-General of Exeter. She takes command over the brand new and state of the art Bretonian battlecruiser HMS Fascinating, and assembles what is left of her father's experienced crew to help her command the ship. The situation on Gran Canaria is unstable, with civil disorder and monthly assassination attempts against her by the Zoner resistance movements. This year she met her half-sister by another mother, Alexandra Ward. She tried to love her like she loved her sister Mary, but it was all duty and no real emotion. She used Alexandra like a pawn for one of her schemes, which got Alexandra killed. Elizabeth will never forgive herself for this.

827 AS: Elizabeth signs the treaties of Las Palmas, Ambrosia and New Eden with various Zoner factions, and manages to pacify most of Gran Canaria. She starts ambitious settlement, building and economic programmes with a limited budget, together with her advisor Nathan Graham, a PhD in Economics. The Steiners make Elizabeth the official Representative of House Steiner. However, the James Hacker cabinet loses the snap elections in Bretonia, and encouraged by the Steiners, Elizabeth hands out her resignation to the Admiralty in order to delve into Bretonian politics. Together with the Steiners, she forms the Whig Party out of the divided Royalist Party, but due to insufficient votes, has to form a coalition with the Royalists. This was she becomes Prime Minister and names Sir Ambrister Jones of the Royalists as Home Secretary, Nathan Graham of the Whigs as Chancellor of the Exchequer, Lady Sarah Mountbatten of the Royalists as Foreign Secretary and Deputy Prime Minister, Sir Henry Fairfax of the Whigs as Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, Lord Edwin Glyn of the Whigs as Lord Chancellor, and David Templer of the Royalists as Minister of Defence. The cabinet faces an appalling economic situation and the Gallic Royal Enclave still entrenched in the Edinburgh System. The Cambridge Research Station develops an antibiotic for the Carlisle bacteria, and the Hall cabinet orders the withdrawal from Gran Canaria in favour of the much better secured Planet Carlisle. The cabinet sold Planet Harris to Synth Foods in every way but nominally, and Aland Shipyard to the Core after Portsmouth Shipyard had been completed thanks to Daumann investment. Using favourable circumstances as advised by Fleet Admiral John Redmond, the cabinet ordered the liberation of Edinburgh, which was successful, but at the cost of Battleship Grimsby and her fleet. With the Enclave pushed out of the region, trade with Kusari continued freely and helped alleviate the economic difficulties.

828 AS: The Hall cabinet sends ambassadors Henriette Blunt and then Herbert Joyce to scout out the prospects of a defensive treaty with Kusari after the Gallo-Kusarian War. Blunt made an incident and was transferred, but Joyce was successful. Lady Mountbatten then met the delegations of Kusari and Crayter on Planet Harris and, not without incident, concluded a defensive treaty against Gallia. According to the clauses, Bretonia and Kusari imposed an embargo on Gallia. Crayter defaulted on these clauses. Nevile Asquith, the Whig representative at the conference, started a court process against Lady Mountbatten because she got drunk at the celebration after the conference and punched him in front of everyone. This evolved into an argument between Lady Mountbatten and Elizabeth, which caused a row between the Whigs and the Royalists. In the middle of all of this, someone leaked Elizabeth's old revealing photographs from Chateau d'Or to a tabloid. Elizabeth was about to sack Lady Mountbatten and try to form a new coalition with the Social Democrats, but the Queen felt her authority at risk and sacked the Prime Minister. Since then Elizabeth has retired from politics and she started a corporation with the Steiners, using some of their funds and those she had embezzled to build a weapons factory on Planet Nottingham.

829 AS: Steiner & Hall Ltd. opens a cobalt mine on Planet Nottingham, with the goal to achieve BMM quotas but without the BMM worker's rights neglect. So far the company has been partially successful. Most recently, Elizabeth attempted to expand the company to Gran Canaria because of favourable tax conditions and a cheap labour force, but the local Zoners have not been receptive. There is something else in this plan too, but I will not write about it here yet to avoid giving some players the temptation of metagaming.