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Noshima Respite - ellipsis - 05-15-2022

Noshima Freeport | 18:00-18:15

And so the trio's ships are whisked into the rather uninviting looking docking bays. Tsuya has mixed feelings taking a temporary refuge here of all places. She worries that the frequent use of the base by Hogosha and Alliance pilots may cause problems for them. She is especially paranoid of the potential for their ships to be sabotaged by her enemies. However, her enemies shouldn't know her face, or the fact that she is the head of the beast. Before leaving her Tachi, she ensures that she is fully armed with her high frequency blades equipped to her hydraulic obi belt, and conceals a laser pistol inside her clothing for good measure. This isn't a Zoner-owned freeport. Anything goes.

The first steps out of her ship were anxious at best. Her eyes dart around to ensure that nobody is giving them a suspicious stare. No, even a passing glance could be worrisome. She wonders if she could ever feel not on edge for this entire visit, but tries to put these troubles into the back of her mind as she greets Akio-san and their little helper who's been going by the callsign of Gossamer this whole time, but never sharing their real name. Well, she figures it doesn't rightly matter to her, she's just here to ensure that Akio has a fun time. She's always been a little protective of him, She feels obligated to, after all the trouble Akio has faced. 'We had no option but to take him in', she thought. 'the scouter that found him was too ostentatious and his parents paid the price for it. And so, she feels she is honor-bound to making sure he has the best life he could have as a Dragon.

The three congregate at the main exit of the hangar and exchange greetings, Akio perhaps being a little embarrassed due to his prior flirtatiousness. Tsuya on the other hand, was stressed about their location and their senses were peaking to make sure there wasn't any imminent foul play. They make their way into the station proper, as door after door opens with a resounding hiss. They finally come across the entrance to the bar. If it weren't for the overhead signs pointing out directions to it, they may have gotten lost in the residential area. With another resounding whir, the doors open wide, and they all step inside. To be greeted by... nothing. Everyone appears busy with their drinks and bar food. Seems her worries were unjustified, Tsuya thought.

Upon approaching the bar, they each provide the orders they want to the bartender. For herself, she orders a mango fizz, slightly surprised that they serve it here as well. But it is Kusari, after all, the fizzy alcohol could be considered one of her culture's specialties. For her food, she puts in a request for some yaki-gyoza with chicken and fish filling, as well as a platter of onigiri. Before they finish, Tsuya requests to be seated at a booth, and a server comes out to bring the three of them to their table after they've put in all of their orders.

RE: Noshima Respite - Wolverine518 - 05-15-2022

Noshima | 18:15-18:20

Akio sat with the others and as they waited on their drinks he was happy they made it out of the sticky situation. He looks at Gossamer and smiles. He couldn't believe how beautiful she was. He thought, "Wonder what my parents will think abo......" then he remembered how he ended up with the Blood Dragons in the first place. He held back a tear then regained his composure and decided to enjoy what time he had.

He looked at Gossamer and asked "So Is Gossamer your real name or just a call sign?" He really was curious as to her origins. He had friends before but never really had any luck with the ladies and hoped this time would be different.

RE: Noshima Respite - Windstar - 05-15-2022

The pilot of the Gossamer II was a striking woman, to be sure. She stood proudly at six feet tall, with deep blue and purple hair flowing down her torso and the small of her back. Her body was soft yet lithe, with smooth, alabaster skin. Her form-fitting purple and pink flight suit creaked as she moved, and an old rugged bomber jacket covered her torso well. The woman's youthful face was dotted with freckles, with overtones of Bretonian and Kusari features defining it. Notably, she was wearing a small respirator hooked up to a nostril, the mark of a Cardamine-dependent individual. And most strikingly of all, her left eye was completely covered by a large eyepatch in the shape of a butterfly's wing, with purple, blue, and pink hues dancing and reflecting in the low light of the bar.

"My name is Kimiko. Kimiko Hawkins," she answered, in a voice that flowed like chocolate rivers. "The Gossamer II is my ship. She's served me well these past few weeks."

RE: Noshima Respite - Wolverine518 - 05-15-2022

Noshima | 18:20-18:23

Akio looked at her and was taking in by her beauty. He had never seen such a beautiful woman before. He hoped he was good enough for her. He replied "Nice to meet you Kimiko. I am Akio and you are much more beautiful in person" He blushes as he says this. He doesn't know what has gotten into him but he wants to keep going.

RE: Noshima Respite - ellipsis - 05-16-2022

Noshima Freeport | 18:23-18:25

Internally, she was getting a sense of major deja vu. Already she had to deal with one loving couple in the form of the OS&C president and her wife, and now she has to deal with one of her flock mercilessly flirting with a stranger. But it's Akio, so she decides to let it slide for the time being. She came here not only to ensure that Akio was able to enjoy himself and uphold the name of the Dragons... but also to examine this stranger, and determine if they're trustworthy. However, if Akio steps out of line to romance the woman, Tsuya might flip out. Just a little, though. But she can be terrorizing when she's upset, because it oftentimes comes out of left field to the people she's around.

"Kimiko Hawkins...? Mm. Curiously half-Kusarian. Makes sense that you live on the outside... What happened with the first Gossamer, then?" She inquires, trying to peer into her history slightly. In her haste though, Tsuya kept her eyepiece on her left eye. To compliment her symmetrical visage, the piece was independently designed and crafted by a specialist on Kyoto. It takes the form of a rose, with its glowing red iris in the middle, focusing right on Kimiko of its own accord. The false petals were seemingly made out of a translucent material similar to stained glass, and the strap keeping it attached to her face was wrapped tightly around her head. Even through the shadow cast by her jingasa, they could make out the details of her silky black hair and her uncovered right eye, its color a natural brown.

"I'm also curious about what the two of you had ordered. I was well out of earshot by the time you two finished talking to the waiter. Some people think I can figure out what kind of person you are just from the drink you choose~! She winks in an unexpected bout of cheerfulness. She didn't know that why, despite the anxiety of the situation, she was able to remain so calm.

RE: Noshima Respite - Windstar - 05-18-2022

Kimiko gave Akio... a look. One that communicated a measure of awkward thanks for the flattery, but also a desire for distance. She smiled faintly and raised her eyebrow.

"Wow, that's... forward. Uh, thank you," she said, accepting the compliment and keeping a reserved stance. Her body posture was a bit stiff, guarded against encroachment. Further pushing was likely to make her uncomfortable. After an awkward few moments, she looked at Tsuya, smiling cordially once more.

"The first Gossamer was an OS&C ferry I stole off of Curacao to escape the planet, originally. Converted it into a mobile home for my own purposes and wandered the sector with it. But you know, one choice encounter on some uncharted world later and she was totaled in a crash. I was lucky a passing ship was able to rescue me. Honestly, I really do miss her," she explained, sounding a bit wistful and melancholic at the last sentence. She sighed, realizing she was holding her glass still, having not taken a sip. It was tall, vividly blue like Crow gases, and dripping with condensation from its cold temperature.

"Oh, and drinkwise, I've got a Blue Hawaiian! One of my favorite cocktails."

RE: Noshima Respite - Wolverine518 - 05-19-2022

Noshima | 1828-1831

Akio saw that he was making her uncomfortable and thought "Guess i better chill out. Not sure why I am getting so enthusiastic" He looked around and thought that this bar wasn't as cool as the one on Kyoto, but it was still ok. As Kimiko described what happened he was intruiged "How did you manage to make off with a whole liner?"

RE: Noshima Respite - ellipsis - 05-19-2022

Freeport 6 | 18:31-18:33

Now that the thirsty Akio was tamed for now, the conversation began to take a better turn as their drinks arrive. Kimiko's Blue Hawaiian arrived and so did the mango fizz belonging to Tsuya. Her platter of yaki-gyoba also arrived, giving off a very nice aroma. She decided to let them sit for a moment, though, as they felt very hot. Akio, not being too fond of alcohol and because of his indecisiveness, had resolved to get a glass of water for the time being. Tsuya smirked at the mention of a blue hawaiian, and leaned on the table with her elbows, resting her head on her left hand elegantly. "Well, you like very sweet drinks, that's for certain. I also enjoy this kind of cocktail. Personally, I ordered a mango fizz and yaki-gyoba. As for what your choice says about you, well..." She pauses for a moment to give it some thought. "You may be more agreeable, and have a tendency to be cooperative and compassionate. Perhaps you have a particular aversion to sour or spicy flavors."

Now, it was time to enjoy her all time favorite alcoholic beverage. She takes one sip from the straw and notices it had a peculiar taste. She's been getting this kind of drink for so long that she can tell when something different was done to it. She figures there was a different process to it than what they do back home, but it was still essentially the same drink. She loved it all the same, and the bright orange of the liquid filling the tall glass fell lower and lower as it's drained with the straw. She stops to take a breath, and sighs pleasantly. "Now that's what I've been missing. I can't wait to dig into the gyoza. It's filled with spices, chicken and fish, and I ordered them boiled. The sauce should have an amazing tang to it as well. Thank goodness they carry Kusarian dishes. I didn't expect this risky station to have such a good selection."

RE: Noshima Respite - Windstar - 05-20-2022

Kimiko chuckled at the question. These were quite the curious little wyrms before her.
"Not a whole liner. A ferry, like the kind they use to transport commuters around. A Dorado." she clarified, taking her drink and giving a thank you to the server. "I snuck aboard one when its crew and passengers were disembarking from it, having just arrived from a liner. You'd be surprised how safe OS&C thinks its own worlds are. They didn't even bother to post security around it."

She took a sip, savoring the flavor of the drink, and giving a small smile. Learning to enjoy things her father had ruined was liberating, to say the least. She knew she could resist where he failed, now, and not lose herself in the bottom of a glass. She listened to Tsuya's attempt at psychoanalysis, giving a sly smile.

"You really think you can tell that much from just what someone's taste buds prefer, huh? I have to say you're at least wrong on that last count. Sour and spice are lovely and enticing in their own way, especially the latter. I love a curry with a bit of bite~"

RE: Noshima Respite - Wolverine518 - 05-20-2022

Noshima | 1835-1837

Akio was impressed that she stole it but also a bit concerned when she and Tsuya talking. It seemed to him like they were trying to have some sort of cat and mouse game. He wasn't sure how to respond so for now he just sat back and listened