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Mercs and their reps - Printable Version

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Mercs and their reps - hack - 04-15-2009

Here is my question and I hope the admins can weigh in for some answers.

If a Mercenary decides to take a contract against lawful house forces, shouldn't they show up as hostile to those lawfuls forces and NPCs? Not sneaking in as neutral and turning around and attacking them?

Mercs and their reps - hack - 04-15-2009

I assume the same thing for mercs goes as the pirates using the freelancer tag?

Mercs and their reps - Virus - 04-15-2009

Permanent contracts, yes. One-time things... Sort of. Though you should make the NPCs hostile for the time being (by shooting one, or something).

Mercs and their reps - hack - 04-15-2009

' Wrote:Permanent contracts, yes. One-time things... Sort of. Though you should make the NPCs hostile for the time being (by shooting one, or something).

So no coming into the system, all buddy buddy, then pew pew your dead?