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Deterrence's Den - Corsair Board Registration - Printable Version

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Deterrence's Den - Corsair Board Registration - Deterrence's Conclave - 05-19-2022

The Deterrence

The Den is the gathering spot for marauders, raiders, and all other kinds of the unsavory sort. The place to get various types of bounties ranging from simple piracy, engaging in revanchism, or to indulge in a good old fashioned revenge. This bounty board's primary purpose is to reward any entrepreneurial Corsairs or allies for doing our great Imperio a favor. Providing our enemies with a terminal solution to their existential problems or appropriating legitimate salvages through the art of aggressive negotiation. Naturally, there's always business opportunities in tying up loose ends. Nothing personal, we are just caught up in the churn, after all. Prices are liable to change depending on circumstances or priorities.

[color=#c06f6c]Name of Character or Faction(s) registering:[/color]
[color=#c06f6c]Proof of being at least neutral to Corsairs:[/color]

RE: Deterrence's Den - Corsair Board Registration - Couden - 07-07-2022

Name of Character or Faction(s): Schwertfisch
Proof of being at least neutral to Corsairs and hostile to the faction(s) you intend to bounty: X

RE: Deterrence's Den - Corsair Board Registration - Deterrence's Conclave - 07-07-2022

Welcome aboard, hunter.

RE: Deterrence's Den - Corsair Board Registration - Vredes - 08-01-2022

Name of Character or Faction(s) registering: Mr.Soto, Mr,Soto
Proof of being at least neutral to Corsairs:[Image: screen1.png%5D]

RE: Deterrence's Den - Corsair Board Registration - Deterrence's Conclave - 08-01-2022

Welcome aboard, freelancer, we shall see if you'll be of any use to the cause, riches await if you do.

RE: Deterrence's Den - Corsair Board Registration - Anguirus - 08-05-2022

Name of Character or Faction(s) registering: Ruben Moya
Affiliation: Real fucking Corsair! You got to keep on your pushups to do that!
Proof of being at least neutral to Corsairs: [Image: tNIdLss.png]

RE: Deterrence's Den - Corsair Board Registration - Deterrence's Conclave - 08-05-2022

Senor Moya, your fierce passion is commendable, but let it not blind you to the obvious: Our board is open by default to all Corsairs and a select few of our allies. We're looking forward to seeing your work.

RE: Deterrence's Den - Corsair Board Registration - Kenza - 08-12-2022

Name of Character or Faction(s) registering: Lian Zhu, Paojian
Affiliation: Freelancer
Proof of being at least neutral to Corsairs:

RE: Deterrence's Den - Corsair Board Registration - Deterrence's Conclave - 08-12-2022

Senor Zhu, our pilot Marco Pedrez mentioned we might be expecting your application.
There will be much fortune to be had, should you prove your skill.

RE: Deterrence's Den - Corsair Board Registration - Fab - 10-01-2022

Name of Character or Faction(s) registering: Knuckleduster (Claymore), Knuckleduster/ (Lance)
Affiliation: Freelancer
Proof of being at least neutral to Corsairs:

[Image: unknown.png]