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Haven base in Galileo - Printable Version +- Discovery Gaming Community (https://discoverygc.com/forums) +-- Forum: Role-Playing (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Forum: Player Owned Bases (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=61) +--- Thread: Haven base in Galileo (/showthread.php?tid=192733) Pages:
Haven base in Galileo - trjack13 - 05-19-2022 To: All friendly, peaceful visitors to Haven and Sanctuary bases in Galileo From: Anburusuki, Administration Executive This is my first post under the 'Haven banner'. Haven is intrinsically linked to Sanctuary so information posted is usually applicable to both bases. As we have been living as Zoners without realising it until relatively recently, we agreed that Haven would be a Zoner base from its inception. We are a diverse group of individuals, each having decided alone to reject the regulations imposed by House Space. We have adapted to become a trading community and all of us has started a new life here in Galileo. We have been careful to live peacefully with groups who live in or close to Galileo and have been able to call on their expertise as and when we need assistance. The Lane Hackers have been particularly helpful with technical problems beyond our expertise. We are, however, learning quickly. Dan_Rich, being younger and better educated, has taken over the technical side of base operation very successfully. He has been rewarded by becoming a 'Security Executive' and now operates a Zoner Q-ship, which enhances our defensive capability. Additional storage and two defense platforms have been constructed. These supplement the existing defenses of Sanctuary. PJ-888 has visited Gran Canaria during his weekly trips to Omega-48 and Omega-52. He has visited Explorador who has at last been brought out of the induced coma. His doctors are hopeful that his recovery will continue at an increased rate. PJ-888 reported after his latest trip that we should investigate an organisation called 'Omicron Supply Industries' (faction tag OSI-), which was apparently freely spoken about on Gran Canaria. Either Sorairo-Aozora or me will make a trip as there may be mutual benefits from some form of arrangement. One final point is that we have noted the change to Freeport 12 and its Annex. These appear to be no longer owned by Zoners and we need to consider any security implications that might now occur. With best regards to all, Anburusuki, Administration Executive RE: Haven base in Galileo - trjack13 - 05-31-2022 To: All friendly, peaceful visitors to Haven and Sanctuary bases in Galileo From: Anburusuki, Administration Executive The rationalisation of Sanctuary and Haven has progressed well and allowed us to determine those commodities that are required in larger quantities and those that are not so popular. We have lowered our stocks of the latter to create space for additional amounts of the former. Meanwhile we have been monitoring the military activities in and around Gallia and also in Vespucci and Kansas. The changes noted have necessitated PJ-888 and myself to travel to these areas and consider the alternative routes for the delivery and collection of some of the most profitable commodities. Routes have been found but we must be careful as we do not yet know how safe and secure these are for our trade ships. Deliveries and collections were successfully completed by both of us yesterday, but we reserve judgement until more trips have been completed to other destinations. Over the past 4 weeks there has been an occasional sighting of 2 Nomad ships very close to our bases. Our ships retreated inside and the Nomads eventually lost interest. Only once was a defence shield triggered. We remain vigilant. RE: Haven base in Galileo - Zoner Defense Fleet - 05-31-2022 ![]()
To: Haven Base
From: Cmdr. Zane McAllister CC: N/A BCC: N/A Subject: Defense Salutations Zoners of Galileo/Haven Base,
First off, welcome to the Zoner family! We can be an odd bunch for certain but we always look out for our own. My name is Zane McAllister. I'm the Commander of the Zoner Defense Fleet. We regularly patrol through Sirius space ensuring that Zoners everywhere are protected from both the Houses and the monsters that lurk in the dark--I leave it up to your imagination as to what monsters we're talking about; be they human or not. We can begin adding Galileo into our routes for patrol if that is acceptable for you and your people to ensure that they are safe from harm in the independent systems away from the yoke of the House systems restrictive and often times overly harsh laws. If you would like us to do so, please feel free to reach out and let us know. If not, that is completely fine. Please do let us know if you ever need assistance, however, and we can have ships there ASAP. Salutations and good luck. - Zane McAllister, Commander Zoner Defense Fleet Forces [3244796]
Encrypting feeds... ...encrypting location. ...clearing send buffer. ...finishing up. Transmission Ended RE: Haven base in Galileo - trjack13 - 06-01-2022 To: Cmdr. Zane McAllister, Zoner Defense Fleet Forces From: Anburusuki, Administration Executive, Haven and Sanctuary Bases in Galileo Sir, Your message is most welcome at this time of further changes in Sirius. I read it earlier but waited to reply as I had dispatched PJ-888 on a further mission to Omega 48 and Omega 52 and awaited the outcome. Yesterday he and I explored the possible routes to the Gallic areas and Omega 48. We had little trouble in getting into both areas although the destroyed jump gates do require knowledge of the associated jump holes and the dangers that may lurk close to them. During his journey into Omegas 48 and 52 PJ-888 had no contact with any Zoner Defense Fleet Forces ships. I was hoping that he would return with information that would ensure your ships have docking approval at Haven and Sanctuary if the ID is not as per a normal Zoner. Please confirm . We are not at the time of this transmission under any direct threat. Our own defences are base defense platforms (x4) , 2x Zoner Q-ships and a Zoner Colony Ship. The latter replaced a Zoner Carrier for the purpose of evacuation if ever necessary. we have equipped it with 100 tent systems that can support 800 persons if necessary. It is of course also a formidable defense vessel. I would like to take up your offer of being able to assist if we are seriously threatened. I also would like to enhance our relationship. If you require any commodities please let me know and we can arrange to ship them to you at a very special rate. Best wishes and thanks. Anburusuki Administration Executive, Haven and Sanctuary Bases in Galileo RE: Haven base in Galileo - Zoner Defense Fleet - 06-01-2022 ![]()
To: Haven Base
From: Cmdr. Zane McAllister CC: N/A BCC: N/A Subject: RE: Defense Salutations,
We must've just missed him then! Apologies for that, we're patrolling the different Freeports around Sirius space. As such, it regularly takes us out of Gran Canaria and Omega-48 space into Sirius at large. Doing so is a difficult job with a newly minted Defense Fleet such as the ZDF you can imagine. However, we are making do. To answer your question, we are indeed "normal" Zoners. We simply carry weapons to ensure that all No Fire Zone's are adhered, to enforce the treaties that have been drawn up (such as the Treaty Of Bethlehem), and to ensure that all Zoners everywhere--including those passing through house space--are protected and safe from harm. Concerning trade, we utilize a Whale Fleet of our own for the purposes of trading and supplying our convoys or troops in the field. However, if we ever need assistance where commodities are concerned, we will reach out to you for assistance. We can additionally bring you supplies to Galileo as well if required. You simply need to let us know and we can assist on the front as well. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you need any assistance be it defense or trade. We will be adding Galileo to our patrol routes to ensure that your area is safe from harm. Salutations and good luck! - Zane McAllister, Commander Zoner Defense Fleet Forces [3244796]
Encrypting feeds... ...encrypting location. ...clearing send buffer. ...finishing up. Transmission Ended RE: Haven base in Galileo - trjack13 - 06-04-2022 To: All friendly, peaceful visitors to Haven and Sanctuary bases in Galileo From: Anburusuki, Administration Executive Both PJ-888 and I have made trading trips to Omegas 48 and 52. We 'overlapped' on the first trip in order to assess the safety of each section of the journey. It was unnecessary as it turned out but a worthwhile exercise non-the-less. We delivered our cargoes to Mykolaiv Research Station and then headed into Omega-48 and the Gran Canaria bar. It seems there is only one route in and out of Omega-52 these days so some caution is required. The bar on Gran Canaria was interesting in that we observed that the only Zoner was the bartender. There were 2 Coalition crew, a Corsair and a Bounty Hunter. There was a Molly in the Commodity shop. All very strange we thought. The really great news was that a message was smuggled to us by a small boy that asked us to go to a private room on the base. We were so surprised when we got there because our great friend and benefactor Explorador was there to greet us, The small boy was his son. Explorador was in a mobile chair but is clearly improving, albeit slowly. He had some troubling words with regard to the situation on Gran Canaria and Omega-48 in general. He feels there is trouble coming, and in the not too distant future. We told him we will arrange to get his family out and to Haven base whenever he gives the go-ahead. We will continue to make our trading trips to Omegas 48 and 52 and visit Gran Canaria each time. We left him looking relieved and we hope he continues to recover. RE: Haven base in Galileo - trjack13 - 06-06-2022 To: All friendly, peaceful visitors to Haven and Sanctuary bases in Galileo From: Anburusuki, Administration Executive Yesterday PJ-888 took me on a familiarisation trip around Sirius. We started from Galileo and picked up tradable commodities in Shikuko before heading through Kusari and into Gallia using some jump holes that I was unaware of previously. PJ-888 has absorbed and stored so much information over the last few months. He learned a lot from Explorador but has enhanced this with every flight he has undertaken. We continued the flight through Gallia and into Bretonia space, again carrying commodities for trade. We docked 2 or 3 times in New London and Cambridge before heading through Poole and into Omega-52. We visited 3 stations here, which was an interesting experience for me. Finally we headed into Omega-48 and Planet Gran Canaria where we met with Explorador. We gave him the gifts we carried for his family and had a few drinks before retiring for the night. I needed some rest although PJ-888 needs none being an AI. How lucky he is ![]() I will continue this update in the morning. PJ-888 lead me away from Gran Canaria the next morning with the intention of returning to Galileo using the Poole, Cambridge, New London and Leeds systems. I was apprehensive as my one and only previous trip into Leeds had resulted in being attacked by Mollys. PJ-888 had scanned ahead and assured me we would be OK. He was correct and we transited Tau-31 before docking on Freeport 6 in Tau-29. After a short stop for refreshment and some small talk about any system problems we continued on our way. The journey home through Kyushu, New Tokyo and Shikoku was uneventful and I was comfortable because I knew these systems quite well. I wish all the best to our many friends. Anburusuki, Administration Executive RE: Haven base in Galileo - trjack13 - 06-21-2022 To: All friendly, peaceful visitors to Haven and Sanctuary bases in Galileo From: Anburusuki, Administration Executive Yesterday was a personal disaster for me. I was really stupid. I have little experience in travelling around Sirius on my own but for a reason unknown I decided I would take a solo trip. Initially I took Platinum-168 ore to Zurich following the route shown to me by PJ-888. I then retraced my route to Languedoc to collect Military Scrap as PJ-888 had done. I decided that I would not take this to New Berlin as there appeared to be a lot of ship activity in that system. I headed for Sigma-19 intending to look for Planet Kurile in Sigma-17 although I hadn't been in that system previously. What a mistake! I sold the Military Scrap on Kurile but then for reasons unknown I went through the Omicron Theta jump hole, which was close by. How dangerous could it be? My scanner picked up Freeport 9 so I headed there feeling relieved. I mingled with people in the bar and got into some interesting conversations about places unknown to me. Many people suggested I should find the Omicron Gamma jump hole and find Planet Crete, where I could buy Artifacts, which sell for a good profit in Gallia and Liberty. Why not? PJ-888 would have been disturbed had he known. I safely navigated to Planet Crete with no mishap. On the planet I had my first meeting with Corsairs, who were unknown to me. I got some strange looks and I felt somewhat uncomfortable. Bought Artifacts and launched to space. Now which jump hole did I come through? My scanner quickly picked up the Omicron Theta jump hole so I headed for it and docked. Relief. Due north was Freeport 9 and safety. From the windows of the bar I could see a number of smaller bases some distance away from the Freeport. I thought I would explore once undocked. I started to travel among the smaller bases but the strong light from the yellow dwarf sun caused me some difficulty. My one known reference was the Freeport. Keep that within scanning range. I found a planet deep in a cloud mass. I now know it is called Vespus. A jump hole to the north; should I enter not knowing where it would lead? Stupid I know but in I went. Over confidence can be fatal. I emerged into a dense cloud. My scanner picked up a planet ahead, which I approached cautiously. It appeared to be a frozen, lifeless gas giant. I climbed higher and higher hoping to get more information about this system. Common-sense said turn round and go back through the jump hole now! I picked up a small base called Ibiza and in the distance a Planet called Malta. Beyond Malta I could just make out a jump hole into Tau-37, a system I had visited once with PJ-888. I thought I might continue at altitude and then dive down to dock with that jump hole. However, during the dive 3 large targets appeared on the scanner. They appeared neutral but were clearly intent on cutting me off. I was through the jump hole before I was hailed and a disrupter was fired. I was surrounded by Outcast Battleships/Battlecruisers and in a complete panic. An authoritarian voice stated that I had violated Outcast law and the punishment was death!. I became a gibbering wreck and could not think clearly, never mind make a coherent statement. Carrying Artifacts through Outcast space is the most serious crime because it implies smuggling on behalf of the Corsairs, who are sworn enemies of the Outcasts. Very quickly I could see this was the end. I asked if a girl was allowed a last meal before the inevitable. This was granted although not much time elapsed before my ship was obliterated. I find myself on Freeport 9 in the medical bay. My recovery will take a little time apparently but a message has been sent to Galileo on my behalf. No doubt PJ-888 will come and collect me and deliver a very serious speech in his AI way. A very humbled Anburusuki, Administration Executive. RE: Haven base in Galileo - trjack13 - 06-28-2022 To: All friendly, peaceful visitors to Haven and Sanctuary bases in Galileo From: Anburusuki, Administration Executive I completed a few trips into New Tokyo and brought plenty of base required commodities back to Haven and Sanctuary as instructed by my peers yesterday. The trips were very boring but I understand the reasoning behind the decision. PJ-888 arrived back from a much more exotic trip to Omega-48 just after I had docked for the third or fourth time. I lost count! He asked me to meet him in the bar area in 30 minutes. I was intrigued. After a shower I felt much more relaxed and headed to the bar. He was sitting in a dark corner with Fantasma_Azul , our chief security officer. Intriguing. I sat down and waited for Fantasma_Azul to say something, anything. Silence. PJ-888 spoke in a serious tone for an AI (is there a difference?). He informed me that the other partners in this venture had delegated my rehabilitation to the two of them. I was to be released from the daily chore of base resupply for one day and the outcome of my trip would be considered before determining my immediate future as a pilot. I was to rest and then take my ship on a predetermined route carrying Sake from Sanctuary to Manhattan where I would sell it and buy Liberty Ale. This I would take to New London, sell it and buy Gin. This was to be taken to and sold at New Tokyo. Here I should buy commodities for the bases and then return to Haven. The route was carefully explained and I was told that there must be no deviation although I could dock for R&R when necessary. Specific bases for this activity were designated. If I was confronted by any hostile during the trip I was to pay any fine or drop cargo as requested. My safety was all important. I will report back once the trip is completed. Anburusuki, Administration Executive RE: Haven base in Galileo - trjack13 - 07-16-2022 To: All friendly, peaceful visitors to Haven and Sanctuary bases in Galileo From: Anburusuki, Administration Executive Since my last post all 3 trading ships have been extremely busy accumulating credits towards our next project. At PJ-888's request Sorairo_Aozora and I made separate trips to Omega-48 and Omega-52 to visit all known stations and visit the bars searching for gossip about the state of play in those systems. PJ-888 had reported unease after his visits and talks with Explorador. However, he wanted human confirmation of his fears. He, in an AI way, believes that there is real trouble brewing in Omega-48. The Corsairs appear to be on full alert. We took goods to Casablanca on a few occasions and met a number of Corsair fighters around the station. They were more than friendly to us but we had delivered needed goods to their base. Each of us independently went to Gran Canaria to speak with Explorador, who is now almost fully recovered physically. We convened a meeting of all our personnel from Haven and Sanctuary and independently presented our findings and thoughts. The outcome is that we feel that Explorador and his family should come to Haven if they wish to leave Gran Canaria before violence erupts. It must be their decision but we will plan assuming that they will come here. This is going to require extra accommodation facilities and may require us to upgrade the size of the base. We are operating close to full capacity. Anburusuki, Administration Executive |