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Fort Lune - Printable Version

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Fort Lune - Gallic Navy - 05-22-2022


Purpose: Gallic Navy Combined Fleet HQ
Location: Wide orbit of Planet Orleans

RE: Fort Lune - Gendarmerie - 05-22-2022

The reported necessities of transfer assesment have been completed. Supplies have been delivered to keep the base operational. Retrofits to our needs from the civilain facilities are in full swing. The purchase has now been finalised.

Estimated time of initial remodel and retrofit completion: 3-6 months
Estimated time of base upgrade expansion: 6-12 months
Estimated time of fully self-sufficient Head Quarters with advanced capital ship repair capabilities and self-defense: 24-36 months

- Interim Director of the Gendarmerie Major Maxence Voland

RE: Fort Lune - Gendarmerie - 06-13-2022

All processes have been completed and the Gendarmerie wants to report that Fort Lune is now officially under the care and ownership of the Gallic Navy Combined Fleet, with it's transponder updated..

Immediate aims:
Remodel of the current structure for Naval purposes. Scientific data on local conditions will be required, current progress: 323 on Fort Lune, 211 on Fort de Bregancon = 534/800

Medium term aims:
Military Equipment production facilities - cloacks, Jump Drives etc.

- Interim Director of the Gendarmerie Major Maxence Voland

RE: Fort Lune - Gendarmerie - 09-24-2022

The Gendarmerie has delivered:
32,407 Food Rations
31,765 Water
31,128 Oxygen
118,075 Reinforced Alloy
600 Crew
156,000,000 Credits for internal budget

- Interim Director of the Gendarmerie Major Maxence Voland

RE: Fort Lune - Gendarmerie - 02-16-2023

[Image: grenade-GN.png]
Preparations are on the way to make Fort Lune the HQ of the Gallic Combined Fleet, or at least one or more of it's divisions.

It is on us, Gendarmes, to make it happen.

The base is fully supplied and stocked and upgrades are ongoing

- Interim Director of the Gendarmerie Major Maxence Voland

RE: Fort Lune - Gendarmerie - 06-11-2023

[Image: grenade-GN.png]
Gendarmerie Combined Fleet-wide announcement
Fort Lune
After the terrorist attack by Bretonia, supported by Crayter who executed hundreds of Gendarmes and refugees when they destroyed our Barge the Fort de Bregancon we have re-focused our efforts on Fort Lune.

Fort Lune, the former civilian station in Orlenais, has been undergoing a transformation to become the Gallic Navy Combined Fleet Headquarters. This change marks a new chapter of strength and protection for our House. With upgraded defenses, improved communication, and better docking capabilities, Fort Lune will be a secure base ready to take swift action against any threat. It will be a stronghold where our naval forces unite, train, and defend our nation with loyalty. The remodeling of Fort Lune shows our commitment to excellence and empowers our navy to reach for the stars and safeguard our Gallic homeland.

The unveiling of the upgraded model can be seen Tomorrow 9:00 12.6.746 AGS in the orbit of planet Orleans.

- Interim Director of the Gendarmerie Major Maxence Voland

RE: Fort Lune - Gendarmerie - 06-12-2023

[Image: grenade-GN.png]
Gendarmerie Combined Fleet-wide announcement
Fort Lune - unveiling of upgraded Station!

RE: Fort Lune - Conundrum - 03-16-2024

[Image: 51f0c340efb25c496c1ba9572a456165.png]
[Image: 0eea2f2e01e7a781a08367d40c792940.png]
Incoming Transmission
SENDER: Marshal Corentin Auch
RECIPIENT: Azurite delivery

Bonjour, the relocation of Fort Lune has been a success, Officer Pierre Henry and I have hired and escorted the GMS trader Rubus to assist with confidential research and production aboard the station - the run went without issues.

Corentin Auch
Maréchal des Logis-Chef
Gallic Navy Flotte Combinée

RE: Fort Lune - Conundrum - 03-21-2024

I did my Gendarme Duty and helped strengthen the Integrity of Fort Lune with 3900 Food, Water and Oxygen, and many tonnes of Hull Pannels and Basic Alloy.

It didn't go without issues, however, one GMS|Gallia.Thunderstorm had such strong red lights installed I was temporarily blinded. I hope no criminals slipped my gaze in the meantime! It is quite sad, as the miner was joking about me purchasing sunglasses. I did jest with him, but it is the Gendarmerie vessels do not have proper flare and radiation shielding. All the expensive gadgets go towards the Main Fleet and the Spies, but what of us? Gendarmes left policing the traffic and guarding Gallia's bases and monuments? We need money and equipment to do the work too! The GMS man has even donated 1,000,000 credits towards our equipment, and at least my vessel will have the proverbial sunglasses, in the form of upgraded shielding.
[Image: b99efa91d92fe64e0d10798d96781213.png]
[20.03.2024 21:38:25] [GN]GT-Tourbillon: Bonjour
[20.03.2024 21:38:27] [GN]GT-Tourbillon: Please hold!
[20.03.2024 21:38:29] GMS|Gallia.Thunderstorm: *Waves*
[20.03.2024 21:38:57] [GN]GT-Tourbillon: *closes eye violently* :aaaaaarrrgh:
[20.03.2024 21:39:04] GMS|Gallia.Thunderstorm: Anna: were can i help you with ?
[20.03.2024 21:39:08] [GN]GT-Tourbillon: Miner! Your lights, they are blinding!
[20.03.2024 21:39:36] GMS|Gallia.Thunderstorm: yes that so ship see me and not bump .  
[20.03.2024 21:40:04] GMS|Gallia.Thunderstorm: not good if your full of wine bottles
[20.03.2024 21:40:12] GMS|Gallia.Thunderstorm: not like the to be broken .
[20.03.2024 21:40:16] [GN]GT-Tourbillon: Well, they blinded me temporarily! Who knows how many terrorists could have gone by during that time, threatening our children!
[20.03.2024 21:40:28] [GN]GT-Tourbillon: care about our children don't you?
[20.03.2024 21:41:14] GMS|Gallia.Thunderstorm: well of cause we care  
[20.03.2024 21:41:29] [GN]GT-Tourbillon: Well, just be careful where you point those beamers next time!
[20.03.2024 21:41:31] Police system activated.
[20.03.2024 21:41:37] 2024-03-20 21:41:38 SMT  Traffic control alert: [GN]GT-Tourbillon has docked
[20.03.2024 21:42:08] GMS|Gallia.Thunderstorm: but thats why they make sunglasses .
[20.03.2024 22:03:59] [2024-03-20] 22:04:00 You have received 1.000.000 credits from GMS|Gallia.Night