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4.95.0 Patch 9 - Printable Version

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4.95.0 Patch 9 - Alex. - 05-29-2022

Discovery 4.95.0 Patch 9

Gameplay Balance

This patch's balance changes are focused on Freighters and, to a lesser extent, Bombers and Super Heavy Fighters.

Story Progression

Vespucci -- The Liberty Navy succeeds in its ultimate goal of uprooting the Insurgency and breaking their attempts at forming a breakaway state, reducing the system's once grand ambitions to that of a graveyard and a monument to the price Liberty was willing to pay in order to maintain its image. The Delaware joins the fallen, which consequently sends shockwaves through the media, giving the public an unprecedented wakeup call which cements the fact that Liberty is not invincible. But more than her own people, this is something Liberty's neighbors are paying close attention to.

Kansas -- Having been trampled over, Kansas is restored to its former state of being entirely unpopulated and without any substantial population centers. It's unclear what the system's future holds in store for it, but hidden mysteries remain and prove alluring to the all-seeing eye.

Independence On The Rise

When the Liberty Forces destroyed Freeport 2 in an already impoverished Bering, the system seemed to be abandoned for good and forgotten. But in the wreckage and failure of the big, the small found success and opportunity. The small independent Bristol Constructions and Manufacturing took advantage of the situation and freed itself from its Separatist heritage in a virtually empty Bering and while the others were busy with their conflicts elsewhere, the company slowly grew from processing and reselling wrecks and by profitable deals secured the ground for its promising future.

By the time the economic interest of Rheinland and Liberty came to Bering once more, and a new corridor for trade between these great Houses began to be reopened, the Bristol company was ready to rise to the occasion and take over the function of the once-destroyed Freeport 2.

Gendarmerie Offices Reopen

With rising tensions in Gallic border worlds and increased criminal activity along the main commercial routes of its systems, Gallic Union leadership have announced their decision to reopen offices of the previously-defunct Gendarmerie to resume its activity as the primary law enforcement unit for the inner systems of the house, allowing for reallocation of Navy resources toward better ensuring the safety and security of the border worlds. Due to lack of public trust in an autonomous police force as a result of a history of corruption and inefficiency among previous leaderships of the faction, the Union has opted to reinstate the Gendarmerie under direct supervision of the Navy and with a far more strict screening process for their potential recruits.

[Image: m4ehNJE.png]
  • Gammu AI Bomber
  • Edgeworlds "Ghoul" Fighter
  • Edgeworlds "Reaper" Bomber
  • Gaians "Leatherback" Freighter
  • Civilian "Vulture" Fighter-Bomber
  • Scanner, Miner and Repair Drones
  • Corsairs "Evocatus" Fighter-Bomber
  • Civilian "Arrow" Fighter (New model)

Zurich Rediscovered

Our original attempt to redesign Zurich failed, but thanks to feedback from our community we were able to redesign and repair Zurich in a new form with a new local story illuminating the happenings in this independent system in an effort to give it a unique, one-of-a-kind character.

The new look of Zurich thus better captures its originally intended anomalous qualities and the dynamics of the factions vying for influence in this star system on the border between Gallia and Rheinland.


Dev Leads: @Alex., @Reeves, @Haste, @Markam, @Treewyrm, @Zentor
Developers: @bakugone, @Groshyr, @pillow. @TheShooter36. @Skorak, @Val, @Kauket, @Widow, @Erremnart
Contributors: @Kuze, @Swallow, @Lucas, @Felsvar, @Chronicron, @AngelofMercy, @Capt. Henry Morgan, @Goddess Astra, @aerelm, @Toaster, @Eagle-Vulture, @Solo Wing Sagume, @Lord Helmchen, @Buka, @Goliath

RE: 4.95.0 Patch 9 - Chronicron - 05-29-2022

(05-29-2022, 10:39 PM)Alex. Wrote: - Added: New Edgeworld fighter by @Chronicron

a surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one.

RE: 4.95.0 Patch 9 - Spectre - 05-29-2022

Ah, good. Exactly what we needed.

More f--king bombers.

RE: 4.95.0 Patch 9 - Goddess Astra - 05-29-2022

Does the scanner drone have any particular little perk like the repair and mining drones, or is that one literally just a little zoomy friend? Either way, I love the drones, fantastic idea, can't wait to have a billion for RP. Big Grin

RE: 4.95.0 Patch 9 - Commandantt - 05-29-2022

[Image: unknown.png]

You make a 052 dead-end system, and make it a 100% Guard system as I see for now. Placed JH to it in one sector with Poole near Molly's base. And done same with o41 o55

I have no words for it.

RE: 4.95.0 Patch 9 - Oprixy - 05-30-2022

The Evocatus isnt able to fire a ASURAS interesting.

RE: 4.95.0 Patch 9 - Cælumaresh - 05-30-2022

Already spotted 1 missed SHF to the new fighter bomber role:

Poltergeist Rheinland SHF is still ye aulde SHF

I also have a feeling these fighter-bombers are going to be ridiculous, but time will tell!

RE: 4.95.0 Patch 9 - BobMacaroni - 05-30-2022

Nice update, freighters and bombers really needed an update, and the unique house bomber class 2's are a nice touch. Fighter-bombers are a bit of an odd idea, but who knows, maybe they will be a good ship class!

RE: 4.95.0 Patch 9 - Haste - 05-30-2022

(05-30-2022, 12:30 AM)Cælumaresh Wrote: Already spotted 1 missed SHF to the new fighter bomber role:

All of the SHFs not listed have been "missed". It's still a concept that should likely be tested on "live" rather than in a more limited testing environment. Plus the remaining ones still need model changes to accommodate torpedoes.

RE: 4.95.0 Patch 9 - Binski - 05-30-2022

20 mil to rebuy the same freighter engine? Could have set the fast one as the default!

With all respect I like the idea, I just wish this had been done for transports instead, even all ships. It would be interesting to see that ability to sacrifice a couple hundred cargo spaces to upgrade a 3600 - 5000 transport by 25 - 50 m/s. That would make it a worthy moneysink. It's kinda not so needed with freighters, I like the cargo bump, but freighters were always the fastest ships, the go-to for couriers and rescuers, etc. Definitely if you apply that system to other ships it will make things quite interesting.

Perhaps you would consider making the fast freighter engine 450, and the slow one 400. With the low cargo of freighters at 650 it's not that worth it. But 20 million to get a 50 m/s bump on my normal freighter speed would be much better and worth the cargo loss.

Not only that, but personally I would get actual use out of my freighter if I could sacrifice that second mine slot to mount both a missile and CD at the same time again! I'd rather lose both mine slots for one more missile slot. Cool