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Miningfactory Neuss Internal Communication Network - MFN Neuss/Helmut Schmid - 06-28-2022

...User: [Helmut Schmid]
...Password: [**************]
...NNet_CorpConn: [HoloAdSI]
...NNet_CorpConn: Sending
...NNet_HoloADSend: PingChk
...NNet_HoloADSend: Stable

[Image: hwI0nbz.png]

▰▰▰ Miningfactory Neuss ▰▰▰
Internal Communication Network

...NNet_HoloADSend_Node: [Open]

Welcome to our communication flow network.
To communicate with recipient use the template form below.
Please remember to insert your character image, otherwise there might be problems in the message.
[align=center][color=#fddf3b][font=Overpass][size=xx-large]Begin of Document[/size][/font][/color][/align]
[pi amount=7][hrc]#fddf3b[/hrc][/pi]
[color=#fddf3b][float=left][table][tr][td][img=150x148]PLEASE INSERT YOUR CHARACTER IMAGE[/img][/td][/tr][/table][/float][/color]
[font=Orbitron][size=medium][color=#fddf3b]▰ [color=#FFFFFF][b]From:[/b][/color] <your name>
▰ [color=#FFFFFF][b]To:[/b][/color] <recipients>
▰ [color=#FFFFFF][b]Priority:[/b][/color] <priority>
▰ [color=#FFFFFF][b]Encryption:[/b][/color] None
▰ [color=#FFFFFF][b]Subject:[/b][/color] <subject> [/color][/size][/font]

[pi amount=7][hrc]#fddf3b[/hrc][/pi]

Text here

[align=right][font=Vivaldi][color=#FFFFFF][size=large]Your name[/size][/color][/font][/align]


[align=center][color=#fddf3b][font=Overpass][size=xx-large]End of Document[/size][/font][/color][/align]

...NNet_HoloADSend_Node: [Close]

...NNet_Metrics: [Reply_Only]
...NNet_Metrics: Secure_Replies

RE: Miningfactory Neuss Internal Communication Network - Markus Meier - 06-28-2022

Begin of Document

[Image: vBDJzD3.png]

[Image: marcus-meier.neu.jpg]

From: Markus Meier
To: Helmut Schmid
Priority: Very High
Encryption: High
Subject: Storage capacities

Good day Mr. Schmid,
As I can see they have contacted AWES so that our company can get all the materials needed for the day-to-day work.
The crew is certainly happy about this, myself included, but unfortunately I have to point out that the storage capacities of our company are very limited and I therefore first suggest expanding the storage locations before we can even think about filling the storage facilities with ore.
We can expand the storage rooms a maximum of 2 times.
I would just expand Storage Room 1 first to see if that is enough, not that the cost is too high for the expansion and we have unused storage space because we don't have enough customers to sell the ore quickly.
Since the company still has stocks at the moment, I would first ask AWES if they would help us to expand the storage space and THEN supply the company with all the other materials needed when all the work is complete.

I wish you a nice day and think about my suggestion.

Markus Meier (Docking Authorization Department and Logistics Department Director)

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RE: Miningfactory Neuss Internal Communication Network - Markus Meier - 07-17-2022

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[Image: vBDJzD3.png]

[Image: marcus-meier.neu.jpg]

From: Markus Meier
To: Helmut Schmid
Priority: Normal
Encryption: Very High
Subject: Storage capacities and AWES- longer-term basic supply contract

Good day Mr. Schmid,

I am happy to inform you that our Stores are completely filled with Ore and it is of excellent quality.
Furthermore, the other camps for basic supplies are also well stocked and of the best quality.
All employees are satisfied and happy about the variety in the Canteen.
I have offered AWES- a longer-term basic Supply contract so that we have side-by-side security and a regular supplier for the Materials needed.
But I think that AWES- will accept the offer because we pay relatively well at the goods issue.
I have also given AWES- a little insight into our future plans, so that you can see that we are far from having reached the end of our capacities and will also be offering more than just Ore.

I hope you have been able to clarify everything privately and please us and the employees with a visit from you.

Have a nice Day Mr.Schmid

Markus Meier (Docking Authorization Department and Logistics Department Director)

End of Document

RE: Miningfactory Neuss Internal Communication Network - MFN Neuss/Helmut Schmid - 07-23-2022

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[Image: vBDJzD3.png]

[Image: manager.jpg]

From: Helmut Schmid
To: Markus Meier
Priority: Normal
Encryption: None
Subject: Announcements or Information

Dear Mr.Meier,

First of all I would like to thank you for the work you are doing in this company.
The employees on the ward only speak well of you, because they also respond to the wishes of the workers.
I'm pleased that you get along well with your colleagues, but the work in Neuronet shouldn't be neglected.
If our camps are filled with ore, feel free to send an informational message, especially since our company doesn't have the best approach route.
It is possible that other companies will become aware of us.
I ask you to do this quickly in the future, thank you very much.

I will answer the message from Awes personally in a moment for the purpose of a permanent contract.

Have a nice day and look for the Goldfish.

Helmut Schmid

End of Document

RE: Miningfactory Neuss Internal Communication Network - Markus Meier - 07-24-2022

Begin of Document

[Image: vBDJzD3.png]

[Image: marcus-meier.neu.jpg]

From: Markus Meier
To: Helmut Schmid
Priority: Normal
Encryption: None
Subject: Announcements or Information

Good day Mr. Schmid,

I beg your pardon, the announcement should have gone out immediately, you are right.
Unfortunately, this has gone under in the stress.
In the future this will no longer happen and announcements will be written and sent immediately.
As I can see they have already informed AWES- that we will be relocating soon.
Should I also make an announcement on the homepage for the change of location, Mr. Schmid?
Or will they take over?
Our ore stores are also almost half empty.
Business is not bad at the moment.
Anyhow, I'll get to work immediately and update the inventory and post an announcement on the home page afterwards.

I wish you a nice day.

Markus Meier (Docking Authorization Department and Logistics Department Director)

End of Document

RE: Miningfactory Neuss Internal Communication Network - Markus Meier - 08-07-2022

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[Image: vBDJzD3.png]

[Image: marcus-meier.neu.jpg]

From: Markus Meier
To: Helmut Schmid
Priority: High
Encryption: Very High
Subject: Important Information

Good day Mr. Schmid,

During my daily checklist this morning, we noticed that the fuel supply for the defense system (shield) has run low, and we must therefore assume that our facility has either come under fire / has been taken, or we are dealing with a space phenomenon here which has damaged our facility, although I would rule out the latter.
I have the following suggestion for you:
How about if, for our own safety and that of our customers, we construct two defense systems to start with?
The Systems can still be supplemented, but for this we need either a larger facility or an extension in the form of an external storage area, but for this we would have to convert all warehouses and future production facilities, which would be associated with high costs.
However, we can cover the costs for this by roughly calculating the prices.

Also, today I'll be busy getting our company repair supplies and sending a message to AWES- as our stock of Synthetic Paste is almost gone.
But there is no reason to rush, as we have received other groceries from AWES.
However, we still need Reinforced Alloys, which I will also add to the list of required goods.

I will also contact Michael Schneider in this channel, as the air and water stores are almost half empty.

If I have anything I need to let you know, I'll get back to you immediately Mr. Schmid.

I wish you a nice day.

Markus Meier (Docking Authorization Department and Logistics Department Director)

End of Document

RE: Miningfactory Neuss Internal Communication Network - Markus Meier - 08-07-2022

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[Image: vBDJzD3.png]

[Image: marcus-meier.neu.jpg]

From: Markus Meier
To: Michael Schneider
Priority: High
Encryption: None
Subject: Supplying Water and Oxygen

Good day Mr. Schneider,

When I took inventory, I noticed that our water and oxygen storage tanks are almost half empty.
I would ask you to take better care of it to avoid any complications.

They also need to be prepared to eventually bring supplies to our new customers as we look to expand our business.
I will let you know when all the planning has been completed.

Until then, please continue to care for the company, thank you.

I wish you a nice day.

Markus Meier (Docking Authorization Department and Logistics Department Director)

End of Document

RE: Miningfactory Neuss Internal Communication Network - MFN Neuss/Helmut Schmid - 08-11-2022

Begin of Document

[Image: vBDJzD3.png]

[Image: manager.jpg]

From: Helmut Schmid
To: Markus Meier
Priority: Normal
Encryption: Confidential information
Subject: Important Information

Dear Mr.Meier,

you sent me this text with important information about our company:

(08-07-2022, 08:07 AM)Markus Meier Wrote:
Begin of Document

[Image: vBDJzD3.png]

[Image: marcus-meier.neu.jpg]

From: Markus Meier
To: Helmut Schmid
Priority: High
Encryption: Very High
Subject: Important Information

Good day Mr. Schmid,

During my daily checklist this morning, we noticed that the fuel supply for the defense system (shield) has run low, and we must therefore assume that our facility has either come under fire / has been taken, or we are dealing with a space phenomenon here which has damaged our facility, although I would rule out the latter.
I have the following suggestion for you:
How about if, for our own safety and that of our customers, we construct two defense systems to start with?
The Systems can still be supplemented, but for this we need either a larger facility or an extension in the form of an external storage area, but for this we would have to convert all warehouses and future production facilities, which would be associated with high costs.
However, we can cover the costs for this by roughly calculating the prices.

Markus Meier (Docking Authorization Department and Logistics Department Director)

End of Document

I received your transmission of the message a few days ago and was concerned about this.
The application for the change of location is already on the table with the government, but unfortunately we still have to be patient for the confirmation.
As the bank statement already confirms, we can handle the relocation out of our own pockets and no longer need a loan from the government.

Let's move on to the next thing I'd like to address:
As it seems we have a miscalculation in stock, -
It's about the storage capacity.
I calculated everything again myself and came to the conclusion that they had miscalculated by 20,000 units and thus placed an order with AWES that our company cannot store at all.
The reason for this is the 2 different types of repair materials.
We can stock both types when our engineers have developed a blueprint so we can expand our company.
But this could take a while.

On the subject of defense platforms:
I thought a lot about that and decided to have 2 platforms built, but only after we are clear with §7.2 and we have moved, expanded, expanded our base and have at least 1 production line running.
However, everything is still a long time coming, which is a bit disruptive to the flow of business, but I hope that the waiting will pay off and that we can make even more profit in the future.

Have a nice day and look for the Goldfish.

Helmut Schmid

End of Document

RE: Miningfactory Neuss Internal Communication Network - MFN Neuss/Helmut Schmid - 08-18-2022

Begin of Document

[Image: vBDJzD3.png]

[Image: manager.jpg]

From: Helmut Schmid
To: Markus Meier
Priority: Normal
Encryption: None
Subject: Reorder documents

Dear Mr.Meier,

I made some adjustments to the homepage today and would ask you to add the documents related to the AWES delivery, which Mr. Schneider did quickly and efficiently, to this channel:
That was all on my part.

Have a nice day and look for the Goldfish.

Helmut Schmid

End of Document

RE: Miningfactory Neuss Internal Communication Network - Markus Meier - 08-25-2022

Begin of Document

[Image: vBDJzD3.png]

[Image: marcus-meier.neu.jpg]

From: Markus Meier
To: Helmut Schmid
Priority: High
Encryption: Confidential information
Subject: Company relocation

Good day Mr. Schmid,

During one of my test flights that I have completed in the past few days, I had a conversation with Grossadmiral Karl-Heinz von Thielau, Government Representative and Erzherzog zu Stuttgart.
I recorded the conversation and will post it below for your perusal.

As you can read, we are no longer asked to relocate our company location.
Then we can concentrate fully on expanding the company.
As we plan to offer 5 different products we clearly need more space and at this point space looks very limited.
We definitely have to expand our current station, be it in the form of a larger station or with another station.
If we are allowed to build a second station, I would recommend a different design.
It should also look nice.
Maybe they'll send an application to the Rhineland government again, because we absolutely need more space.

P.s.: On the subject of document relocation, there seems to be a problem somehow, but unfortunately I can't say more about it, it's complicated.

I wish you a nice day.

Markus Meier (Docking Authorization Department and Logistics Department Director)

End of Document