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[ZoG] Zoners of Galileo Information - Printable Version

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[ZoG] Zoners of Galileo Information - Zoners of Galileo - 07-03-2022

[Image: Nu7oQeb.png]

TAG : [ZoG]
ID : Zoner
IFF : Zoner

As with the history of the Zoner people the Zoners of Galileo have broken away from their normal environment in the Edge Worlds, and have made their home within the Galileo system. Leon Dante has managed to work his way from a mere normal Zoner who has tried to work hard in his life, and finally enrolled for Business Educational skills and has excelled within some small companies with his business knowledge that he has studied for.
The Edge Worlds are a painstakingly difficult area for the Zoners to operate, specially with the Nomad incursions that constantly hamper their operations. Trading is a crucial role in Zoner survival and with the formation of this venture, it will give these Zoners a chance to make their mark away from the Edge Worlds. Hopefully with this transition the other civilians and corporations of Sirius will be impressed with their stance of moving away from the Edge Worlds and improving overall trade and business within the area.
Consequently there are dangers within the Galileo system and these Zoners intend to make sure their installations are protected from any hostiles who wish to harm them.

Within the installations they will manufacture specialist equipment for purchasing by civilians and corporations alike. Anyone who wishes to purchase these products can specially order them for secure delivery or purchase them directly from the installations in Galileo. These Zoners also have stuck to their roots with a neutral stance regarding most other organisations and politically it should help them to create more bonds between potential customers. In the past Zoners have never inhabited planets as such for a long time and Normally prefer to create their own facilities, and live aboard them as they please.

The Zoners of Galileo also have a compliment of experienced engineers, who can do various tasks which include the dismantling of vessels, along with the same techniques which can be used to transport dismantled installations across Sirius to wherever they need to be re-assembled.
These engineers are also qualified in lots of other endeavours, which can be communicated to relevant organisations if they send us inquiries.

With the main criteria regarding laws within Sirius, it is difficult for these Zoners to use their Colony ships in other areas than the Edge Worlds. But with Galileo being a neutral system and not bound by any house or laws of Sirius, it means that they can operate Colony ships within the sector. Primarily aswell, Zoners have been at the forefront of creating alot of high quality equipment and weaponry, and hopefully after some time these Zoners will develop more interesting equipment in the future.

Zoners were among the first ever to discover the Nomad presence, and with the help of the Order they were able to strike against the Nomad threat, this alliance has lived on until today developing into a mutual exchange of technology routed through intermediaries in the enduring fight against these aliens.
Today the Zoners reputation is very famous throughout Sirius, some might even say infamous, depending on their point of view. Zoners are still struggling to reconcile their political neutrality with their desire for individual freedoms, but their answers to this struggle are embodied in groups like the Temporary Autonomous Zoners and new organizations, like the Omicron Supply Industries.

Zoners are always ready to face new challenges, especially with how they have managed to develop themselves over the years and always manage to improvise and keep themselves from going out of existance, which may be what these aliens would want. But again, it all comes down to how these Zoners adapt to their new surroundings and how the people of Sirius and especially the systems bordering Galileo will see this development.

These Zoners are very keen to succeed within their new home and will endeavour to make their business grow, and hopefully gain new friends and maybe also new enemies and will need all the help they can get to succeed with their mission.

[Image: 0Kl4xs8.png]

As far as we are concerned everyone is neutral until we have hostile interaction then diplomacy will be changed

[Image: 3Z2q60y.png]

General running of the faction and the Leader is Leon Dante @Zoners of Galileo who is the chief Exacutive Officer of Freeport 12 and its Extension.

The COO of Freeport 12 is Zeke Neptune.

Senior Chief Engineer is Takeo Takashi

All three of these individuals are the Board of directors of the Zoners of galileo and oversee all incoming communications and make sure the finance situation is always healthy. Looking after their staff is the main priority and making sure everyone is happy.

Recruitment is open for independent traders to supply the installations in Galileo and make some money while doing so. At regular intervals these traders will be rewarded with bonuses for their hard work. We also need regular Zoner operatives aswell where the recruitment process is different to a contract vessel and will be studied carefully.


The main goals of this faction is to do extensive roleplay with as many groups and organisations as we can and to sell equipment at competitive prices and offer services to other installations and Zoner groups including a new venture supplying engineering services.
As our roleplay progresses, we will be looking at relevant situations and will change diplomacy where we need to and also make these changes as quickly as possible.

Research will also be another addition to the faction once we are established and ready to do so. Various ideas will be discussed and the relevant ideas will be introduced.

Trading is also another aspect of the group and will make our operatives rich from transporting Ores and other materials to make credits. Interaction with Pirates will be dealt with by the individuals involved, but our main focus on that will be to accept the terms of the piracy (This only involves ZoG operatives, contractors are not bound by this rule) and as long as the roleplay allows they will abide with the pirate.

We also have our Security division of which they have codenamed ships with a number to identify the pilot. These vessels can be anything from Frigates to Gunboats and also we do have Capital vessels at our disposal, and we do make sure they never enter house space of course.

Feedback Thread


RE: [ZoG] Zoners of Galileo Information - Zoners of Galileo - 04-06-2023

Minor adjustments to the page .... Faction has been re-established

RE: [ZoG] Zoners of Galileo Information - Zoners of Galileo - 04-16-2023

More Minor changes to the Info page including a Research and development section and also engineering services.